A long wait in a crowded environment can feel like a special kind of purgatory for those waiting their turn, yet front-line workers often bear the brunt of the public’s frustrations. Nurses, restaurant staff, call centre agents and other staff who deal directly with the public in high-stress environments are often mistreated. Known as “outsider mistreatment,” this can range from incivility to full-on abuse, increasing the risk of depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, and other challenges.

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour (T)
Published on: 21 Feb 2022

According to Professor Jean-Nicolas Reyt, making the switch to a four-day work week will require significant shifts in social and economic rhythms at a personal and professional level. Fortunately, the change could naturally carve out more time for leisure by boosting productivity during more limited work hours.


Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour (T)
Published on: 22 Nov 2021

Launching the second season of Delve’s The "New Normal" podcast series, Professor Jean-Nicolas Reyt discusses why businesses should embrace a hybrid work method, why the future of workspaces needs to change from the status quo, and how the COVID-19 pandemic has forced management to change in order to adapt to a new reality – plus the one thing companies can do for remote workers to make sure they’ve got their backs.

Classified as: delve, Thought Leadership, Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour (T)
Published on: 11 Oct 2021

Although remote employees have more flexibility to establish a work/life balance that suits their needs, there are several downsides to the arrangement, says Professor Jean-Nicolas Reyt. Remote workers often report feeling isolated from the team, and they may feel pressure to work longer hours, leading to burnout.

Classified as: Organizational Behaviour (T), Jean-Nicolas Reyt
Published on: 8 Sep 2021

More Quebec workplaces are making the transition to a four-day work week in an effort to boost the productivity and wellbeing of their employees, particularly young professionals who place a higher priority on work-life balance. From Professor Jean-Nicolas Reyt’s perspective, employees work more efficiently during shorter weeks because they’re more rested and focused.

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour
Published on: 22 Jul 2021

Jean-Nicolas Reyt, an Assistant Professor of Organizational Behaviour at the Desautels Faculty of Management, has studied the dynamics of work-from-home culture for a decade. Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has provided a live laboratory to test his theories. On this episode of Policy Options podcast, Reyt shares the results of a year-long project to track how North American CEOs perceive working from home.

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour, covid-19
Published on: 22 Apr 2021

The Management Undergraduate Society (MUS) has awarded the 2020-2021 Professor of the Year Award to Professor Jean-Nicolas Reyt. This annual award recognizes a professor's meaningful involvement with the student body, eagerness to have an impact on students lives outside the classroom, and great insight on theoretical and academic matters. It is the highest honour given by the undergraduate student body at the Desautels Faculty of Management.

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour
Published on: 1 Apr 2021

Professor Jean-Nicolas Reyt recently joined The Conversation’s podcast to reflect on the impact that a year of working from home has made on companies and their employees.

To gain an inside perspective on the effectiveness of remote work, Reyt has tracked 250 Canadian CEOs throughout the pandemic and asked them about their experiences.

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour
Published on: 31 Mar 2021

Every fall, students enrolled in Professor Jean-Nicolas Reyt’s undergraduate Negotiations and Conflict Resolution course compete on teams to out-negotiate each other in real world situations. Through negotiating everything from phone bills to starting salaries, one of Prof. Reyt’s student sections earned a return on negotiation of more than $30,000 for a total of 209 negotiations—no small feat during a pandemic.

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Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 10 Dec 2020

While some Canadians are going stir crazy in their ninth month of working from home, others hope to continue working remotely after COVID-19 pandemic ends. Whether or not they get their wish depends largely on how senior management perceives the pros and cons of maintaining a remote workforce. In his recent research, Prof. Jean-Nicolas Reyt analyzes hundreds of calls between CEOs and investors to map out the corporate landscape of the future.

Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour, covid-19
Published on: 27 Nov 2020

Professor Jean-Nicolas Reyt joins the ongoing discussion about the future of telework in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the workplace as we know it evolves rapidly, Reyt identifies and analyzes the trends with the highest potential to reshape the future.

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Classified as: covid-19, Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour
Published on: 27 Nov 2020

Professor Jean-Nicolas Reyt joins Radio Canada to shed light on the growing interest around remote work.

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Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour, covid-19
Published on: 28 May 2020

History shows that global crises have often resulted in long-term change. For business, Professor Jean-Nicolas Reyt notes that remote work will likely become more widespread.

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Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour, covid-19
Published on: 22 Apr 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is transforming the way we work, but it’s how teams respond to the new challenges that will determine what this means for businesses.

Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Assistant Professor at the Desautels Faculty of Management, says that teams need to redefine communication, supervision, and work-life balance to encourage productivity and wellbeing.

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Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour, covid-19
Published on: 7 Apr 2020

An article for Fast Company refers to the research co-authored by Professor Jean-Nicolas Reyt that describes how greater role integration is required at work where new technologies pervade and affect work demands.

The article argues that, within this context, success belongs to those who can see the big picture and find meaning despite challenging conditions.

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Classified as: Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Organizational Behaviour
Published on: 2 Oct 2018


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