The John Dobson Foundation has announced a donation of $2 million dollars – its largest gift to McGill yet – to fund the McGill X-1 Accelerator program run by the McGill Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship. The donation will support the program now in its third year, as it grows to support entrepreneurs across McGill University.

Classified as: McGill Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship, John Dobson Foundation, Desautels Faculty of Management, External, faculty, students, staff
Published on: 19 Jul 2017

Lawyers representing both sides in concussion lawsuits against sports leagues may eventually have a new tool at their disposal: a diagnostic signature that uses artificial intelligence to detect brain trauma years after it has occurred. 

Classified as: Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (The Neuro), MNI, Research News, Athletics, concussion in athletics, External, faculty, MRI, staff, students, Sports, concussions
Published on: 12 Jul 2017

Classrooms that encourage competition between students may inadvertently be creating settings where bullying is more likely to take place. That’s one of the conclusions that can be drawn from work led by McGill University researchers Maria Di Stasio and Robert Savage, who recently published a paper on the subject in the Journal of Adolescence. But it’s only part of the story.

Classified as: bullying, Teaching, adolescence, classroom, students, Di Stasio, Robert Savage, society and culture
Published on: 23 May 2017

This message is being sent on behalf of Lynne B. Gervais, Associate Vice-Principal (Human Resources), Cristiane Tinmouth, Associate Vice-Principal (Financial Services), Dr. Rosie Goldstein, Vice-Principal (Research and Innovation), Dr. Josephine Nalbantoglu, Dean (Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies) and Cara Piperni, Director (Scholarships & Student Aid Office) to inform you of the process related to financially supporting students. 


December 21, 2016


To all Researchers and Staff funding students via Research Funds:

Classified as: Stipends, students, Awards, bsa, payments, employee
Published on: 21 Dec 2016

When two people smell the same thing, they can have remarkably different reactions, depending on their cultural background. Researchers at the Neuro have found that even when two cultures share the same language and many traditions, their reactions to the same smells can be different.

Classified as: staff, students, External, olfactory system, cognitive, Cognitive neuroscience
Published on: 23 Nov 2016

The McGill French Language Centre is offering French language courses specifically designed for students registered in professional programs for health and social sciences with the aim of preparing them for professional practice in Quebec.

Classified as: students, 2016-2017, Health and Social Services
Published on: 22 Jul 2016

The ISS Training Program would like to congratulate the winners of the NSERC CREATE – ISS Winter Networking Event 2016 Photo contest, held at Thompson House on February 24th.

Category 1: Research Project

First Prize: Etienne Bourbeau, Physics, McGill
Second Prize: Donald MacNearney, Biomedical Eng., McGill
Third Prize: Julia Bairos, Biomedical Eng., Polytechnique

Classified as: Events, graduate, staff, students, ISS, competition, photography, faculty, External, Winter Networking Event, GSPC, Photo Contest
Published on: 28 Apr 2016

 It is with deep sadness that we inform you that Dr. Terry-Nan Tannenbaum passed away peacefully at her home on Thursday, March 17, 2016 surrounded by her family.  Terry was as an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine.  
Donations may be made to the "Dr. Terry Nan Tannenbaum Memorial Fund for Education" c/o the Jewish General Hospital Foundation (514-340-8251).

On behalf of the McGill Department of Family Medicine, we would like to express  our deepest sympathies.

Classified as: recherche, Research, staff, students, faculty, Department of Family Medicine, External, Départ. de médecine familiale, Médecine de famille
Published on: 22 Apr 2016

As of today, 25,000 Syrian refugees will have arrived in Canada fleeing their war-torn country. Approximately 7,300 of those will stay in Quebec. Chunip Koo, a clinician nurse at the Montreal Neurological Hospital of the McGill University Health Centre (MNH-MUHC), and Dr. Zinab Gouda, physician in the Transitional Care Team and Secondary Care division of the MUHC Department of Family Medicine,  describe their experience.

Classified as: recherche, Research, staff, students, faculty, Department of Family Medicine, External, Dept. of Family Medicine, Départ. de médecine familiale, Médecine de famille
Published on: 22 Apr 2016

Alain Li and Aurélie Lacroix, PhD students in Chemistry, were selected from a strong pool of applicants as finalists in McGill’s French 3MT competition. The competition took place on Wednesday, March 16, in the Thomson House Ballroom. Aurélie Lacroix won one of the 3 prizes with her presentation "Ciblage thérapeutique avec des cages d'ADN". Aurélie will defend McGill's colors at the upcoming Quebec wide competition. Congratulations Aurélie!

Classified as: students, prize, 3MT, congratulations
Published on: 29 Mar 2016

IHDW is committed to encouraging a transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach to the study of human development and well-being.  It aims to foster the development of networks in the study of human development and well-being and to facilitate informed discussion about public policy. It also aims to encourage community engagement through the various activities originating in the Institute.

Classified as: recherche, Research, staff, students, faculty, Department of Family Medicine, Family Medicine, External, Départ. de médecine familiale, Médecine de famille
Published on: 10 Mar 2016

This message is sent on behalf of Cris Tinmouth, Interim Associate Vice-Principal Financial Services and Controller


Dear Colleagues,

The Reimbursement of Expenses Policy has been updated to clarify who is eligible to request and receive Travel Advances. Sections P2.1 and G3.1 have been revised to include the text in bold below:


P2.1. Travel Advances may be obtained for third party prepayments, out-of-pocket expenses that are required to be paid in advance of the trip, and for expenses to be incurred during the trip

Classified as: Financial Services, staff, students, travel, faculty, advances, reimbursement of expenses policy, Related Announcements - Reimbursement of Travel and Other Expenses Policy
Published on: 5 Feb 2016

Congratulations to our Spring Travel Awards winners!

Medical Class of '84 Student Bursary: Tina Madzima

Medical Class of '65 Student Bursary: Alexandre Dostaler

Ashworth Student Travel Award: Esther Vaugon and Jonathan Morasse

Osler Medical Aid Foundation Scholarships: Annie Lalande and Collins Oghor

Ambassador Paul Frazer Travel Award for Global Health: Vanessa Brombosz and Danielle Cazabon

Classified as: Awards, news, students, Global Health
Published on: 3 Jun 2015

Twenty-two students from four Montreal area high schools will assemble at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital – The Neuro at McGill University on April 2nd to be quizzed about synapses, axons and other cerebral facts in the international contest known as the Brain Bee. The winner will go on to the Canadian National Brain Bee at McMaster University in Hamilton, ON. The national winner travels to Australia for the International Brain Bee.

Classified as: neuroscience, brain, students, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, mcgill faculty of medicine research
Published on: 27 Mar 2015


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