Lili Wei

Lili Wei
Contact Information

McConnell Engineering Building, Room 531

Email address: 
lili.wei [at]

Prof. Lili Wei is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at McGill University. Prior to joining McGill, she was a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). She also received her PhD degree from HKUST in 2020.

Her major research interests lie in software analysis, testing, and mining code repositories with focus on Android apps, IoT software, and smart contracts. Her previous research has won her a Google PhD Fellowship and a Microsoft Research Asia PhD Fellowship.

For more information, please visit her homepage: 


Ph.D. (Hong Kong university of Science and Technology), B.A.Sc (Nanjing University)

Research areas: 
Software Engineering
Awards, honours, and fellowships: 

ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Artifact Award (ICSE 2019)
Google PhD Fellowship (in Mobile Computing, 2018)
Microsoft Research Asia PhD Fellowship (2018)
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (ASE 2016)

Current research: 

Prof. Wei is working on software engineering problems in Android applications, IoT software, and smart contracts. Prof. Wei devises tools to help developers detect bugs automatically.

Graduate supervision: 

Please find Prof. Wei's thoughts on graduate supervision on

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