McGill Alert / Alerte de McGill

Updated: Mon, 07/15/2024 - 16:07

Gradual reopening continues on downtown campus. See Campus Public Safety website for details.

La réouverture graduelle du campus du centre-ville se poursuit. Complément d'information : Direction de la protection et de la prévention.

Office for the Faculty of Education Research: Initiatives, Networking, and Grants (OFFERING)

The Office for the Faculty of Education Research: Initiatives, Networking, and Grants (OFFERING) acts as a resource for McGill Education’s academic team. Under the direction of the Associate Dean, Research and Innovation, OFFERING’s mandate is to provide research support to faculty members through three areas: Initiatives, Networking, and Grants, and acts as the first point of contact for these three areas.

Coordinating applications for funding from a variety of sources, OFFERING also facilitates the project management of funded initiatives and supports the advancement and recognition of faculty researchers through award nominations and submissions. In addition, OFFERING creates and oversees initiatives aimed at enhancing the academic team’s research as well as advocating and problem-solving around issues of relevance to McGill Education’s researchers at all levels.

OFFERING Staff Meeting

Research Funding

Services Provided by OFFERING

Early-career researchers as well as those who are new to McGill's Faculty of Education are particularly encouraged to get in touch with OFFERING to explore the available options for research funding. OFFERING's Research Administrator works directly with faculty researchers to provide guidance and liaise with McGill's Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) and granting agencies. Services provided by OFFERING may include:

  • Meeting with Faculty researchers (in-person or virtual)
  • Promoting collaborative efforts
  • Engaging with granting agencies, foundations, and other funding opportunities
  • Assisting with the dissemination of research findings
  • Informing about the commercialization of research
  • Tracking research trends

For more information about research funding, click on the relevant tabs in this section.

Identifying Funding Sources

McGill’s Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) has a number of resources available to researchers to help identify potential funding opportunities on their website. These resources include:

  • Table of Agency Programs: A PDF summary of the major funding opportunities offered by the Tri-Agencies and Fonds de recherche du Québec.
    • Tip: Search for keywords or phrases within the PDF using CTRL+F (Find).
  • Weekly OVPRI Funding Alerts: Subscribe to receive weekly (Wednesday) emails in the categories of: Social Sciences and Humanities; Biomedical Health Sciences; Natural Sciences and Engineering; and Prizes and Awards.
  • Industry-Partnered Programs: For funding-related information regarding industry partnerships, sign up this funding alerts newsletter.
  • External Funding Databases: There are also a number of external funding databases that are not vetted by McGill’s OSR, therefore researchers are advised to read eligibility criteria carefully.
McGill’s Faculty of Education provides additional resources, such as the:
  • OFFERING Newsfeed: OFFERING’s Newsfeed includes deadline information for popular Faculty of Education funding and award opportunities, as well as registration for information sessions, webinars and other essential research-related information. Reminders and highlights are emailed every Tuesday to Faculty of Education academics.
  • Grants and Awards Timeline: A summary of all the popular Faculty-specific funding opportunities typically found in an academic year. NOTE: Funding opportunities typically pursued in the first few years of a researcher’s career have been highlighted.
  • Internal Funding Opportunities: McGill Education provides internal funding opportunities and initiatives to support vital Faculty research. Consult the corresponding tab for more information.

Internal Funding Opportunities

McGill Education provides internal funding opportunities and initiatives to support vital Faculty research:

Sports Science Project Grants (SSPG)

Through McGill University’s Sports Science Institute (SSI), the McGill Education Sports Science Project Grants are dedicated funds that serve to advance elite human performance from the laboratory to the podium. Specifically, this initiative provides funding ($35,000 CAD):

  • To develop and advance best practices and evidence-based approaches in testing, coaching, knowledge transfer and scientific innovations, in order to develop the next generation of world-class athletes; and
  • To advance a relevant research agenda to align research expertise with the needs of the elite sports communities.


Tel Aviv University (TAU) McGill Research Collaboration Fund

This initiative provides funding ($20,000 USD) to support and foster international collaborative partnerships between researchers at Tel Aviv University (TAU) and McGill University.

Applicants from areas of expertise related to sports science are encouraged to submit funding applications for innovative and sustainable projects built around collaborative research initiatives linking Sylvan Adams Sports Institute at Tel Aviv University (SASI1) and the McGill University Sport Science Institute (SSI). The expectation is that these initial projects will lead to long-term academic relations and generate significant external funding for future collaborations.


Faculty Advancement Leaders

Faculty Advancement Leaders (FALs) are academic staff members who are interested in becoming directly involved with philanthropic and alternative funding sources to increase their research funding and contribute to McGill Education’s advancement activities. FALs work with our advancement team to raise awareness about innovative McGill Education research, secure private funding to support and advance Faculty priorities, and learn new ways to promote their research. [at] (subject: FAL%20Inquiry) (Email OFFERING) if interested in this opportunity.

Funding Proposal Process

Once you have identified a potential funding source, follow the steps below to ensure timely submission.

Determine the Deadlines

Every proposal submitted by researchers as an applicant or co-applicant, regardless of funding, must go through OSR even when the applicant can apply directly to the sponsor.

To determine the deadlines for your funding opportunity first check the McGill R+I Funding Opportunities Database. For the Faculty of Education’s internal deadlines apply the rules as described in the diagram below to the information on the database.

If the opportunity is not listed, email info.osr [at] a hyperlink to the funding opportunity and they will connect you to the Grants Officer assigned for this information.

Below is a diagram of the general rules around deadlines although the official deadlines should be confirmed as soon as possible:

Note: For large or international funding opportunities these deadlines might increase by 2-4 weeks.

15 days OFFERING optional limited review/ Table of Commitments deadline
10 days OSR optional detailed review deadline
5-10 days Chair OSR checklist deadline (varies by department)
4 days OFFERING OSR checklist and application deadline
2 days OSR checklist and application deadline

The updated McGill Signing Authority policy (May 2021) now requires that a duly-signed OSR checklist be submitted to OSR before the submission of a Letter/Notice of Intent where there is funding at the LOI/NOI stage.

Items on the OSR checklist that will require additional time to the above timeline

If you need to disclose a conflict of interest, please notify [at] (OFFERING) early on in the development of your proposal. Please see McGill’s Academic Personnel Office’s Conflict of Interest Reporting and Recognizing Conflicts for more information and timeline.

If you are requesting faculty salary support, requesting course release(s), and/or identifying that additional space or renovations are needed to conduct this project, be sure to speak to your Chair early on in the development of your proposal as the decisions may greatly impact your proposal.

Search Additional Resources

For popular funding opportunities, OSR Grants Officers may have additional resources, such as OSR internal application guidelines or presentations from recent information sessions. Please contact the Grants Officer connected to your specific funding opportunity to inquire.

In addition, academics are encouraged to take advantage of the OSR lending library of successful tri-agency and FRQ grant applications. Requests for a list of available applications must come from academic staff members only and can be emailed to OSR. Here is a list of OSR contacts.

Consult the sponsor website and read the program description and guidelines

It’s important to read the program guidelines carefully as information is normally updated every year. Common mistakes include, not setting up the application in the format recommended in the grant guidelines, failing to familiarize yourself with evaluation criteria and thus not including important information to ensure easy and positive review by evaluators.

If applicable, use any online forms or templates provided by the sponsor.

NOTE: For some opportunities, OSR may have templates of required documents for applicants. Please notify [at] (OFFERING) if you are considering applying for an opportunity and OFFERING will check with OSR.

Review budgeting and other financial considerations

OFFERING provides optional, limited reviews 5 business days before the OSR optional review deadline that focuses on the following:

  • Does the application adhere to the program guidelines;
  • Does the application address the evaluation criteria;
  • Are there typos, spelling errors, or grammatical errors;
  • Is the information clearly articulated and consistently addressed throughout.

Please allow time to address any identified concerns prior to an OSR review.

Cash and in-kind contributions: Table of Commitments (ToC)

For some funding opportunities, cash and/or in-kind contributions from partners, sponsoring organizations, and/or the host institution is mandatory. This can also be referred to as matching funds. These are more commonly found with SSHRC funding opportunities (i.e. SSHRC Connection Grant, Partnerships Grant, Partnership Engage Grant and Partnership Development Grant) and are subject to the SSHRC Guidelines for Cash and In-Kind Contributions.

Mandatory cash and in-kind contributions from the Department and Faculty must be detailed in a Table of Commitments (ToC) and emailed to OFFERING by the ToC deadline.

  1. Download the Faculty of Education’s ToC template and complete it to the best of your ability with as much detail as possible. Do not obtain signatures.
  2. Email it to Finance.educ [at] by the internal deadline.
  3. Finance will review the ToC for eligibility and return a finalized PDF to you to include with the OSR checklist for Chair review/signature. 
  4. OFFERING’s Cash and In-kind Contributions interactive PDF provides examples of eligible contributions per the SSHRC guidelines and describes when a ToC is required and the process around it.
Complete an OSR Checklist

Every proposal submitted by researchers as an applicant or co-applicant, regardless of funding, requires a completed OSR checklist prior to the submission of the proposal to the sponsor.

Using the latest version of the OSR checklist, complete the form and electronically sign it before emailing it to your Chair for signature. Please be considerate of your department’s timeline for signatures.

  • If the application includes a Table of Commitments, include the Finance approved PDF with the OSR checklist for Chair review/signature.
  • If you have Faculty-approved salary support, course release and/or additional space/renovations, include proof of the approval (e.g. course release approval form, email from Chair and Finance) with the OSR checklist.
  • For information on creating a Digital ID (digital signature) in Adobe please see this webpage. Do not lock the PDF after signing. Email OFFERING if you experience technical issues when completing or signing an OSR checklist.

Email the Chair-signed OSR checklist along with a copy of the application (drafts are accepted) and any supporting documents to OFFERING.

  • OFFERING will obtain ADR signature and forward this documentation to OSR, copying the applicant.
  • If providing a draft application, you must provide a copy of the final submission to OSR for their records soon after the sponsor deadline.
Items on the OSR checklist that will require additional time to the above timeline

If you need to disclose a conflict of interest, please notify [at] (OFFERING) early on in the development of your proposal. Please see McGill’s Academic Personnel Office’s Conflict of Interest Reporting and Recognizing Conflicts for more information and timeline.

If you are requesting faculty salary supportrequesting course release(s), and/or identifying that additional space or renovations are needed to conduct this project, be sure to speak to your Chair early on in the development of your proposal as the decisions may greatly impact your proposal.


If you have any questions please consult OFFERING’s FAQs or email [at] (OFFERING's Research Administrator).


Additional Funding and Policy Resources

For confidentiality agreements, material transfer agreements, contracts with industry, and more. Learn more about what constitutes correct authorship on publications.


If you have a question not found here please email [at] (OFFERING’s Research Administrator).

Do I need to submit an OSR checklist for industry, government, or non-profit organization partnership research agreement/contract? What if an organization or person simply wants to give me funding for my research?

If you are considering/being asked to provide services to or conduct research in partnership with industry, government, non-profit organization, or private donor that is not directly related to a grant application, please notify [at] (OFFERING) early on in the conversation. It is recommended that you do not discuss any budget particulars until you have informed OFFERING. A quick Zoom call is sometimes best!

Depending on the situation, OFFERING may request the assistance of:

  • Research + Innovation (R+I) to draft a budget and contract/agreement between the parties; or
  • University Advancement to manage funding as a donation and determine any deliverables associated.

Information on Contracts and Agreements can be found on McGill Research and Innovation's webpages.

I have an idea I’d like to pitch to a foundation. How would I go about this?

For proactive proposals to foundations that fall outside of an open call, researchers need to contact McGill Education’s Director of Development, ariel.swan [at] (Ariel Swan). McGill’s University Advancement has long-standing relationships with foundations based on specific areas of research and supports the forging of connections with potential funders and advice on all aspects of proposal development.

Which REB do I apply to?

McGill University is required by sponsor regulations to ensure that, before any funding is released, ethics approval has been granted for all research involving human participants (and/or their data) or animals. However, it is recognized that in some circumstances the project may not be sufficiently developed to submit for an ethics review at the time of the award or that the components of research involving human participants or animals will only occur in the future.

When Awards OSR receives a Notice of Award or signed agreement to approve a new research fund, where the PI has indicated on the OSR checklist that they require an Ethics certificate, the Awards Officer in charge will offer the researcher the possibility to use a Release of Funds (RoF) while awaiting the Ethics certificate. Please speak to your Awards Officer if they have not mentioned this option to you.

I want to be considered for awards. How do I go about this?

Awards are concentrated for early career researchers (ECR) or established researchers (very few mid-career awards). The Faculty of Education recommends actively identifying and applying for teaching, mentoring and early career researcher awards available to you from the University, associations/organizations that you are a member of, and from major conferences that you attend.

For awards that are self-nominated, it is recommended that you compare your career stage and outputs to those of past awardees. This information is typically available on the awards webpages.

For major, competitive awards that commonly come up for the Faculty, nominations may occur through a variety of methods depending on the award. However, in many cases a self-nomination is welcomed, in addition frequently a nomination is made by the Chair, Faculty or McGill's Awards Office. Due to the competitive nature of these awards, and the extensive work required by both the nominee and OFFERING, the Faculty may be unable to support all self-nominations with OFFERING's services. Regardless, if you are interested in exploring possible award applications/nominations feel free to reach out OFFERING to discuss.

Please note that an OSR checklist is required for awards applications.

Award Resources:

What is the Faculty process for James McGill Professor (JMP), William Dawson Scholar (WDS) and Canada Research Chairs (CRC)?

When McGill Faculty of Education receives available James McGill Professor, William Dawson Scholar or Canada Research Chairs nominations from the Provost’s Office, both the Provost's Office and OFFERING shares this information in an open call emailed to all professors. Anyone who would like to be considered is encouraged to apply. Instructions for this will be included in the open call.



There are currently no events available.

Contact us:

OFFERING Research Administrator

Tel: 514.396.2301 [at] (Email)

McGill University, Education Building

3700 McTavish, Office 209,

Montreal, QC, H3A 1Y2

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