Engineering Class of 1961

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Welcome Class of 1961

Yearbook photo of Class 1961

Class Reunion

We are excited to welcome you back for Virtual Homecoming and Reunion. What would you like to plan in order to reconnect with your classmates? We encourage class members to reach out to us – so we can discuss how to help plan a successful Homecoming Reunion!

Faculty of Engineering Homecoming Events
  • TBD
Class Leaders
  • Electrical: TBD
  • Chemical: TBD
  • Mechanical: David McCutcheon, Mr. C Thomas Ogryzlo, Mr. Robert Miller
  • Civil: John Duckworth
  • Metallurgical: TBD
  • Mining: TBD

If you would like to contact one of your class leaders please omri.bassewitchfrenkel [at] (click here).

Class Gift

Throughout their history, alumni reunion class gifts have helped shape the way for future generations of students. How would your class like to leave a lasting legacy as part of McGill’s Third Century Campaign?

Please contact us for more information on how to get started. The following are some areas where your support is needed: the Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering (SURE) program, Scholarships/Bursaries, the Student Initiative Fund, and Engineering Innovation Fund.


If you are interested in attending, organizing or would like more information about your upcoming class reunion please contact Tanya Barr below.

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