The following list includes publications produced in the Water Innovation Lab from the past 5+ years.
To access earlier publications, click here
Sitienei, R., Qi, Z., Grant, B., Obi-Njoku, O., Vanderzaag, A., Boh, M., Clark, O.G., Price, G., Madramootoo, C.A., Zhang, T., Smith, W. 2025. A new framework for simulating C decomposition and emissions from land applied biosolids and manures using the denitrification and decomposition model. Science of the Total Environment. | |
Kilmartin, M and C.A. Madramootoo. 2025. Simulating Irrigation Requirements for Vegetable Crops in a Humid Region Considering a Changing Climate. Journal of Natural Resources and Agricultural Ecosystems 3(1): 1-16 | |
Jiang, Q., R. Lou, C. A. Madramootoo, Z. Qi, L. Xue, M. Bukovsky, Y. He. 2024. Potential contribution of water management practices under intensive crop production to climate-change-associated global warming. Journal of Cleaner Production. 470, 143230. | |
Madramootoo, C.A, and G.M. Mortel 2024. Irrigation water strategies to intensify vegetable production on smallholder farms in Guyana. J. Irrigation and Drainage. | |
Wang, Y., Lou, R., Qi, Z, Madramootoo, C.A., He. Y., Jiang, Q. 2024. Optimization strategies for carbon neutrality in a maize-soybean rotation production system from farm to gate. Sustainable Production and Consumption. Vol. 50: 302-313. | |
Ahmad, F. and C.A. Madramootoo. 2024. Modelling soil water dynamics of an intensively cultivated histosol. Vadose Zone Journal. | |
Madramootoo, C.A. and C. Virgil. 2024. Nature-based solutions for coastal protection in the southern Caribbean. Blue-Green Systems, 6 (2): 185–197. | |
Fooladi, M., M.R. Niko, R. Mirghafari, C. A. Madramootoo, G. Al-Rawas, R. Nazari. 2024. Robust Clustering-Based Hybrid Technique Enabling Reliable Reservoir Water Quality Prediction with Uncertainty Quantification and Spatial Analysis. Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 362. | |
De Sena, A., C.A. Madramootoo, J. K. Whalen. 2023. Nitrogen transfer from root exudates to the rhizobiome: A 15N stem feeding method. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. | |
Grenon, G., C. A. Madramootoo, C. von Sperber, I. Ebtehaj, H. Bonakdari, and B. Singh. 2023. Nutrient release in drainage discharge from organic soils under two different agricultural water management systems. Hydrological Processes. | |
Ekwunife, K. C. and C.A. Madramootoo. 2023. Influence of seasonal climate and water table management on corn yield and nitrous oxide emissions. Agricultural Water Management. | |
Madramootoo, C. A., M. Essien, K. Ekwuknife. 2024. Long-term benefits of controlled drainage. J. ASABE. 67(3). | |
Li, Z., Z Qi, C. A. Madramootoo, T. Zhang. 2024. Predicted contribution of snowmelt to subsurface drainage discharge in two subsurface-drained fields in Southern Quebec and Ontario. J. ASABE. 67(1). | |
Mortel, G. M. M. and C. A. Madramootoo. 2023. Improving water use efficiency of surface irrigated sugarcane. Frontiers in Water. Vol. 5. | |
Sun, R., S. N. Kulshreshtha, C.M. Creze, and C.A. Madramootoo. 2023. Enhancing environmental sustainability in eastern Canada's corn agroecosystem with controlled drainage and subsurface irrigation. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 14 (6):1900–1911. | |
De Sena, A., C.A. Madramootoo, and J.K. Whalen. 2023. Nitrogen transfer from root exudates to the rhizobiome: A 15N stem feeding method. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. | |
Grenon, G., C. A. Madramootoo, C. von Sperber, I. Ebtehaj, H. Bonakdari, and B. Singh. 2023. Nutrient release in drainage discharge from organic soils under two different agricultural water management systems. Hydrological Processes. | |
Ekwunife, K. C. and C.A. Madramootoo. 2023. Influence of seasonal climate and water table management on corn yield and nitrous oxide emissions. Agricultural Water Management. | |
Madramootoo, C.A., A. Jain, C. Oliva, Y. Wang and N. Abbasi. 2023. Growth and yield of tomato on soil amended with waste paper based hydrogels. Scientia Horticulturae, Vol. 310 | |
Wu, Q., Y. He, C.A. Madramootoo, Z. Qi, L. Xue, M. Bukovsky, Q. Jiang. 2023. Optimizing strategies to reduce the future carbon footprint of maize under changing climate. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Volume 188 | |
Madramootoo, C.A. and N. Abbasi. 2022. One Hundred Years of Drainage Development in the Holland Marsh, Canada and Implications for Long Term Sustainability. Irrigation and Drainage. | |
Thangaraju, N.K., S. Ihuoma, C. A. Madramootoo. 2022. Water productivity of irrigated tomatoes in eastern Canada based on AquaCrop simulations. J. ASABE, 65(5):1007-1017. | |
Sixt, G.N., M. Hauser, N. T. Blackstone, A. Engler, J. Hatfield, S. L. Hendriks, S. Ihouma, C. Madramootoo, R. J. Robins, P. Smith, L. H. Ziska, P. Webb. 2022. A new convergent science framework for food system sustainability in an uncertain climate. Food and Energy Security. | |
Grenon, G., A. De Sena, C. A. Madramootoo, C. von Sperber, and A. Hamrani. 2022. Linking soil phosphorus pools to drainage water quality in intensively cropped organic soils. Agricultural Water Management. | |
Abbasi, N., C. A. Madramootoo, T. Zhang, and C.S. Tan. 2022. Soil nutrients and plant uptake parameters as related to greenhouse gas emissions. J. Environmental Quality. | |
Grenon, G., A. Hamrani, C. A. Madramootoo, B. Singh, and C. von Sperber. 2022. Neural network model predictions for phosphorus management strategies on tile-drained organic soils. Hydrology Research. 53(6), 825 | |
Hamrani, A., A. Akbarzadeh, A., Madramootoo, C.A. and Bouarab, F.Z. 2022. Machine learning surrogate modelling for meshless methods: Leveraging universal approximation. Int. J. Computational Methods. | |
Gaj, N., Madramootoo, C.A. 2022. Influence of subsurface pipe perforations on transient water table response and steady soil-water flux under subirrigation. J. ASABE. 65(3): 573-586. | |
Jiang, Q., Madramootoo, C.A., Qi, Z. 2022. Soil carbon and nitrous oxide dynamics in corn (Zea mays L.) production under different nitrogen, tillage and residue management practices. Field Crops Research | |
De Sena, A., Madramootoo, C.A., Whalen, J.K., von Sperber, C. 2021. Nucleic acids are a major pool of hydrolyzable organic phosphorus in arable organic soils of Southern Ontario, Canada. Biology and Fertility of Soils | |
Gaj, N., Madramootoo, C.A. 2021. Simulating upward soil-water flow from buried pipes with variable hydraulic characteristics. Advances in Water Resources | |
Ekwunife, K.C., Madramootoo, C.A., Abbasi, N.A. 2021. Assessing the impacts of tillage, cover crops, nitrification, and urease inhibitors on nitrous oxide emissions over winter and early spring. Biology and Fertility of Soils | |
Abbasi, N.A., Hamrani, A., Madramootoo, C.A., Zhang, T.Q., Tan, C.S., Goyal, M.K. 2021. Modelling Carbon Dioxide Emissions under a Maize-Soy Rotation using Machine Learning. Biosystems Engineering | |
Ebtehaj, I., Soltani, K., Amiri, A., Faramarzi, M., Madramootoo, C.A., Bonakdari. H. 2021. Prognostication of Shortwave Radiation Using an Improved No-Tuned Fast Machine Learning. Sustainability | |
Ihuoma, S.I., Madramootoo, C.A., Kalascka. M. 2021. Integration of satellite imagery and in situ soil moisture data for estimating irrigation water requirements. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation | |
Gaj, N., Madramootoo. C.A 2021. Structural response of non-perforated and perforated corrugated high-density polyethylene pipes under variable loading. Biosystems Engineering | |
Marmanilloa, M., Kulshreshtha S., Madramootoo. C.A. 2021. Economic analysis of the controlled drainage with subirrigation system: a case study of grain-producing farms in Quebec and Ontario. Canadian Water Resources Journal | |
Madramootoo, C.A., Arumugagounder Thangaraju, N.K., Jaria. F. 2021. Irrigation scheduling and requirements of processing tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) in Eastern Canada. Irrigation Science | |
Kumar, N., Goyal, M.K., Gupta, A.K., Jha, S., Das, J., Madramootoo. C.A. 2021. Joint behaviour of climate extremes across India: Past and future. Journal of Hydrology. | |
Grenon, G., Singh, B., De Sena, A., Madramootoo, C.A., von Sperber, C., Goyal M., Zhang. T.K. 2021. Phosphorus Fate, Transport and Management on Subsurface Drained Agricultural Organic Soils: A Review. Environmental Research Letters. | |
Ejack, L., Whalen, J., Madramootoo. C.A. 2020. Carbon availability limits the denitrification potential of sandy loam soil from corn agroecosystems with long-term tillage and residue management. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. | |
Abbasi, N.A., Madramootoo, C.A., Zhang, T.Q., Tan, C.S. 2020. Nitrous Oxide Emissions as Affected by Fertilizer and Water Table Management under a Corn-Soybean Rotation. Geoderma | |
Kumar, N., Sinha, J., Madramootoo, C.A., Goyal, M.K. 2020. Quantifying groundwater sensitivity and resilience over peninsular India. Hydrological Processes. | |
Yari, A., Gilbert, L., Madramootoo, C.A., Woods, S., Adamchuk, V. 2020. Optimum irrigation strategy to maximize yield and quality of potato: A case study in Southern Alberta, Canada. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. | |
Hamrani, A., Akbarzadeh, A., Madramootoo, C.A. 2020. Machine learning for predicting greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural soils. Science of the Total Environment | |
Gaj, N. and Madramootoo, C.A. 2020. Effects of Perforation Geometry on Pipe Drainage in Agricultural Lands. J. Irrig. Drain. Eng. | |
Jiang, Q., Z. Qi, L. Xue, M. Bukovsky, C.A. Madramootoo, W. Smith. 2020. Assessing climate change impacts on greenhouse gas emissions, N losses in drainage and crop production in a subsurface drained field. Science of the Total Environment. | |
Jiang, Q., Qi, Z., Madramootoo, C.A., Smith, W., Abbasi, N.A., Zhang, T.Q. 2020. Comparison of RZWQM2 and DNDC Models to Simulate Greenhouse Gas Emissions under Combined Inorganic/Organic Fertilization in a Subsurface-Drained Field. Transactions ASABE. | |
Ihuoma, S. O., Madramootoo, C. A. 2020. Narrow-band reflectance indices for mapping the combined effects of water and nitrogen stress in high-value vegetable crops. Biosystems Engineering. | |
Crezé, C. and C.A. Madramootoo. 2019. Water table management and fertilizer application impacts on CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes in a corn agro-ecosystem. Scientific Reports, | |
Lloyd, K., C.A. Madramootoo, K.P. Edwards, A. Grant. 2019. Greenhouse gas emissions from selected horticultural production systems in a cold temperate climate. Geoderma, 349:45-55 | |
Ihuoma, S. O., Madramootoo, C. A. 2019. Sensitivity of spectral vegetation indices for monitoring water stress in tomato plants. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture | |
Ihuoma, S. O., Madramootoo, C. A. 2019. Crop reflectance indices for mapping water stress in greenhouse grown bell pepper. Agricultural Water Management | |
Jiang, Q., Z. Qi, C. A. Madramootoo and C. Crézé. 2019. Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in subsurface-drained field using RZWQM2. Science of the Total Environment. | |
Lowitt, K. , K.Gray-Donald, G.M. Hickey, A. Saint Ville, I. Francis-Granderson, C.A. Madramootoo and L. Phillip. 2018. The Obesity Pandemic & Food Insecurity in Developing Countries: A case study from the Caribbean | Food and Public Health, a Practical Introduction, published by Oxford University Press. Chapter 10, pp 255-280. |
Madramootoo, C.A. and R. Benfica. 2018. Smallholder irrigation in a broader productivity and value chain framework: implications for IFAD investments | Effective Rural Development: IFAD’s evidence based approach to managing for results. Chapter 10, pp. 111-121. |
Essein, M., Ihuoma, I., Seguin, R. 2018. Proceedings: Symposium on Climate Change, Agriculture, Water and Livelihoods. | |
Edwards, K. P., Madramootoo, C. A., Whalen, J. K., Adamchuk, V. I., Mat Su, A. S., Benslim, H. 2018. Nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide emissions from surface and subsurface drip irrigated tomato fields. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 98(2): 1–10. |
Jiang, Q., Qi, Z., Madramootoo, C.A., Singh, A.K. 2018. Simulating hydrologic cycle and crop production in a subsurface drained and sub-irrigated field in Southern Quebec using RZWQM2. Journal of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 146(2): 31-42. |
Madramootoo, C.A. 2018. Framing Smallholder Irrigation in a New Business Context. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage 67(2): 55-59. | |
Ihuoma, S. and C.A. Madramootoo. 2017. Recent advances in crop water stress detection. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 141: 267-275 | |
Permansingh, J. 2017. Hydrological Analysis of the Historical May 2017 Flooding Event in Montreal and Surrounding Areas. BREE 631: IWRM Internship Final Report, submitted for the partial fulfillment of the Masters of Science in Integrated Water Resources Management. | |
Seltzer, R. 2017. Proceedings: Innovation 2030+ Symposium. | |
Gaj, N. and C.A. Madramootoo. 2017. Long term simulations of the hydrology for sugar cane fields in the humid tropics: Case study on Guyana's coastland. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 143(8). |
Yari, A., C.A. Madramootoo, S.A. Woods, V. I. Adamchuk, and H-H. Huang. 2017. Performance Evaluation of Constant Versus Variable Rate Irrigation. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. |
Joshi, N., A. Singh, and C. A. Madramootoo. 2017. Application of DSSAT model to simulate corn yield under long-term tillage and residue practices. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) 60(1):67-83. |
Gupta, D. and C. A. Madramootoo. 2016. Escherichia coli contamination on Ready-To-Eat (RTE), lettuce. Exposure and Health 8:1-11. |
Boluwade, A. and C.A. Madramootoo. 2016. Independent principal component analysis for simulation of soil water content and bulk density in a Canadian Watershed. International Soil and Water Conservation Research Journal 4(3):151-158. |
Gupta, D. and C. A. Madramootoo. 2016. Fate and transport of Escherichia coli in Tomato production. Exposure and Health 9(1): 13–25. |
Joshi, N., D. Gupta, S. Suryavanshi, J. Adamowski, and C.A, Madramootoo. 2016. Analysis of trends and dominant periodicities in drought variables in India: A wavelet transform based approach. Atmospheric Research 182: 200-220. |
Gombault, C., C.A. Madramootoo, A.R. Michaud, I. Beaudin, M.F. Sottile, M. Chikhaoui, F.F. Ngwa. 2015. Impacts of climate change on nutrient losses from the Pike River watershed of southern Québec. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 95(4):337-358. |
Bourgault, M., C. A. Madramootoo, H. A. Webber, G. Stulina, M. G. Horst, and D. L. Smith. 2015. A short season Canadian soybean cultivar double cropped after winter wheat in Uzbekistan with and without inoculation with Bradyrhizobium. Journal of Plant Studies 4(2):74-80. |
Boluwade, A. and C.A. Madramootoo. 2015. Geostatistical independent simulation of spatially correlated soil variables. Computers and Geosciences 85(B): 3-15. |
Boluwade, A., C.A. Madramootoo, C., and A. Yari. 2015. Application of unsupervised clustering techniques for management zone delineation: Case study of variable rate irrigation in Southern Alberta, Canada. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 142(1). |
Boluwade, A. and C.A. Madramootoo. 2015. Determining the influence of land use change and soil heterogeneities on discharge, sediment and phosphorus. Journal of Environmental Informatics 25(2): 126-135. |
Joshi, N., A. Singh and C.A. Madramootoo. 2015. Corn yield simulation under different nitrogen loading and climate change scenarios. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 141(10). |
Joshi, N., C. S. P. Ojha, P. K. Sharma, and C. A. Madramootoo. 2014. Application of non-equilibrium fracture matrix model in simulating reactive contaminant transport through fractured porous media. Water Resources Research 51(1): 390–408. |
Singh, A., C.A. Madramootoo and D.L. Smith. 2014. Impact of different water management scenarios on corn water use efficiency. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) 57(5):1319-1328. |
Gombault, C., M-F. Sottile, F.F Ngwa, C.A. Madramootoo, A.R Michaud, I. Beading and M. Chikhaoui, 2014. Modelling climate change impacts on the hydrology of an agricultural watershed in southern Québec. Canadian Water Resources Journal 40(1): 71-86. |
Goyal, M.K., C.A. Madramootoo and J. Richards. 2014. Simulation of the streamflow for the Rio Nuevo watershed of Jamaica for use in agricultural water scarcity planning. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 141(3). |
Aladenola, O and C.A. Madramootoo. 2014. Evaluation of solar radiation estimation methods for reference evapotranspiration estimation in Canada. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 118(3): 377–385. |
Ngwa, F., C.A. Madramootoo and S. Jabaji. 2014. Comparison of cyanobacterial microcystin synthetase (mcy) E gene transcript levels, mcy E gene copies, and biomass as indicators of microcystin risk under laboratory and field conditions. Microbiology Open 3(4): 411-425. |
Morrison, J., C.A. Madramootoo and M. Chikahoui. 2014. Modeling agricultural land drainage under spring snowmelt conditions with DRAINMOD. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 41(4): 275-284. |
Young-Rojanschi, C.A. and C. A. Madramootoo. 2014. Comparing the performance of biosand filters operated with multiday residence periods. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology -AQUA 64(2): 157-167. |
Young-Rojanschi, C.A. and C. A. Madramootoo. 2014. Intermittent versus continuous operation of biosand filters. Water Research 49(1):1-10. |
Aladenola, O and C.A. Madramootoo. 2014. Response of greenhouse grown bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) to variable irrigation. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94(2):303-310. |
Ngwa, F., C.A. Madramootoo. 2014. Development and application of a multiplex qPCR technique to detect multiple microcystin- producing cyanobacterial genera in a Canadian freshwater lake. Journal of Applied Phycology 26(4): 1675–1687. |
Rasouli, S., J.K. Whalen, and C.A. Madramootoo. 2014. Review: Reducing residual soil nitrogen losses from agroecosystems for surface water protection in Quebec and Ontario, Canada: Best management practices, policies and perspectives. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 94(2): 109-127. |
Singh, A.K., M.K. Goyal and C.A. Madramootoo. 2014. Corn yield simulation using the STICS model under varying nitrogen management and climate change scenarios. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 140(4). |
Richards, J., C. A. Madramootoo and M. K. Goyal. 2014. Determining irrigation requirements for vegetables and sugarcane in Jamaica. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage 63(3): 340-348. |
Boluwade, A. and C. A. Madramootoo. 2013. Modeling the Impacts of Spatial Heterogeneity in the Castor Watershed on Runoff, Sediment, and Phosphorus Loss Using SWAT: I. Impacts of Spatial Variability of Soil Properties. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 224(10). |
Richards, J., C. A. Madramootoo, M. K. Goyal and A. Trotman. 2013. Application of the SPI and NDVI for evaluating irrigation demands in Jamaica. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 139(11): 922-932. |
Boluwade, A. and C. A. Madramootoo. 2013. Assessment of uncertainty in soil test phosphorus using kriging techniques and sequential Gaussian simulation: Implications for water quality management in Southern Quebec. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 48(4):344-357. |
Dayyani, S., S. O. Prasher, A. Madani, C. A. Madramootoo, P. Enright. 2013. Evaluation of WARMF model for flow and nitrogen transport in an agricultural watershed under a cold climate. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 48(4):400-413. |
Senecal, S and C.A. Madramootoo. 2013. Tools for the implementation of integrated water resources management (IWRM) in the Caribbean. Water Policy 15(5):859-870. |
Madramootoo, C.A. and J. Morrison. 2013. Advances and challenges with micro-irrigation. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage 62(3):255-261. |
Madramootoo, C.A. 2013. Invited Editorial. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage 62(3):245-246. |
Bourgault, M., D. Smith, C.A. Madramootoo, H. Webber, P. Dutilleul. G. Stulina, and M.G. Horst. 2013. Legume production and irrigation strategies in the Aral Sea basin: yield, yield components, water relations and crop development of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) and Mungbean (Vigna radiat). Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 199(4):241-252. |
Madramootoo, C.A., J. Morrison and M. Chikahoui, 2013. Modeling the impact of tile drain spacing on phosphorus losses from two agricultural fields in southern Québec, Canada. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 48(3): 279-293. |
Jaria, F. and C.A. Madramootoo. 2013. Thresholds for irrigation management of processing tomatoes using soil moisture sensors in southwestern Ontario. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) 56(1): 155-166. |
Sheibani, S., S. Yanni, R. Wilhelm, J. Whalen, L. Whyte, C. Greer, and C.A. Madramootoo. 2013. Soil bacteria and archaea found in long-term corn (Zea mays L.) agroecosystems in Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93(1): 45-57 |