Selected Publications

Paquin H, Bank I, Young M, Nguyen L, Fisher R, Nugus P. Leadership in Crisis Situations: Merging the Interdisciplinary Silos. Leadership in Health Services. 2018;31(1):110-128.

Mueller CL, Cyr G, Bank I, Bhanji F, Birnbaum L, Boillat M, Bolduc ME, Chankowsky J, Constantin E, Cummings BA, Fisher R, Legault P, Marchand H, Monton L, Rudkin T, Sabsabi B, Soilis N, Zigman D, Aggarwal R. The Steinberg Centre for Simulation and Interactive Learning at McGill University. Journal of Surgical Education. 2017;74(6):1135-1141.

Bouhabel S, Kay-Rivest E, Nhan C, Bank I, Nugus P, Fisher R, Nguyen LHP. Error detection-based model to assess educational outcomes in Crisis Resource Management training: a pilot study. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2017;156(6):1080-1083.

Adler MD, Overly FL, Nadkarni VM, Davidson J, Gottesman R, Bank I, Marohn K, Sudikoff S, Grant VJ, Cheng A. An Approach to Confederate Training Within the Context of Simulation-Based Research. Simulation in Healthcare. 2016;11(5):357-362.

Bank I, Khalil E. Are pediatric emergency physicians more knowledgeable and confident to respond to a pediatric disaster after an experiential learning experience? Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 2016;31(5):551-556.

Bank I, Cheng A, McLeod P, Bhanji F. Determining Content for a Simulation-based Curriculum in Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Results from a National Delphi Process. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2015;17(6):662-669.

Patocka C. Khan F, Dubrovsky AS, Brody D, Bank I, Bhanji F. Pediatric resuscitation training—Instruction all at once or spaced over time? Resuscitation. 2015;88: 6-11.

Bank I, Snell L, Bhanji F. Pediatric Crisis Resource Management Training Improves Emergency Medicine Trainees Perceived Ability to Manage Emergencies and Ability to Identify Teamwork Errors. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2014;30(12):879-883.

Bank I, Snell L, Bhanji F. Video Assessment of Crisis Resource Management Skills in a Simulation-Based Pediatric Workshop for Emergency Medicine Residents. Simulation in Healthcare. 2010;5(6):378.

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