Les Nouvelles

Current News

August 2018: Graduate students, Mehrgol Tiv and Pauline Palma, and post doctoral students, Jason Gullifer and Junyan Wei, presented their cutting edge research at the 10th annual Society for the Neurobiology of Language conference in Quebec City!



July 2018: Debra Titone presents on the "two-body problem" at the annual WiCSC & CSBBCS meeting in St. John's, Newfoundland!


June 2018: Mehrgol Tiv represents the lab in Edmonton at the International Conference on Language and Social Psychology 


May 2018: Graduate students, Mehrgol Tiv and Naomi Vingron, chat with Dr. Patricia Kuhl following her keynote address at the annual CRBLM Scientific Day in Montreal. 


The lab will be busy this summer presenting exciting research at conferences around the world: International Conference on Language and Social Psychology, International Congress for Applied Psychology, CSBBCS, Society for Text and Discourse, Neurobiology of Language, and more! 


April 2018: A few stellar undergraduate poster presentations by Fiona Deodato and Nick Ferranti to wrap up the year!


News Archive

September 2017: Debra Titone, Mehrgol Tiv, and Naomi Vingron attended the European Conference on Eye Movements at Bergische Universität Wuppertal in Germany. Our graduate students had great presentations and Debra Titone presented the keynote lecture on 'Eye Movement Studies of Reading in Special Populations'.



June 2017: Debra Titone, WiCSC Co-Founder, has been selected to receive the 2017 Canadian Psychological Association Section for Women and Psychology Feminist Mentoring Award! She was nominated by her students for this well-deserved honour. Congratulations Deb, you make us proud!!


June 2017: Debra Titone and Mehrgol Tiv presented at the 2nd Annual Meeting for Women in Cognitive Science Canada during the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science conference at the University of Regina.


August 2015: Debra Titone, Veronica Whitford, and Gillian O’Driscoll present research at the European Conference on Eye Movements, in Vienna, Austria, and have the opportunity to visit the former home and office of Dr. Sigmund Freud, now a lovely museum.

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May 2015: Our colleague Dr. Denise Klein spear-headed a highly successful meeting, Montreal Bilingual Brain Initiative Symposium: Multiple Perspectives on Bilingualism and the Brain, at the MNI.

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April 2015: Honors student, Giselle Lehman, getting ready for Friday’s undergraduate poster session, and then Giselle in action on the big day!

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March 2015: Lab attends one-day MEG crash course at the Montreal Neurological Institute.

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January 2015: Special Issue on Formulaic Language, co-edited by Steffi Wulff & Debra Titone, in print at The Mental Lexicon.

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November 19, 2014: Another stellar student defended her Ph.D. today - Dr. Veronica Whitford.

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November 12, 2014: On the same day that a washing-machine-sized probe landed on a comet’s surface, Irina Pivneva defended her dissertation with great success! -- Congratulations Dr. Pivneva.

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October 2014: CRLMB posts McGill Channels News entry on Shari Baum and Debra Titone’s keynote article, Bilingualism, Aging, Executive Control and Neuroplasticity published in Applied Psycholinguistics. See also mention in Psychology Today.


October 2014Dr. Agnieszka Lijewska follows an excellent talk on Multilingualism by treating lab members and McGill bilingualism researchers, Drs. Fred Genesee and Lydia White, to home-made pierogis.

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September 2014: We welcome Dr. Agnieszka Lijewska (Assistant Professor, Department of Psycholinguistic Studies, Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland), who will be visiting the lab between September and October to immerse herself in all things involving eye tracking, bilingual reading, and statistics.

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September 2014Gillian O’Driscoll, Veronica Whitford, and Debra Titone present their research on reading in people with schizophrenia at a symposium in honour of Professor Philip Holzman at the Society for Research in Psychopathology meeting in Chicago, organized by Sohee Park and Deborah Levy. Many of Phil’s former students presented and were in attendance, and the great Martin Harrow was the discussant (the only psychologist we know who played Bobby Fischer at chess twice and didn’t lose!).



September 2014Shari Baum & Debra Titone write keynote article (with public commentary) on Bilingualism, Aging, Executive Control and Neuroplasticity published in Applied Psycholinguistics. 

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May 2014: Dr. Georgie Columbus headed to Australia for new research position; Dr. Annie Gilbert in new postdoc “next door” at SCSD; Two new NSERC summer research students join the lab, Marion Coumel & Julia Hamill. Veronica Whitford & Irina Pivneva win Quebec Provincial Postdoctoral Fellowships (FQRNT & FRSQ, respectively).



April 2014: Debra Titone and other SZ researchers (Gina Kuperberg & Kim Mueser) mentioned in Nature Outlook piece on Language and Schizophrenia.



April 2014: Naveed Sheikh presents research at the “Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting”, Boston, MA.

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March 2014: Through the CRBLM, we organized at McGill an Advanced Workshop on Linear Mixed Effects Models given by Professor Reinhold Kliegl, of the University of Potsdam, Germany.

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February 2014: Veronica Whitford showcases her superb research and people skills while testing a challenging participant (photo credit to Dr. Georgie Columbus).



November 2013: Undergraduate researcher, Abigail Free, wins Award in Psychology for her research paper from our lab, at the Undergraduate Awards gala ceremony in Dublin, Ireland!



November 2013: Lab presents research at Annual Psychonomic Society Meeting in Toronto.


October 2013: Debra Titone hosts Dr. David Green (University College London), Department of Psychology Hebb Lecturer and CRBLM dataSTORM special guest.

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October 2013: Veronica Whitford presents research at the “International Conference on Multilingualism”, Montreal, QC.

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August 2013: Naveed Sheikh, Veronica Whitford & Georgie Columbus present research at “European Conference on Eye Movements 2013”, Lund, Sweeden.


June 2013: Debra Titone & Georgie Columbus present research at “International Cognitive Linguistics Meeting”, Edmonton, Alberta; Debra Titone organized a Theme Session with Professor Steffi Wulff (U Florida, Gainesville), “Bridging the methodological divide - cognitive linguistic and psycholinguistic approaches to formulaic language”.


May 2013: Irina Pivneva & Debra Titone present research at “Workshop on Bilingualism & Cognitive Control”, Krakow, Poland.

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April 2013: Julie Mercier defends dissertation; lab + collaborators celebrate!



November 2012: Irina Pivneva wins best student presentation at Mental Lexicon meeting.



October 2012: Debra Titone, Veronica Whitford & other key volunteers organize CRBLM Workshop on “Bilingualism & Neurocognitive Change over the Lifespan”, featuring Dr. Judith Kroll (Penn State) as keynote speaker.

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May 2012: Veronica Whitford wins a best poster award at CRBLM student scientific research day.

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