

Academic Status
Report on the MAUT Committee on Academic Freedom, November 2012 - Jane Aitkens
Joint Statement on Faculty Status of College and University Librarians - Revision approved by the ACRL Board of Directors, October 2012
Text of Presentation at Academic Librarianship Symposium, Nov. 2011
James Turk on Academic Freedom for Librarians, Aug. 25, 2010
Kent Weaver receives CLA Award for the Advancement of Intellectual Freedom in Canada, May 2010



CAUT Inquiry
73rd CAUT Council Meeting - Item 11a.iv. Censure A. McGill - MAUT-LS Recommendation, October 23, 2012
PDF icon Report to CAUT on the status of the resolution process for the problems faced by McGill librarians regarding collegiality and academic freedom, April 2012
Status Update on MAUT-LS Issues, January 2012
Update Letter to CAUT, October 2011
MAUT-LS Status Report to CAUT, April 2011
MAUT Librarians' Section: Survey on Librarians' Discussion Document, September 2010
MAUT Librarians' Section discussion document, May 2010
MAUT Blog Comments on CAUT Inquiry, November 2009
CAUT Ad Hoc Investigatory Committee into the Situation of Academic Librarians at McGill University - Terms of reference and Committee members


Governance: MAUT-LS Discussion Papers on Governance-Related Committees
Discussion Paper #1: General Considerations and List of Committees, February 20, 2013
Discussion Paper #2: Procedural Questions to Consider, February 26, 2013
Discussion Paper #3: Sample Nomination and Election Procedures, March 4, 2013


Meeting Minutes


Academic Salary Policy - Includes information going back to 2005-2006
Merit Survey Report, July 2011 - Teaching and Learning Services, McGill University
MAUT Librarians' Section: Survey Merit Awards 2008-2009 period of review
PIC Merit Report, April 2006 (The Merit Review Process for McGill Librarians: A Comparison of 2004 and 2005); Appendix
Librarians' Section News: Merit Exercise, January 31, 2006 - Deanna Cowan. MAUT Newsletter, p. 2-3
Professional Issues Committee Merit Presentation, April 5, 2004
In this presentation, Bob Clarke explains the merit process, recommends best practices, and provides a sample Annual Report.
MAUT-LS Statement on the MUNACA Strike, November 22, 2011
Professional Development
Professional Development Fund for Eligible Academics - Financial Services, McGill University
Study/Professional Development Leave for Full-time Tenured and Tenure-Track Librarians

Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion

Tenure and Promotion - Secretariat, McGill University
Report: Best Practices for Promotion to Full Librarian, Ad-hoc subcommittee of the Professional Issues Committee of MAUT-LS, May 2017 
MAUT LISTSERV Message Regarding Impact of MUNACA Strike on Academic Staff, October 4, 2012
MAUT Librarians' Section: Survey on Guidelines on Criteria for Reappointment and Tenure, April 2010
Regulations Relating to the Employment of Librarian Staff
Regulations - Overview
Librarian Employment Regulations at McGill University: An Overview - Presentation by Marc Richard at a U. of Toronto Faculty Association Town Hall, May 4, 2016

Regulations - History

Guidelines on Criteria for Reappointment and Tenure for Tenure Track Librarian Staff, Nov. 20, 2007 - Prepared by Janine Schmidt, Trenholme Director of Libraries; William Foster, Associate Provost, Policies and Procedures; Daniel Boyer; Jim Henderson; and Christine Oliver.
Library Regulation Committee Report, December 2006 - Pat Riva
 PDF icon senate_steering_intervention_15_feb_2006.Senate on the issue of "Tenure Regulations for Librarians", February 15, 2006 - Professor Anthony C. Masi, Provost
Librarian Regulations: A History, January 31, 2006 - Deanna Cowan. MAUT Newsletter, p. 8-11
Timeline for the Regulations 1974 - 2004, updated October 13, 2005
Annotated guide to Chapter 2 regulations: academic duties of librarian staff, May 2004
Framework for a draft statement of principles governing the status and working conditions of librarians at McGill University, March 2003
At the general meeting hosted by the Section for all librarians, held on March 21st, a decision was made that the Section would send a small delegation to meet with VP Masi. On April 8th, Darlene Canning, Pat Riva and Chris Oliver met with VP Masi. The report of this meeting was a starting point for discussions at the April meeting about our response.
Masi "memo" - A Proposal to Create an Additional Category of Academic Librarian - topic of discussion at Librarians' Forum, Friday, March 15, 2002
Principal's memo re the Principal's Task Force on Employment Conditions for Non-Tenure Track Academic Staff: Creation of an Electoral List, January 31, 2002
Criteria and Timetable for Reappointment of Assistant Librarians, June 2001
Memo from the Principal re the Revised Regulations, August 8, 2000
Expanded Explanation of "Academic Duties", revision passed at the June 6, 2000 meeting
 PDF icon principals-memorandum-1997-06-11 Status of McGill Librarians as Academics - June 1997 - memorandum from the Principal to McGill University Librarians
Statement of Principles governing the Status and Working Conditions of Professional Librarians - As approved by the Board of Governors, 21 January 1974


Annual Reports
FQPPU Reports
Professional Issues Committee (PIC) Reports
Reports Delivered at MAUT General Meetings
Senate Reports


Results of the PIC Survey on Librarian Research - Please see email to MAUT-LS listserv on February 28, 2014


Resolution for Karen Jensen, May 2011
Resolution for Pat Riva, April 2007


Sabbatic Leave

Brief Survey of Sabbatical Policies in Academic Libraries in North America - Report submitted by the Professional Issues Committee, August 30, 2016

Salary Policy
Academic Salary Policy From 2005 onward - Academic Personnel Office, McGill University
2005 Salary Policy Guidelines


Vacation policy
Vacation Policy, effective for librarians on June 1, 2011 - Academic Personnel Office, McGill University
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