Learning Environment

Vision, Mission and Values:

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of McGill University is committed to providing all of its members a welcoming, collegial environment conducive to optimal education, clinical care and research. All members of the Faculty are expected to maintain the highest standards of behavior, respecting ethical and professional obligations, in order to provide a healthy and safe learning environment, and to better serve society. The Faculty values integrity, honesty, fairness and respect for the rights of others and strives to integrate these values into its teaching, research, clinical and other activities.


Code of Conduct:

All members of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences commit to abiding by the Code of Conduct.


Academic staff are expected to consistently demonstrate a set of attitudes and behaviours that engender trust and promote respect of learners, colleagues, other healthcare professionals and patients.

Learning Environment:

The learning environment extends from the classroom to the clinic, from the laboratory bench to the hospital bedside, encompassing all aspects of the learner’s experience in relation to the University, University-affiliated teaching hospitals and Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences recognized training sites.  Everyone plays a role in ensuring a safe and respectful learning environment, but academic staff have a particular responsibility in this regard. Academic staff teach not only by communicating a formal curriculum, but also through their actions and behaviors. As educators, they serve as role models and leaders, setting the tone of the learning environment. They have a duty to comport themselves according to the highest standards of behavior in their professional and educator roles and to guide learners in developing these same behaviors. They have an important role to play as stewards of the learning environment, recognizing that learners are often the most vulnerable individuals within that environment.

Building a better learning environment

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences recognizes that the learning environment is not static, but rather evolves and changes in response to a variety of external factors, ranging from how clinical services are delivered, to how research is conducted. The needs of learners also change, in response to evolving societal expectations.  The Faculty thus encourages all members of the Academic Staff to continuously improve the skills and attitudes needed to maintain and improve the quality of the learning environment. The following educational resources are available to support Academic Staff in this regard:

McGill University has a number of initiatives related to equity and course evaluations. Please see below for more information:

Visit our page to find more about Monitoring and protecting the learning environment.

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