Certification Step-By-Step Guide

In order to facilitate the accreditation process, ensure you are completing the most current CPD accreditation/certification application form. 

  • Ensure to answer all the questions;
  • Complete and submit a certificate template or a certificate request form;
  • The completed and final version of the application form, including all final versions of the supporting documentations, must be submitted all at the same time 8 weeks prior to the start date of the activity. Late fees will apply if the application form and/or supporting documentations are received less than 8 weeks prior to the start date of the activity.

1. Submit All Supporting Documents

  • Signed and completed application form (SPC Chair signature, pg. 12);
  • Invitations/promotional materials: flyers, brochures, website links, blogs, etc.;
  • Speaker invitation template and communication stating CPD standards;
  • If funding was received provide signed letter(s) of agreement(s) and the sponsorship prospectus;
  • If funding was received provide the commercial interest branding: logos, colors, symbols, etc.;
  • If the SPC/PO chooses to delegate to a third-party payment of expenses provide the signed agreement detailing the roles and responsibilities;
  • Copy of the schedule (provide preliminary if not finalized);
  • Signed copy of the Financial Competing Interests Form – if applicable (Scientific Planning Committee Chair, pg.13);
  • Signed copies of the Declaration of Potential Conflict of Interest Forms – Scientific and Organizing Planning Committees;
  • Signed Ethical Review Form (SPC Chair signature, pg. 14);
  • If requesting RCSPC MOC credits: Declaration form to be completed by SPC member affiliated with RCPSC – (pg. 15);
  • If requesting CFPC Mainpro+ credits - Declaration form to be completed by SPC member affiliated with the McGill University FMHS and the CFPC member that resides in Quebec – (pg. 16 & 17);
  • Scientific Planning Committee (SPC) meeting minutes, summary of comments from email correspondence, etc. Ensure to include and highlight discussion of mandatory key elements;
  • Needs Assessment: summaries used to identify the development of the activity;
  • Evaluation form: template that will be disseminated to participants;
  • PowerPoint Slide Set - Content (PDF of slides not acceptable) – mandatory for activities funded by one for-profit or not-for-profit organization If the activity is presented in English and French, submit PPTs in both languages;
  • Slides that will be presented to participants with the SPC and speakers conflicts of interest disclosure statements.

Submit your accreditation/certification application form and supporting materials via email to cpd.med [at] mcgill.ca.

If requesting Section 3 credits, ensure to include the following supporting documents:

  • Copy of budget;
  • Learning objectives and scoring sheet;
  • Participant’s reflection tools;
  • Participant’s feedback strategies;
  • Sample participant’s correct and incorrect answers report;
  • Instructors evaluation tool, ex.: videotaped assessment.

2. Accreditation/Certification Approval

Once the activity has been approved, CPD will send you:

  • An email notification stating the activity was accredited/certified;
  • A letter of the official approval, including the type of credits and total number of credits granted, the Associate Dean’s comments and the deadline for submitting your final report;
  • Official wording that must appear verbatim on the final printed material.

3. Final Report

To be completed and submitted to the CPD Office 8 weeks after the end of the accreditation period.

  • Ensure to answer all the questions;
  • The following supporting documents must be submitted with the completed final report form:
    • Final Activity Program/Schedule/Agenda;
    • Final promotional materials distributed to participants;
    • All Participants List;
    • Sign-in-Sheet/Proof of Attendance;
    • Compiled results (summary) of evaluation forms;
    • Signed copies of the conflict of interest disclosure forms – only forms not submitted with the accreditation/certification application form.

Submit your final report form and supporting materials via email to cpd.med [at] mcgill.ca.

Should you be submitting any documentation via Drop Box or another file hosting service, please ensure to provide access for at least an 8-week duration and admission to multiple users.

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