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Workshop Materials

For each workshop, you can find the material below :


2019 Series

1.Data Visualization in R: Essentials and Optimization by Octavia-Maria Dancu

2.Data visualization (ggplot) by Eisha Ahmed

3.R Programming Beyond the Basics by Yi Lian


2020 Series


1. Python - Beyond the basics by Eisha Ahmed

2. R - Beyond the basics by Yi Lian


  1. Git - Github by Robert Syme

2. Precision Medicine principles by Daniel Rodriguez Duque and Eric Rose

3. Clean and Reproducible Computational Projects with Nextflow by Robert Syme

4. Dimension reduction methods by Alex Diaz-Papkovich


2021 Series


1. Python - Beyond the basics by Eisha Ahmed

2. Dimension reduction for biology data by Alex Diaz-Papkovich

3. R for life sciences by Octavia-Maria Dancu

4. Machine Learning introduction by Abdelrahman Ayad

  1. Linear models and Anova by Xiaonan Da

6. Introduction to single cell analysis concepts by Larisa Soto

7. State-of-the-art methods for developing polygenic risk scores by Tianyuan Lu

8. Data Wrangling in R and Julia by Sean Nesdoly

9. Data Analysis in R: Overview of R Markdown and knit by Elio Abi Younes

  1. Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks and Bash: Fun with EEG by Dylan Mann-Krzisnik
  1. Quantitative Methods for Precision Medicine by Daniel Rodriguez Duque and Eric Rose


Fall (bootcamp)

1. Computational basics with Unix by Larisa Soto

2. Visualization with R by Octavia-Maria Dancu

3. Bioinformatics databases with SQL by Eisha Ahmed

4. Statistics with Python by Abdelrahman Ayad


2022 Series





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