
Change of Plans?

Once your Minerva Study Away application is “Faculty Approved”, your McGill student record is updated to non-resident status for the equivalent McGill term(s). Any McGill courses for which you were registered are dropped and cannot be re-instated. You will not be able to register for McGill courses with a non-resident status.

If your plans have changed and you will not be studying at another university, you must cancel your application.

McGill Exchange Programs

  • Please consult the McGill Abroad’s FAQ page for information on the cancellation process.
  • At any stage of the application process, you must submit the "Request to Cancel Exchange term" form.
  • If you need additional information, please email the McGill Exchange Office at studentexchanges [at]

Independent Study Away Fall/Winter/Summer (including online)

  • If your Minerva Study Away application has been “Faculty approved”, you must submit the cancellation request to the Arts OASIS Service Portal. Under "Summary", please indicate "Study Away Cancellation Request - Term".
  • Submit your request by the following deadlines:
    • For Fall and Summer term requests: August 15
    • For Winter term requests: December 15
    • You must also cancel any applications you made to host universities that you will not be attending by their deadlines and instructions.

Quebec Inter-University Transfer (IUT/AEHE including online)

If you wish to drop or withdraw from a course after registering for the course at the Quebec host university, you must follow the drop/withdrawal procedures of the host university AND submit this change on the IUT/AEHE application.

  • WARNING: Failure to cancel your application may result in receiving a failing grade for the course at the end of the term and/or being charged fees.

Good to Know

Cancellations must be made by government-imposed deadlines. You may be charged an administrative fee or encounter limited access to your Minerva record if your cancellation request is received after government reporting deadlines have passed.

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