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Food Trumps Pills When It Comes to Calcium for Bones

20 Mar 2017

One of the main things that postmenopausal women have to watch out for is osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weakened bones that can fracture easily. Contrary to common belief, bones are...

The JUPITER Statin Trial

20 Mar 2017

Usually the words “breakthrough” and “blockbuster: are reserved for tabloid headlines. But not always. Dr. Steven Nissen of the famous Cleveland Clinic used then to describe a study published in...

Why is milk white and not green like grass?

20 Mar 2017

Questions about milk are always interesting because, after all, it is our first food. Milk is meant to be the only sustaining food during early life and therefore it must contain all the required...

Do men's and women's armpits smell differently?

20 Mar 2017

If you’re into cheese scents, you’ll find them in a male armpit, but if onion or grapefruit aromas are more your thing, then you’re more likely to find it armpit of a perspiring woman.Yes, men and...

Green Synthesis of Succinic Acid

20 Mar 2017

Go to any chemistry conference these days and you’ll find multiple sessions on green chemistry. They won’t be talking about making green paints or growing plants. Actually that isn’t true. They may...

Bath Salts & Other Spiked Drugs

20 Mar 2017

“Bath salts,” “vacuum fresheners” and “plant food” seem innocuous enough. You can pick then up at some gas stations, convenience stores, some garden supply shops, or order them on the Internet....

Testing of Chemicals

20 Mar 2017

You’ve seen the headlines. Of the 80,000 or so synthetic chemicals in the market place only a few thousand have been adequately tested. Activist groups constantly scream about inadequate testing...

Drug Testing

20 Mar 2017

There are a lot of people who make money by doing drugs. Not the way you think though. They take on the role of human guinea pigs to test prospective medicinal drugs. Their role is mired in...

Aspirin and Heart Disease

20 Mar 2017

A time-honoured medical maxim states, “primum non nocere.” That’s the way, “first do no harm” used to be taught in medical school when Latin was still part of the curriculum. Basically it means...


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