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Juggle Balls, Not Numbers!

14 Jan 2022

We see a great deal of juggling of numbers these days. Various agendas are pushed by manipulating COVID vaccination effectiveness rates, the supposed successes of treatments with hydroxychloroquine...

Are You Left-Handed? Science Still Yearns to Know Why

17 Sep 2021

Being left-handed can be devilishly hard. In 1937, an educational psychologist whose work was later discredited wrote of many left-handers that “they squint, they stammer, they shuffle and shamble,...

You Should Have Your Head Examined!

30 Jun 2021

In the 18th century, Viennese physician Franz-Joseph Gall claimed that personality and intelligence were determined by the shape of the brain, which in turn was reflected by the shape of the skull....

An Alzheimer’s breakthrough? Hardly.

12 Jun 2021

Alzheimer’s is a terrifying disease. Since no new medications for this condition have been introduced for about two decades, it is certainly understandable that any new drug that receives...

Phineas Gage, Neuroscience and Count Dracula

14 May 2021

The glass cases at the Warren Anatomical Museum in Boston are filled with a variety of fascinating items that have played a role in the history of medicine. On display is a one- meter long iron rod...

Rocks in your head? Sort of.

2 Oct 2020

Sometimes called “ear rocks”, small crystals of calcium carbonate (essentially limestone) are found in your inner ear. The technical name for these tiny stones wrapped in a matrix of protein is ...

Learning to Stop Teaching Learning Myths

28 Aug 2020

Myths take root in our culture like weeds. By the time we’ve pulled up a handful, our communal landscape is already infested with them. As the school year begins, I feel a duty to stamp out...

ThetaHealing®: The Money You’ll Spend Never Existed

1 Aug 2019

It must have looked like they were testing for telepathy. One self-described healer and their patient, sitting face to face, were each wearing what I would describe as a rugby helmet covered in...

Prevagen For Mental Clarity?

14 Jan 2019

Wouldn’t we all like to have healthy brain function, a sharper mind and clearer thinking? Of course w,e would. And a dietary supplement called Prevagen promises to deliver the goods, at least...


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