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Living With Half a Brain: Phineas Gage

31 Jul 2018

The Warren Medical Museum in Boston is a fascinating place, named after Dr. John Collins Warren who performed the first surgery under ether anesthesia in 1846. On view is the actual flask that...

Brain Health: Max Lugavere and the Bait-and-Switch Maneuver

30 May 2018

When booking a hotel online, you often see a much more appealing price than you end up paying. When you’re closing the transaction, that’s when they hit you with the “resort fee” and you realize...

Before the Left Brain was Logical, it was Male

7 Nov 2017

I recently threw a softball math problem at one of my friends and her response was: “I don’t know, I was never any good at math. I’m more of a right-brain thinker than a left.” The idea that some...

You Think What You Eat?

1 Nov 2017

When we think of the human mind we tend to picture the wrinkly pink organ which resides in our skull: it’s intricate cavities responsible for bringing about all the amazing things that we can think...

Are We All Addicted to Caffeine?

2 Oct 2017

It’s Monday morning. You blink your tired eyes awake, pull your body out of bed, and drag yourself into the kitchen. If the only thing on your mind is how quickly you can get a cup of coffee to...


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