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The Allure of Allulose

11 Mar 2022

My first meeting with (3R,4R,5R)-1,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxyhexan-2-one, less formally known as “psicose” or “allulose,” was way back in my graduate school days. I was studying the molecular structure...

Rutabagas and Weight Loss

23 Apr 2021

I’ve judged a lot of science fairs in my life. I’ve seen innumerable baking soda volcanoes, vitamin C analyses and models of the solar system. Usually, the judges’ task is over once the winners are...

Feb. 4, 2021; "A Dose of Science"

4 Feb 2021

Video of Feb. 4, 2021; A Dose of Science

Is there any food or beverage that leads to a “negative" calorie balance?

20 Mar 2017

Easy answer. No. There is nothing that can be consumed that causes a greater expenditure of calories than it provides. But advertisers have given the idea a shot. But it wasn’t long before the idea...

Advice About Food Is Sometimes Half-Baked

20 Mar 2017

Back in the early 70s, just as I was developing an interest in the chemistry of food, I came across a witty quote by Mark Twain. “Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and...

Nuts to You

20 Mar 2017

“Observational” studies are interesting but “interventional” studies are the nuts and bolts of nutritional science. And talking about nuts, a study just published in the New England Journal of...

Pizza Pie in the Sky

20 Mar 2017

Imagine being admitted to a hospital with a heart attack and a doctor asking how many times a week you eat pizza. This was the actual question that was asked of 507 heart attack victims and 478...


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