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Can you be obese but still be healthy?

8 Feb 2019

In medical speak we talk, not about being fat, but about overweight or obese. We define being overweight as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 25, and obesity as having a BMI over 30. Obesity is...

10,000 Steps: Myth or Fact?

29 Nov 2018

There is little doubt that sedentary behavior is bad for your health. Many people claim that “sitting is the new smoking,” even though the two are not really comparable. Smoking is orders of...

Why Do We Yawn When We Exercise?

17 Aug 2017

Am I the only one who tries to ‘swallow my head’ as my Nana used to say while exercising? For a while, I thought so! But a Google search told me I'm not alone. Many people suffer from constant...

What is Cellulite?

31 May 2017

The majority of people have cellulite to some degree. However, women are more susceptible to cellulite than men due to the presence of female sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone. In addition,...

What kind of exercise is best?

20 Mar 2017

Let’s face it, running on a treadmill isn’t one of life’s most exciting activities, but it does provide time to contemplate life and think about what is likely to extend it. There’s plenty of...

Want to Stop Aging? Mind your Telomeres.

20 Mar 2017

If you want to lengthen your life, you need to lengthen your telomeres. That’s the message from the marketers of a pricey dietary supplement called TA-65. How pricey? Try up to $4000 for a six...

Want to Lose Weight? Then Run, Don't Walk: Study

20 Mar 2017

Need to lose weight? Running will help more than walking, according to new research.And to keep off those lost pounds, continue running, suggests Paul Williams, a staff scientist at Lawrence...

Going All the Whey

20 Mar 2017

Muscles are made up of proteins which are polymers of amino acids. When you exercise, you burn energy that was stored in your body. If you want to burn fat and not muscle, it is important that you...


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