McGill Prof. Chris Ragan chairs high-profile group on economic and environmental fiscal reform
Montreal Gazette | Jan 25, 2015
BY: Rene Bruemmer
The Canadian committee of economists headed by McGill University economics professor Chris Ragan, are looking at ways Canada can follow the lead of other countries and start taxing pollution instead of jobs and profits, without hurting taxpayers or Canadian firms’ ability to compete internationally.
Read the full story here
Further news on this topic:
Montreal Gazette | McGill professor heads 'ecofiscality' committee studying ways to tax pollution
McGill Reporter | Chris Ragan on ‘ecofiscal’ policies for Canada
The Globe and Mail | High-profile group urges fiscal reform to help environment, economy
Financial Post | New Ecofiscal commission to focus on environment and economy
Yahoo News | EcoFiscal group seeks a way to tax pollution, not jobs
Les Affaires | L'écofiscalité: bientôt implantée par un gouvernement près de chez vous
Bloomberg | Ragan Recruits Canada Ex-Politicians to Study Environment Policy
CBC News | A green way to grow the economy
The Chronicle Herald | Pricing pollution is the right solution
Le Devoir | Le Québec peut-il montrer la voie?
The Star | Canada can be green without sacrificing growth: Goar