A blue-teal gradient with icons representing a bike, an EV, a bee, a sapling, and a tomato with the SPF logo

Sustainability Projects Fund

Tiny Stream Projects

The SPF has devised a simpler, faster application process for ad-hoc initiatives like workshops and events (usually less than $300) that contribute to a culture of sustainability at McGill. Learn more about the Tiny Stream and how to apply here. 

Here is the list of approved Tiny Stream projects:

2017 Projects

Sustainable dishware for Death Cafes (SP0172)

Approved Fall 2017

A Death Cafe is a monthly group-directed discussion of death, with no agenda, objectives or themes. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counselling session. In these workshops, participants discuss death in a respectful and confidential space without fear of judgment. Death Café’s do not have a spiritual or philosophical agenda and rather than aiming to give answers, they provide a forum for a candid discussion of a universally relevant subject often viewed as a taboo in our Western society. $75 of SPF funding will be used to purchase sustainable dishware for snacks and refreshments at the Death Café.

Research and Sustainability Network Launch Speaker Series (SP0173)

Approved Fall 2017

The Research and Sustainability Network (RSN) is a new organization on campus which aims to create a platform where McGill students and professors can share their sustainability-related research projects. The launch event engaged the undergraduate student body with some of the outstanding McGill researchers working on sustainability-related research. This space aimed to facilitate cross-faculty collaborations and interdisciplinary discussions of sustainability related topics and projects, while allowing students to gain insight in how to pursue a research oriented career, integrate a sustainability mindset within their realm of studies, and develop the connections and network. $300 of SPF funding was used for room rental and catering.

Wood @ Work Conference (SP0174)

Approved Fall 2017

Wood at Work is a community of practice that connects leaders in sustainable design and city planning, wood construction and forest conservation. The third annual conference: Wood at Work 2017: Elegant Strategies for Architecture, City-Building, and Forest Conservation, took place on October 26 and 27th. Events included a series of lectures by world experts in wood design and engineering, forest ecology, rural livelihoods, and forestry; hands-on activities (participants may find themselves judging a student bridge building competition, cooking on an open fire, or observing our wood mizer sawmill in action) and participant-led round-table discussions. $300 of SPF funding was used to purchase carbon offsets, dishware rental, and the video or professional services for on-campus events.

2018 Projects

Purchase of Reusable Dishware (SP0181)

Approved February 2018

This project aims to reduce waste and foster a culture of sustainability by spreading awareness of reusable dishware. In order to reduce waste associated with disposable dishware used in events planned by the Atmospheric and Oceanics (AOS) department and the Council of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (CAOS), SPF funds will be used to purchase reusable dishware. This dishware will be used at various events organized by either AOS or CAOS including, but not limited to, weekly coffee times, Ph.D. defenses, welcome breakfasts, and CAOS general meetings. The graduate student lounge is equipped with a kitchenette that allows for easy cleaning of the dishware. To prevent loss or theft, the majority of dishware would be locked away in the AOS administrative office to be used for the above mentioned events, however, a small subset would be left in the kitchenette to allow for daily lunchtime use.There is a long-term economic incentive in that new disposable materials will not need to be purchased for every social event planned by AOS or CAOS. This initiative would directly benefit graduate students, faculty, staff, and visitors of the AOS department through the easy access of reusable dishware at organized events. Additionally, the dishware would be used at any interdepartmental events, thereby benefitting graduate students from other departments.

Recycling Bins on Wheels for the Redpath Museum (SP0182)

Approved February 2018

This project aims to increase the recycling capacity of Redpath Museum. Due to recent changes, the Redpath Museum now holds 5 of the 10 Biology Undergraduate labs courses in its Teaching Lab, Rm 106. SPF funding will be used to purchase two 50 gallon recycling bins on wheels to handle the waste generated from these teaching labs. As it stands the Redpath Museums only has 18 gallons blue recycling bins; one bin would be for paper, the other for glass, metal and plastic. They would be located inside the lab during lab times and then set outside in a designated area in the hallway where they would be available to the rest of the floor/building. Facilities is supporting this initiative by putting this lab on their recycling collection route.

International Development Policy Case Competition (SP0183)

Approved February 2018, CANCELLED

The International Development Studies Students Association is hosting McGill's first International Development Policy Case Competition. The theme of this year's competition is Food Security in Nigeria. This policy case competition will allow students the opportunity to transfer their classroom knowledge into tangible skills applicable to policy development and analysis. Our event is composed of a development policy workshop and a two round competition. Funds from the SPF will be used to cover the difference between sustainable and non-sustainable catering options.

Reusable Water Bottles for School of Religious Studies (SP0198)

Approved October 2018

In an effort to achieve their Sustainable Workplace Certification, the McGill School of Religious Studies will be purchasing reusable stainless steel water bottles for faculty and staff members. This is being done to replace the single-use plastic water bottles that are currently in use. When professors and staff use the stainless steel bottles, they will be setting an example for students and others that work and take classes in the Birks Building to reduce their use of plastic water bottles in kind. Funds from the SPF will be used to purchase 20 stainless steel bottles from the McGill Bookstore.

Elimination of Water Bottles at IGSF (SP0199)

Approved October 2018

In accordance with the Refill McGill mandate, IGSF are doing their part to see that water bottles are eliminated from the McGill campus. A lead and microbiological water test was performed on the kitchen sink and the office is satisfied with the results. The aim of this project is to eliminate the Labrador Water System, which the office has been using for drinking water, and the plastic water bottles that were used for our events. The Labrador Water System will be replaced by a large capacity Brita pitcher to be kept in the fridge.

Tree Awareness Campaign (SP0200)

Approved October 2018

On October 11th, 2018, the department of Building Services and Grounds held an Expo/Fair on the lower field of campus in order to inform the McGill community of the many services that are provided to them by the department. In this Expo/Fair, they showed several aspects of our work and had a hands-on display of the equipment. One of the aspects was stressed upon is the importance of trees, especially in context of McGill’s carbon neutrality and sustainability goals, the part they play in our life and why it is important to plant them. In order to stress the importance of tree planting, they offered to the visitors, as a gift, a small tree plant in order to sensitize everyone of the importance trees have in our lives. Funds from the SPF will be used to purchase 100 small trees, cover delivery costs, and printing signage.

Go Green this Halloween (SP0201)

Approved October 2018

The Halloween party is a once a year event that the McGill Graduate Dentistry Students Society organizes every year where everyone from the Faculty of Dentistry professors, graduate and post-graduate students get together and socialize. This year the McGill Graduate Dentistry Students Society has decided to start a sustainability-focused halloween party with compostable party products. Funds from he SPF will be used to purchase compostable plates, spoons, napkins, and forks, and fund the compost pickup. Additionally, the SPF will subsidize sustainable food options.

Herbal Tea Garden (SP0202)

Approved October 2018

The Herbal Tea Garden project aims for every staff member at Building21 to have their favourite tea herb growing. Not only would it be a little "pet" for them to watch and care for, but it will reduce waste from individually wrapped teabags, add greenery to the space, and make healthy living a priority. This garden will be indoors in B21's kitchen so it will be maintained throughout the year to provide tea and other herbs no matter the season. Additionally, this simple action of planting, growing, drying, and drinking your tea herbs adds a magical and calming character to the workplace. This project will also contribute to making B21 a Bronze-Certified Sustainable Workplace.

Reusable Beaker Cups (SP0203)

Approved October 2018

Science Games is a 4-day event that takes place every year in January. It is a student-run event in which the departments within the Faculty of Science compete against one another. The events take place across the Montreal downtown region at various locations. This year, the organizing committee are trying to implement more sustainable and environmentally-friendly initiatives. As such, one of the major wastes in regards to the event are plastic cups; the amount of plastic cups used and wasted over these 4-days is immense. To increase the sustainability of this event, resources from the SPF will be used to purchase reusable beaker cups. These cups will be given to each participant upon registration with a carabiner that they can secure around their fanny pack. The participants will have to bring these cups with them to each event, using them to consume their beverage, and thus, reducing the plastic cups that are given out.

Veganism Starter Guide (SP0204)

Approved November 2018

The Veganism Starter Guide project aims to create a vegan starter guide to give for free to students on campus and at sustainability events. The guide will include sections on how to eat sustainably, grow your own produce in dorm-room situations, learn more about ethical fashion, address FAQs about veganism and sustainable eating, and include art by students on campus. In an effort to be as accessible as possible, and with the help of the Tiny Stream, the guide will be available to students at no cost.

Reusable Dishware for Department of Family Medicine (SP0205)

Approved November 2018

This project will reduce the use of paper plates and cups and avoid the use of disposible plastic forks, knifes and plates in the McGill Department of Family Medicine. This project will contribute to a culture of sustainablity on McGill campus. Socially, it will engage more interactions in the kitchen, given that we have provided necessary utensils for people to eat and drink at the department. Environmentally, it will reduce the cost of buying disposible products, especially plates, forks and cups during each event that we host at the department. Those events include student events, departmental events, seminars or talks with invited speakers from national and international organizations, and meetings such as research committee meetings, focus group meetings, or thesis preparation meetings.

2019 Projects

MealCare Education Symposium (SP0213)

Approved March 2019 

The MealCare Education Symposium, an educational and awareness-building event, brought together several other on-campus sustainability-centered student organizations to discuss food waste in a local context and its impact on members of the Montreal community. This event kicked off with a symposium about how and why we find ourselves throwing out edible products, what happens when we do (from ecological and social perspectives), and finally potential ways to mitigate this systemic issue on an individual and collective scale. Funds from the SPF will go towards covering the venue cost, remunerating speakers and paying for workshop materials.

Clean It Up (SP0216)

Approved April 2019

The Clean It Up project gathered approximately 60 volunteers to spend a day cleaning up the Milton-Parc community, where they collected more than 50 bags of trash and recycling. The project contributes to fostering a culture of sustainability at McGill by encouraging the students who live in the neighbourhood to consider the waste they produce and where it goes, while also cleaning up the physical space. Resources from the SPF were used to purchase bags and gloves for the clean up.

Approved April 2019 Improved Plastic Cup Recycling at Blues Pub (SP0215)

Approved April 2019

This project is working towards making recycling plastic cups at Blues Pub easier. While some students at the Pub opt to pay a small deposit, other tend to go for recyclable cups which often get thrown out due to a lack of recycling containers in the space. Funds from the SPF will allow the students to build hanging sleeves that will be placed on the sides of garbage cans where students can place their recyclable cups for easier collection.

Resuable Dishware for Adam's Club (SP0220)

Approved July 2019

While many of the questions studied by Earth and Planetary Sciences students relate to environmental issues, some found their graduate student lounge to lack environmentally-friendly options. This project will provide those who frequent Adam's Club with reusable dishware and improved composting systems. To reduce waste, the focus will be to first and foremost purchase second hand dishware, rather than new.

Climate Change Workshops (SP0221)

Approved July 2019

This project is to provide participatory workshops that focus on the implications of climate change in the past, present and future for the entire McGill community during Science Literacy Week, from Sept. 16 to 20, 2019. Resources from the SPF will be going towards supplying refreshments and gifts for the speakers.

McConnell Plant Revival and Care (SP0222)

Approved July 2019

This initiative revolves around nurturing a sustainable environment on campus by creating an interactive plant care system with the McGill community. There are currently 4 plants in the McConnell Engineering Building that need reviving. SEAM (Sustainability in Engineering At McGill) wants to reanimate these plants using new soil and natural fertilizers, and wants to maintain them through the McGill community's effort to water them. SEAM's initiative will lead to positive change on campus having a long term impact, and a potential to scale by increasing the number of plants around campus.

Amazing Race Montreal (SP0226)

Approved September 2019

An "Amazing Race Montreal" in the middle of October as a way of introducing Montreal to participants, as well as being a chance to socialize and meet new friends. There are multiple stations around Montreal, one or two of which on McGill campus. Other stations are, for example, in a sponsored restaurant, at Place des Arts, and on top of Mont Royal. Participants run from station to station, and once arrived must complete the station's challenge. Teams then accumulate points to win prizes at the very end.

Supplies for Law Plate Club (SP0228)

Approved October 2019

The Law Plate Club is an existing project which is expanding. The Law Plate Club is a student-run service which provides free, reusable dishware to the community to alleviate the costs associated with purchasing single-use supplies while reducing waste. As we are building a team of volunteers and making our service known, we are now in need of more supplies in order to provide for the demand for items near the Faculty of Law. We currently only have 24 coffee mugs. This particular request is aimed at funding the purchase of 40 additional coffee mugs, especially for "Mardi moka", a reoccurring event held at the Faculty of Law where free coffee is distributed by the Law Student Association.

Reduce your Waste Sustainability Challenge Prize (SP0230)

Approved November 2019

The Office of Sustainability creates Sustainability Monthly Challenges for staff, faculty and students with a specific theme every month. The theme for the month of November is "Reduce your Waste." The goal of this challenge is to encourage members of the McGill community to decrease the amount of trash that they produce throughout the month. We will be giving them resources and tips throughout the month. We will also create an extra challenge by asking participants to keep all of their traish (non-compostable or non-recyclable) in a container, allowing them to actually see how much waste they are sending to landfills. The participants that engage in the challenge will then be able to show us their container of waste, or a picture, to receive a "zero-waste" soup in a mason jar during the last week of the month of November as a prize. These jars will contain the dry ingredients for various soup recipes that are made by the local company YogiBelly. They are a vegetarian and zero-waste food delivery service for people living in Montreal to encourage customers to buy local, healthy and delicious food. We do not usually have a prize for participation in the challenges, but thought it could be a good incentive for people to be further invested. We will have an exchange time and location at both campuses.

Reusable Beaker Cups (SP0231)

Approved November 2019

Science Games is a 4-day event that takes place every year in January. It is a student-run event in which the departments within the Faculty of Science compete against one another. The events take place across the Montreal downtown region at various locations. This year, we are trying to implement more sustainable and environmentally-friendly initiatives. As such, one of the major wastes we have in regards to our event are plastic cups. At each event of ours, typically, participants drink their beverage out of a plastic cup given to them by the location, proceed to throw it in the garbage, and purchase another beverage at which they are given another plastic cup. As such, the amount of plastic cups used and wasted over these 4-days is immense. In this way, we would like to purchase reusable beaker cups. These cups will be given to each participant upon registration with a carabiner that they can secure around their fanny pack. The participants will have to bring these cups with them to each event, using them to consume their beverage, and thus, reducing the plastic cups that are given out.

Pre-departure Orientation (SP0232)

Approved November 2019

McGill Pre-Departure orientation a mandatory, bi-annual event for all students going abroad in the upcoming semester (almost 750 attendees this year!), and that aims to prepare students for their time abroad. It will take place on November 21st from 17:00 to 20:00. The location of the plenary session, which is the first part of the event, will take place in the Leacock building, room 132. During the plenary session we go in depth into university requirements, government advisories, health and safety abroad, budget, travel documents, sustainable and conscious travel and more! Following the plenary session, students break out into a regional session lead by members of the McGill community who are native to the destinations in question.

SSMU Environment Committee Mug Reuse Program (SP0233)

Approved November 2019

The goal of the initiative is to reduce the use of non-reusable cups across McGill Campus. The initiative will begin in the McConnell Engineering building. When purchasing beverages in non-reusable cups, students will have the option to lend a reusable mug (with a 2$ deposit) to avoid unnecessary waste. After use, the mugs will be returned and washed in the Blues Pub for future use. This project was started last year with the Fair Trade Corner and Engineers Without Borders. The SSMU Environment Committee is continuing work with those who started the project. Engineering student associations such as the General Store (where the mugs will be distributed) are also involved.

In the future, we'd like to expand the project campus-wide. The McConnell Engineering building is a good pilot location due to all vendors selling coffee within the building and the present set up (with access to a dishwasher and students at the General Store available to do distribute mugs and clean them).

VéloVoltage (SP0234)

Approved December 2019

Our project is to upcycle an old bike, connect it to a motor and battery, and use the bike rotational energy to charge the battery / household appliances (i.e. charging a phone, powering a blender). The project is an educational opportunity for the two team members to learn about bicycle mechanics and electricity, as well as further educate the McGill community of alternative and sustainable sources of energy.

Three Green Space for Duff Medical (SP0235)

Approved December 2019

Students in buildings under construction are missing spaces for gathering before laboratory sessions. There are currently three small spaces available for students and staff to lounge. This project will turn those spaces into more appealing green spaces.

2020 Projects

How You Can Get Involved (SP0237)

Approved January 2020

We brought together a handful of motivated students to hear a talk from the McGill Office of Sustainability about how they (the students) could get involved on campus, with the aim to making the future of McGill and the wider community more sustainable.

Sustainability, Maintenance, Repair, and Social Justice (SP0238)

Approved February 2020

The Sustainability, Maintenance, Repair, and Social Justice in Feminist and Accessible Publishing and Communications Technologies: A Speaker and Workshop Series asks questions about sustainability, maintenance, right to repair, and the power of speculative futures. The series will be divided into 3 major themes: (1) Challenges for Feminist and Accessible Publishing and Communications Technologies; (2) Sustaining Social Justice: Sustainability (Environmental), Right to Repair, and Maintenance; and (3) Toolkits: Workshops Applying the Lessons of the Speaker Series. By thinking about sustainable technologies through the lens of social justice, the speakers of this series will foreground the environmental and social impact of the technologies we build. Environmental racism and sexism will be addressed.

Reusable Dishware for the Lady Davis Institute (SP0243)

Approved March 2020

This project aims to reduce waste from single-use items and promote a stronger sustainability culture at the Lady Davis Institute (LDI). Specifically, we seek to eliminate the usage of disposable plates, cups and utensil at all events hosted by the LDI trainee committee. Thus, we want to provide reusable dishware to the students at all events. These events take place on a weekly basis and include seminars, workshops, student talks, journal club meetings and social activities (ex: BBQ). In general, we anticipate between 20-50 participants depending on the event and provide food for the trainees. As we currently rely on single use items, the cumulative potential waste reduction is significant. The implementation will begin as soon as the grant is received i.e. in the end of February with our pizza party or our student seminar on the first Thursday of March 2020. Events are usually hosted at the LDI, a McGill affiliated medical research institution that hosts trainees, which are primarily graduate and post-graduate students from the McGill Faculty of Medicine.

Fixing and Maintenance of the Bike Repair Stations and Pumps on Campus (SP0247)

Approved April 2020

An SPF-funded project led to the installation of two outdoor bike pumps and a bike repair station on campus in the Fall of 2013. One pump is located outside McConnell Engineering, while the other pump and the repair station are located outside the Bronfman building. They are accessible year-round and to anyone with bike issues on campus. Recently, these units have fallen into disrepair and will require fixing as well as ongoing maintenance going forward. The repair of the pumps will require us to order and install new parts from the manufacturer. Ongoing maintenance will also require us to replace certain parts regularly. We hope to have these units repaired before the spring biking season is in full swing.

Campus Crops 2020 - Student Food Security in an Insecure Time (SP0251)

Approved June 2020

Campus Crops has been serving the McGill student and staff community for close to a decade. Gardening the community plot behind the School of Environment (3534 Rue. Universite), we provide fresh produce to over 30 students and staff each growing season. We also provide urban farming education for newcomers. We emphasize student-led mutual aid through skill-sharing and growth and access to healthy produce. This project requires careful planning and skillfull leadership from two yearly Campus Crops Coordinators. This year, due to COVID-19, the group struggled with an unceratin growing season. We continued planning in case we would be able to plant and harvest and now that gardening is allowed with safety precautions in place, the two Coordinators have been working since May to support this McGill community project for 2020. We are applying for your assistance to fund this project and support volunteer efforts.

The Trees of McGill - A Virtual Tour (SP0252)

Approved October 2020

This virtual tour of some of the most interesting treees on the downtown campus of McGill University is based on a real-time walking tour entitled 200 Years of Trees at McGill. This script was assembled for the Faculty of Science Bicentennial committee with the intent that it would be part of a suite of walking tours to be held outside for groups of visitors (mainly Alumni) during Homecoming 2020 and during the Bicentennial year 2021. Homecoming 2020 will be virtual this year so the funds needed now would be used to convert the walking tour to a virtual tour. Ideally, the content would use the Google Earth and satellite view applications to create 12-15 question mark bubbles over the aerial view of the 12-15 trees in the script. Each question mark bubble zooms into a different tree which is an interactive panoramic photo with its own bubbles to explore. We would also include a dictionary or lexicon in this virtual tour to learn more about the lingo (like tree cookie, samara) and other tree terminology. This google earth tour can be embedded into the Museum's Facebook site as a video. Popular lengths are just under one hour.

Interview Series on Intersectional Environmental Sustainability (SP0257)

Approved October 2020

This project would be a series of 3-4 interviews with individuals involved in environmental sustainability in some capacity, who also identify as a member of a marginalized group (women, the BIPOC community, the LGBTQ2S+ community, etc.). Each interview would focus on their respective specialties within the environmental movement, through the lenses of their identities. The series would be published by the McGill International Review, primarily in written format but also possibly in podcast format depending on the preferences of the interviewees and the capacity of the MIR podcast team at the time of the interview. Because of the online format, it will not take place on any specific campus or physical location. One interview is already scheduled to take place on October 1st, with the rest of the interviews likely to be scheduled through October and November, likely being published from late October to December.

e-Digesting Cases (SP0258)

Approved October 2020

Our initiative is a case-based learning project entitled e-Digesting Cases. This case-based learning utilizes the virtual space to benefit McGill students as they begin their transition from class-based teaching to clinical teaching. All sessions will take place on Zoom whereby students will be divided into breakout rooms to discuss a medical case with upper-year medical students or residents. The final diagnosis with additional teaching points will be revealed at the end once the participants regroup. These case-based discussions will allow students to develop their clinical reasoning skills and help prepare them for clinical rotations as well as recognize the impact of diversity and climate change. Instead of using conventional formats with lectures and renting out spaces at McGill, this project aims to energize students about clinical reasoning utilizing the power of the virtual space, thereby preventing waste products since no paper products will ever be used. Furthermore, students are broken into breakout rooms to ensure small participant to facilitator ratio, ensuring a safe learning environment for all.

SciComm Case Competition (SP0259)

Approved October 2020

McGill Scientific Writing Initiative (MSWI) was created and is currently run by a group of McGill science students. We hope to promote science communication in the McGill scientific community as well as provide resources and opportunities to every student. This year, we have planned and organized a case competition called the SciComm Case Competition. Through this event, we hope that undergraduate students learn more about science communication and conducting research. It will take place from January to April and will be entirely online. As this competition has a theme of environment and sustainability, our goal is to educate students from every faculty from both the downtown and MacDonald campus on sustainable practices and interesting environmental phenomena.

McGill SDG Hub (SP0264)

Approved November 2020

The McGill SDG Student Hub is affiliated with the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Youth Division. The SDG Student Hub aims to help more university students learn about, engage with, and take actions on the Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Together with over 70 university hubs from 67 different countries around the world, we form a diverse and global network of young leaders passionate about and eager to contribute to the SDGs. The mission of this hub is to build a close-knit community of students at McGill University from across disciplines who are interested in the SDGs and to promote the SDGs on campus by organizing various educational, social, and fundraising activities.

We will be continuously organizing events throughout the school year as well as upcoming year, targeting all students at McGill.

2021 Projects

Reusable Dishware for Pharmacology Green Committee (SP0269)

Approved January 2021

The Pharmacology Green Committee is requesting funds in order to purchase dishware to be used at departmental events as well as events held by the Graduate Association of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Students (GAPTS). Our department hosts wine and cheese events as well as academic seminars where we serve wine and cold appetizers. The latter is served using plastic wine cups and plastic dishes that are not reusable and are trashed after the event, thus creating large amounts of unecessary waste. This waste can be very easily diverted from landfills if we had the funds required to purchase dishware that would be washed after events and reused at a later time. GAPTS also hosts breakfasts where the same type of waste occurs. However, so far, GAPTS has been able to purchase reusable glasses for monthly social hours. We would essentially like to continue this initiative to spread it to other events hosted in our department by staff or students. These events usually take place in the conference room on the 13th floor in McIntyre Medical Sciences building or on the 6th floor when larger attendance is anticipated such as named seminars or career day.

Sustainable Dinner Party (SP0271)

Approved February 2021

The McGill Sustainability Ambassadors are hosting a Sustainable Dinner Party on March 9th over Zoom. Participants will be invited to bring a pizza to eat during the event (homemade, store-bought, ordered…), though this is not required to participate. During the event, we will facilitate a discussion about sustainable food systems, food waste management, and how to best promote ethical, local and environmental food choices. The SPF funding will go towards prizes: we hope to encourage people to participate through the distribution of 4 prizes (one "winner" prize of 20$, three randomly selected 10$ winners). These will be gift cards for a bulk food store, Bulk Barn, which is available across the country.

E.A.R.T.H. Day Summit (SP0273)

Approved April 2021

In celebration of Earth Day (April 22), we are organizing 3 evenings of talks, panel discussions and socializing to promote sustainability in research and beyond. This virtual event will bring together McGill students and staff, researchers across Montréal, and concerned citizens to share knowledge and build community around the topic of (environmental) sustainability. While our talks and panel discussions will focus on identifying issues and solutions related to sustainability in research, we equally highlight a circus group focused on climate change awareness, local eco-friendly bars and stores, and new technologies that could mitigate plastic waste

Soil and Compost for Urban Agriculture at the Downtown Campus (SP0274)

Approved April 2021

McGill's downtown campus has over ten gardening groups that maintain large and small green spaces. These spaces are maintained by students, staff, and faculty and contribute to building a culture of sustainability on campus. Through this initiative, we aim to provide the gardening groups at the downtown campus with the soil and compost needed for the 2021 growing season. The SPF Tiny Stream would help pay for soil and compost needed to maintain theses spaces. An estimated 4 cubic yards of soil and 4 cubic yards of compost will be needed. The ordering and distribution of these materials will be done in collaboration with the horticultural supervisor, Eric Champagne, from Buildings & Grounds.

My Green Lab Accredited Professional Program (SP0276)

Approved June 2021

We are the GreenLabsInitiave@McGill, aiming to improve sustainability in research areas across campus. The MyGreenLab Certification program is an online certified program for laboratory staff and engaging scientists. The program delivers a detailed education about lab-related topics such as "Waste", "Green Chemistry", "Water" and so on. Currently, the online module on "Waste" became available. It can be taken at any time online to educate scientists about lab waste minimalisation, handling and other topics which information and education are urgently needed. We aim to use the money requested to be able to train three representatives of different GreenLab Iniatiatives across the McGill campus.

Waste Sorting for Engineering Frosh (SP0281)

Approved August 2021

To reduce the environmental footprint associated with Engineering Frosh events, we would like to use only compostable cutlery and napkins, compost all food waste, and sort all waste so that recycling and composting are possible. To make this a possibility, we will purchase compostable napkins, cutlery and garbage bags. We will also need to acquire 3 separate waste bins for garbage, recycling and compost that can be transported to our various frosh events. Lastly, we will be hiring Compost Montreal to collect the compostable waste to ensure it gets properly disposed of. Our events will take place at various locations within walking distance of McGill Downtown campus, over the course of August 27-30, 2021.

McGill Music Frosh (SP0282)

Approved August 2021

The SPF would be used for our final event of Frosh as a closing ceremony in Jeanne Mance Park. We want the students involved to respect the park and con>nue to be aware of their impact on the world around them. Throughout Music Frosh we will be reminding those involved of their role in responsibly disposing of the waste generated at all events. We also include in our promotional materials ways for students to be aware of and involved in Sustainable McGill.

Forest and Nature Workshop (SP0285)

Approved October 2021

Six outdoor lunch hour workshops for McGill undergraduate students to encourage discovery learning, hands-on nature skills and connections, collaboration and exploration of the local environment. This is a request to co-develop and manage 6 separate monthly experiential learning activities to be held outdoors in Winter and Spring 2022. These 6 lunch hour workshops will be taught by the outdoor educators from Montreal's Coyote Program, an accredited wilderness education centre based in Notre Dame de Grace and led by stakeholder Stephen Leckman (see: https://programmescoyote.com/our-team/). The funds requested would be applied to pay the Coyote educators' fees. The fee includes all workshop materials and supplies.

Dishware for Goodman Cancer Student Society (SP0287)

Approved November 2021

The Goodman Cancer Student Society (GCSS) is requesting funding to purchase dishware that can be used at various events held at the Goodman Cancer Institute (GCI). During the school year the GCSS hosts a monthly breakfast with coffee, tea and sweets; a seminar presentation on Fridays that serves beer, wine and snacks; a research day event with food and beverages; and various wellness and networking events at the 5th floor Atrium in the Bellini Building at the Downtown campus. There is a kitchenette in the Atrium where we can securely store the dishes, and a sink where we can properly clean, sterilize and dry the dishes for future re-use.

2022 Projects

Indigenomics - Carol Ann Hilton, what can we learn from Indigenous Economies (SP0290)

Approved March 2022

The event takes part of the decolonization segment of the Desautels Sustainability Network. By bringing an indigenous perspective on the economy and how to do business, we hope to bring the management students population to consider different ways to do business and design society of today and tomorrow. Students do not usually get the opportunity to learn from an indigenous researcher and businesswoman first hand and goes in line with the objective to ensure diverse representation in role models and guests to students.

McGill Clothing Swap (SP0291)

Approved March 2022

Our project is a clothing swap to be held on the downtown campus, which is aimed at creating more circular patterns of consumption in the McGill community rather than contributing to a wider throwaway and consumerist culture. We aim to educate about the SPF and MOOS in addition to the principles of a gift economy, impacts of fast fashion on the environment, and more ways to get involved through various educational materials on a linktree that can be explored through QR code at the event. The event will take place in early April indoors (ideally the McGill ballroom from 1-3pm on April 4th if we can get funding to book the room) and will consist of students and/or staff bringing clothing/accessory items (which we will sort into general categories), and then shopping for other items to take home. Bringing clothes will not be required to join the event, but since the event is taking place towards the end of the semester around moving days, we are confident that we will have a good turnout of clothing for people to shop from. Leftover clothes at the end of the event will be donated to various local shelters and thrift stores depending on their practicality and the need for different types of clothes in the community.

Multi-Cultural Recipe Book (SP0292)

Approved March 2022

The Multi-Ethnic Alliance will celebrate the rich diversity of our members and the wider McGill and Montreal community by creating a multi-cultural recipe book. Participants are encouraged to submit recipes which remind them of home and their cultural heritage from March 20th until April 1st, which will be assembled into a print and virtual book. To launch the recipe book, we will host an outdoor gathering in Jeanne-Mance at the beginning of May.

Soil and Compost for Urban Agriculture on the Downtown Campus (SP0295)

Approved May 2022

McGill's downtown campus has over ten gardening groups that maintain large and small green spaces. These spaces are maintained by students, staff, and faculty and contribute to building a culture of sustainability on campus. Through this initiative, we aim to provide the gardening groups at the downtown campus with the soil and compost needed for the 2022 growing season. The SPF Tiny Stream would help pay for soil and compost needed to maintain theses spaces. An estimated 1 cubic yards of soil and 6 cubic yards of compost will be needed. The ordering and distribution of these materials will be done in collaboration with the horticultural supervisor, Eric Champagne, from Buildings & Grounds

Out Loud: The Queer Voices in Research Symposium (SP0296)

Approved May 2022

"Out Loud: The Queer Voices in Research Symposium" is a research symposium for queer graduate students across McGill to present their research to the larger McGill community. This symposium will take place in the Thomson House from 12-5 pm on June 3rd, with a happy hour following from 5-7 pm. Presenters will have the option of 10-minute, 3-minute or poster presentations. There will be 4 thematic platform presentations with a combination of 3 and 10-minute talks, including one focused on sustainability research, and 1 poster presentation session. The symposium will be streamed online to allow remote participation. Additionally, a coffee/tea break and happy hour snacks will be provided. Prizes will be voted on by the audience and awarded to the winner and runner-up of each presentation category (6 total). Funding from the SPF will assist with room rental fees.      

McGill Community Garden Revival & Transition  (SP0297)

Approved July 2022

The McGill Community Garden, overseen by the Faculty of Education, promotes sustainable development and ecological literacy through garden-based learning. Though the garden has been active since 2013, its activities have slowed significantly in past years due to COVID-19 and a change in leadership. Professor Blane Harvey and his lab were approached in 2022 with an offer to transition the Community Garden to a larger space behind the Faculty of Education building. We saw this as an exciting opportunity to revive the garden's activities at McGill. We hope to gather the equipment necessary to establishing a vegetable garden in the new space, so that we can welcome the McGill community to our garden at the end of this season and have a fully operational garden in the 2023 season and beyond.

Pizza Picnic: Sustainability in the Classroom (SP0298)

Approved July 2022

Our event, “Pizza Picnic: Sustainability in the Classroom and Beyond" will take place on September 13th from 11:00am to 1:00pm on campus as part of the Sustainable Futures Festival. This event will be open to all students, and will feature two new sustainability learning opportunities coming this fall, a 13-week course (FSCI-198: Climate Crisis & Climate Action) and 30-minute online module (Creating a Brighter Future: Sustainability at McGill). Students will learn about sustainability, the challenges we face, and how they can take action at McGill and beyond, while enjoying free pizza.

Compost Montreal for Frosh Park Party (SP0299)

Approved July 2022

Park Party is an event that is a part of Orientation Week 2022. It will take place at Jeanne Mance Park on August 27th from 10 am until 4 pm. Our initiative is booking Compost Montreal to bring us compost bins in order to collect organic waste throughout the event, provide us with compostable utensils since food will be served there, and collect the bins and waste from us once the event is over.

MealCare Delivery Equipment (SP0300)

Approved August 2022

MealCare diverts food waste in and around campus by bringing leftover food from local businesses and cafeterias to the Old Mission Brewery (OMB). We recently contacted the manager of NRH and C4 cafes to see if we could expand our operations with them. He is keen about the partnership but requires that we use recyclable aluminum trays for deliveries. We want to secure this partnership for the upcoming fall semester as well as all subsequent semesters. Our deliveries take place on Friday afternoons. We may also use these trays to pick up leftovers from events, an initiative we are trying to realize in the coming months.

Education Frosh 2022 - Compost (SP0301)

Approved August 2022

McGill Education frosh is kicking off its 5-day event with a park party at Jeanne-Mance to allow all the incoming students to get to know each other in a fun and relaxed environment while enjoying the last days of summer outdoors! We want to initiate our participants to the importance of sustainability as early as possible once they get to McGill and this is a great opportunity to set standards of sustainability for the rest of the week. We will use this funding for compost Montreal to come pick up the scraps of food and the soiled pizza boxes from our event so nothing is thrown into the garbage.

World Oyster Podcast (SP0306)

Approved September 2022

ECOLE, a model of urban sustainable living at McGill University, is developing a podcast - the World Oyster Podcast - which aims to facilitate the spread of ideas relating to sustainable design and technology. Our audience ranges from new undergrads, to those emerging into early careers. Our goal is to empower our listeners with ideas which will better position them to make change in society, business and the environment. Currently, the podcasts introduction episode is being developed. The tentative release date is the 1st of October, 2022. Subsequently, the aim is to release a new episode every two weeks following the release of this introduction episode.

CSA Wine & Cheese (SP0307)

Approved October 2022

The McGill Classics Students Association is hosting the latest iteration of its Wine & Cheese event. This year, despite a limited budget, the CSA would like to provide vegan options, as well as compostable plates and cutlery. The hope is to encourage plant-based diets, reduce the amount of waste generated by this event, and raise awareness about sustainable practices among its community members.

Welcome Back to the Hub (SP0308)

Approved October 2022

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Student Hub is now able to plan in-person meetings and events after three years of online actions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To incentivize students to attend our events and learn about the SDGs and sustainable individual actions, we would like to provide free food to the people who attend. We plan to serve vegetarian and vegan pizzas as well as vegetarian samosas. 

Green Lab Office Supplies - Zeytuni Lab (SP0310)

Approved November 2022

This project aims to reduce the frequently generated paper waste produced in labs by replacing traditional paper-based notetaking with reusable and sustainable alternatives. As researchers, we are obliged to take detailed notes of all proceedings in the lab. Replacing single-use office items, like post-it notes, with reusable whiteboard pads and dry erase markers will help reduce recycling and landfill waste. This initiative will take the medium-sized 10-person Zeytuni Lab one step closer to paperless, and it was inspired by similar initiatives implemented in two other McGill labs in 2019 and 2021.

Anti Black Friday Clothing Swap (SP0311)

Approved November 2022

Hosted by Fashion Revolution McGill, this two-part event consists of a clothing swap and a panel discussion open to students and staff. The clothing swap portion of the night aims to instill a more cyclical consumption pattern among McGill community members and gives them an opportunity to rethink their consumer behaviours on Black Friday and throughout the year. The panel discussion will raise awareness about the environmental and human rights issues associated with the fashion industry, especially fast fashion, and offer concrete suggestions for what to consider when purchasing clothing. We will also provide attendees with a QR code for a short movie about fast fashion to share with friends, and food provided at the event will be served on compostable plates.

Eco-Anxiety Workshop (SP0312)

Approved November 2022

The Post-Graduate Students' Society (PGSS) Environment Commissioner is organizing a virtual workshop about eco-anxiety for the McGill community that will be run by Eco-Anxious Stories, a small organization based in British Columbia that provides resources and workshops about how to use storytelling as a tool to deal with and redirect eco-anxiety. The workshop will look at climate change through the lens of emotions and social justice, rather than a scientific lens. Participants will be encouraged to embrace their eco-anxiety as a driver for action and a way to connect with others, and they will be equipped with tools to help sooth that anxiety when it becomes overwhelming using storytelling.

Climate Fresk Workshop @ Desautels (SP0313)

Approved November 2022

The Desautels Sustainability Network is organizing a Climate Fresk workshop for undergraduate management students to teach them about the fundamental science of climate change so they feel informed and empowered to take action. This event is serving as a pilot project to determine if the workshop should be offered on a recurring basis to a larger group of students and potentially incorporated into BUSA 250, a mandatory course for first-year management students. 

Smith's Tea Goes Sustainable (SP0318)

Approved December 2022

Smith’s Tea is a weekly informal gathering that gives graduate students and faculty the opportunity to meet, catch up, and exchange ideas beyond typical disciplinary boundaries. It was named after Professor Wilfred Cantwell Smith, the founder of the Institute of Islamic Studies in 1952. Fridays were the days when he invited students and colleagues to his office for a cup of fresh tea. It became a ritual. Smith’s tea was revived a few years ago. The gathering is overseen each year by a committee of students, who purchase refreshments. Our weekly shopping list includes coffee, fruit, snacks, meals, AND, unfortunately, disposable cups, plates, and utensils. By utilizing the Sustainability Project Fund, we will only have to purchase these kitchen appliances once. We have a beautiful (quite popular on campus) common room in the Institute of Islamic Studies which allows us to store them.

2023 Projects

Kitchen Supplies for Nursing Floor (SP0321)

Approved January 2023

We would like to buy kitchen supplies (dishes, cups, dish rack, tupperwares, washable sponges and towels, utensils and serving utensils, big plates/bowls) for the small cabinet/sink area on the 19th floor 680 Sherbrooke. We already have some mugs that are used frequently, kettle, microwave and soap dispensor that is frequently refilled but are missing the above mentioned items. There are tables and hang out areas on the floor and is a frequently used space for eating and studying by nursing students and others.

Plants for Wellness in Nursing PhD Office (SP0322)

Approved January 2023

The current Ingram School of Nursing PhD office at McGill, 1816-680 Sherbrooke Ouest, has plenty of windows and an excellent view of the mountain. The department also gave us new furniture for a thinking and reading area by the windows. Our PhD cohort discussed this set-up, and we believe that the corner would greatly benefit from some live plants for us to take care of, to contemplate nature while we read, and to clean our office air. However, we currently do not have the funds to buy plants and their necessary accessories. We hope that the SPF can support our initiative to purchase office plants in March 2023, for reimbursement by the SPF.

DECAP (SP0323)

Approved January 2023

For this pilot project, DECAP devices will be placed in 5 research animal facilitiy workspaces around McGill (GCI & Glen/McIntyre animal facilities, GCI & McIntyre labs) to collect needle cap waste. DECAP devices enable the user to safely uncap, recap and dispose of needles with one hand and at the same time effectively sorts needles and needle caps, enabling needle caps to be recycled. This project’s secondary goal is to increase education and awareness of single-use plastics waste and recycling potential in research facilities at McGill and beyond. This will be accomplished through a brochure-flyer that will be posted/provided with the DECAP devices to participating organizations.

Sanctuary for Native Medicinal Plants at McGill (SP0327)

Approved February 2023

This project will take place in the Pollinator Patch located at McGill’s downtown campus, occupying the southern wall of the Burnside building. Many traditional herbal and medicinal plants already grown in the patch such as Salvia, Bee balm, Summer Savoury, Sweet Grass and White Sagebush. Our aim is to ehance the species diverstiy of the pollinator patch with a small selection of locally soucrced botonical plants that are known for their importance to First Nations communites and medicinal aspects. The plants will be eastern region species to ensure their survival and adaptation to the Montreal weather. This project takes place during Montreal’s very short growing season and hot summer of 2023.

3D Printer Filament Recycling Assessment (SP0328)

Approved February 2023

This project is hopefully the first step in addressing the larger issue of 3D printer waste on campus. Oftentimes, people make mistakes when printing or have extra filament left over that gets thrown out. This tiny stream application would be used to purchase a recycling bin for the 3D printing lab in the library and print an informational poster to inform students where to place their waste and why its important. The collection of this waste would be used to assess the quantity of waste being created in this space and determine the scope for a larger solution and future project.

Plant Giveaway and Awareness Campaign (SP0329)

Approved February 2023

Currently, plant cuttings are being propagated at Kathryn Hunt's (one of our GLI members) house. Once these cuttings develop roots and take well in soil to develop a robust plant, they will be made available for members at the LDI to either have in their lab or take home with them. We are aiming for these plants to be available by late April-early May. We hope to have a day dedicated to giving these plants away and using this opportunity to raise awareness about the benefits of plants and how to buy them sustainably or propogate your own.

The Rennet - Sustainabowl Edition (SP0330)

Approved February 2023

The Rennet is a new food magazine run by and for McGill Students. Our main goal is to promote a healthy relationship with food by encouraging healthy eating habits, providing easy to make recipes for new students, and highlighting affordable places to eat. Our first semesterly print edition, aimed to release April 1st, follows the theme “Sustainabowl.” This theme focuses on the overlap between sustainability and facing the struggles of healthy eating on campus. In order to make this a reality, we would need to securing printing by March 24th.

Greenery in Engineering Buildings Project (SP0331)

Approved March 2023

To promote sustainability and well-being on campus, this project consists of adding more plants to the McConnell Engineering Building, particularly on the fourth floor of the Atrium and the “Fish Bowl” corridor between the McConnell and MacDonald buildings. The plants will be placed in their respective locations as soon as they are picked up from the local plants store Binette et Filles, which will be on April 1st, 2023. The plants will be watered by the SEAM team at regular intervals until a self-watering system is implemented, which is currently being designed by a multi-disciplinary SEAM subcommittee. The plants being installed are low maintenance and include an umbrella tree and ZZ plant on the fourth floor of the Atrium and two snake plants in the Fish Bowl.

Reinvigorating the Little Free Libraries (SP0332)

Approved March 2023

This initiative is aimed at re-establishing the Little Free Libraries around McGill campus, in Leacock, Redpath, Arts and Residential buildings. The initiative is an opportunity for students to use these boxes around campus as makeshift libraries where they can pick a book and leave a book as they wish. It encourages the sustainable use of book and is inclusive to all McGill students. By revamping the boxes, we are attempting to draw more attention to the boxes and add counters to keep a track of the usage. We will be adding the counters and the posters over the summer and promoting the LFL throughout the Fall 2023 semester.

The Lab Garden (SP0334)

Approved April 2023

The “Lab Garden” initiative is a graduate student-led, community-focused project. It aims to be a shared workspace and a beautiful and sustainable environment for all students who share the space. To achieve this goal, we seek funding to purchase new plants, soil, pots, and some garden tools to take care of this neglected space. These resources will be used to replant and care for the existing plants, as well as to introduce new plants to the space. As part of the initiative, a day will be organized in mid-May or June for all interested students and supervisors to gather and participate in replanting and planting new plants, as well gathering to share an activity other than research. This integration activity will welcome the spring season and provide an opportunity for students to work on a collective goal. By engaging in this project, students will not only help to revitalize the workspace but also promote a sense of community and shared responsibility.

MORSL Interfaith Peace Garden (SP0339)

Approved June 2023

The MORSL Interfaith Peace Garden is located at 3610 McTavish along the path to the main entrance. Taking advantage of the spring season, this project commenced in May 2023 with student volunteers who have been working to clean up the area of weeds and debris. Through planting and ongoing tending of the garden, this project is expected to be sustained over many years and will contribute to enhancing a sense of belonging as well as promoting interfaith and intercultural understanding for students from diverse religious, spiritual and secular backgrounds through dialogue and cooperative action. Such a garden provides visible evidence of dialogue on campus, care for the earth, and inclusion for all in the spirit of social and environmental sustainability. In order to achieve the desired results, we need a small amount of funding to purchase consumables (e.g. gardening gloves likely to wear out), some hand tools and watering cans, as well as some plants, particularly in this first year where we would like to create a colourful display for shade-tolerant annuals.

Creating a Zen and Cleaner Air Space in Hugessen (SP0340)

Approved June 2023

The goal is to create a zen and healthy work environment for a much deserving team of about 25 administrators. The team works at Hugessen House, which means sharing the space with mice and wasps (in the last two years) and working in dusty and stuffy office spaces (due to the old age of the building). The team is one of the last to get heating turned on and off, and they still don't have AC in their offices. Some team members have tried to create a positive work environment by bringing in art work (their own and the University's), getting approved for the Spin Bike Project (which came with two gorgeous plants, now in a shared office with four to six administrators). The aim is to keep working on bettering this work environment by bringing in plants that would help clean the air, purchased from a small local business, to benefit the team as a whole.

Compost Montreal for Frosh Park Party 2023 (SP0341)

Approved July 2023

Park Party is an event that is part of Orientation Week 2023. It will take place at Jeanne Mance Park on August 25 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. This initiative is booking Compost Montreal to bring compost bins in order to collect organic waste throughout the event, provide compostable utensils since food will be served there, and collect the bins and waste once the event is over.

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