TISED Newsletter 

J. M. Bishop & family Scholar

François Bouffard Dr. François Bouffard (Associate Professor, William Dawson Scholar, and Associate Chair of Undergraduate Affairs) has been appointed as the first John M. Bishop and family Faculty Scholar. 

 The John M. Bishop and family Faculty Scholar in Sustainable Engineering and Design award was established through an endowed gift to the Faculty of Engineering   from John M. Bishop (B.Eng. ’47) and is intended to reduce society’s dependency on non-renewable resources. The Award will provide support to faculty members   within TISED, specifically to engage one or more doctoral student(s), under their supervision, working in an area of strategic importance to the Faculty that has   demonstrated focus on sustainability and design. This Faculty Scholar position supports exploratory and highly innovative research in sustainability and advances and enriches the teaching and research programs launched by TISED, partly by funding doctoral student research in sustainability in engineering and design and partly by championing outreach, research, and policy work with the institute.

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