How to apply

Student in McGill hoodie

McGill is one of Canada's top ranked universities, and is ranked among the top 25 universities in the world. Apply now to become an Engineering student at McGill.

Take the first step to becoming a McGill student. Fill out your application for admission.

Questions about applying to McGill? Visit Ask McGill or contact Service Point.

We are women in the Faculty of Engineering


Meet a professor

Viviane Yargeau and researchers

Viviane Yargeau
Associate Professor

When I decided to seriously consider seeking an academic position, McGill attracted me because of the diversity of people working here...the strong commitment of McGill to support national and international collaboration. Meet Professor Yargeau

Meet an alumna

Irene Makris

Irene Makris
Mechanical Engineering

Women bring more diversity into engineering through the way they think, the way they solve problems, the way they lead and manage people, and the way they interact with others. They can be positive agents for change. Meet Irene


Meet a grad student

Selina Liu

Selina Liu
Chemical Engineering

At the end of high school, I was ready for something new, exciting and challenging. Moving half way across the country for school seemed to be fitting. Meet Selina

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