Day 2 Presentations

CDPMN and Comprehensive Disaster Management [.pdf]

Drought and Flood Plans:
CDPMN: Enhancing Existing Drought and Flood Plans [.pdf]

CDPMN at the Regional Level:
Regional Monitoring and Forecasting under the CDPMN [.pdf]

Drought Research in Jamaica:
CARIWIN Jamaica: Current and Future Research [.pdf]

Weather Research and Forecasting Model:
The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model [.pdf]

Early Warning Systems:
The Benefits and the Development of an Early Warning System [.pdf]

CDPMN at the National Level:
National Monitoring-SUPSI collaboration [.pdf]

North American Drought Monitor:
Creating the North American Drought Monitor [.pdf]

CDPMN in Guyana:
National Monitor of Guyana: Role and Approach [.pdf]

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