7 Reasons The World Isn't Totally Screwed Right Now

Published: 8 August 2014

If you've turned on the news lately, you may have gotten the sense that the world is falling apart. From rising body counts in Gaza and Israel to a plane getting shot down in Ukraine to increasing...

Fundraising For A Humanitarian Startup? Show VCs The Money

Published: 16 January 2017

A noticeable fraction of the thousands of startups I have looked at in the last seven years have made attacking a societal evil (e.g., hunger, homelessness, etc) a key part of why they exist. This...

How to Breed a Tasty Cricket

Published: 25 September 2015

It’s hard to hear anything over the chirping. Cardboard boxes filled with egg cartons and sheets of plastic buzz with thousands of young-adult crickets calling out to one another to mate. The brush...

Ottawa researcher hopes bugs can address global food insecurity

Published: 11 June 2014

Gabe Mott is spending the summer in Mexico, where the company he's part of is trying to figure out how to industrialize the production of insects — or micro-livestock — to address global food...

Desautels students head to 2015 Hult Prize regionals

Published: 16 February 2015

On March 13-14, McGill students Amanda Chalupa (MSc in Social & Transcultural Psychiatry), Alyssa Wiseman (MBA-Law), Attiya Hirji (BA in International Development), Lida Faridian (MBA) and...

Hult Prize Accelerator Preps Competitors for $1m

Published: 15 August 2013

The problem: finding a high-quality source of protein for hundreds of millions of people that can be raised quickly, without consuming a lot of land, water, and other resources....

Tepung Jangkrik yang Tinggi Protein Enak Diolah Jadi Cookies dan Cake

Published: 8 September 2014

Tahun lalu, tim mahasiswa MBA dari McGill University Kanada memenangkan $1 juta (Rp 11,8 miliar) dari kompetisi Hult Prize. Mereka berhasil menciptakan 'power flour', yakni tepung lokal (gandum,...

Entomophagy: Can you swallow this food trend?

Published: 3 February 2016

Would you rather miss a PB by a single second, or eat a grasshopper? Runners who are competitive enough would probably strongly consider the grasshopper in this moment… being grossed out is...

Peneliti Kanada Berharap Serangga dapat Atasi Masalah Pangan Global

Published: 12 June 2014

Berkurangnya pasokan makanan dunia sempat membuat PBB tahun lalu memromosikan hidangan dari seranggayang kaya nutrisi, tinggi protein, rendah lemak dan mudah didapatkan. Selain itu dalam konferensi...


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