The research group of Prof Xinyu Liu is developing a portable, paper-based biosensor for point-of-care diagnosis of HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-infections. The research, led by graduate student Chen Zhao, has been published in the journal Biomicrofluidics.  The article has been selected as an Editor’s Pick of the journal and has been featured by Science Daily, American Institute of Physics (AIP), the Electrochemical Society and other science news websites.

Classified as: mechanical engineering
Published on: 20 May 2016

Research led by Dr Hossein Heris of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Dr Jamal Daoud of the Department of Biomedical Engineering is featured on the cover of the journal Advanced Healthcare Materials. Their article describes the successful adhesion of human fibroblast cells to a scaffold biomaterial composed of hyaluronic acid and gelatin composite microgels.

Classified as: engineering research, Mongeau
Published on: 27 Jan 2016

Don't miss the January 15, 2016, edition of CBC Radio's Quirks and Quarks to learn how Prof Jeff Bergthorson and colleagues are finding ways for energy to be stored and transported via iron and other metals, a novel and potentially important method for delivering fossil-fuel-free power.

Classified as: Sustainability, energy, engineering research, sustainable engineering, clean energy
Published on: 19 Jan 2016

Department of Mechanical Engineering alumnus Kieran Humphries is featured, along with electrical engineer Diego Mascarella, in the May 2015 edition of McGill's French-language publication McGill dans la ville. "Diego and Kieran are both young and bright McGill-trained research engineers," said Prof Benoit Boulet, who supervises their work on the e-drivetrain APC project, which engages industry partners such as Linamar, TM4, Infolytica and Purolator.

Classified as: engineering research
Published on: 3 Jun 2015

On February 27, 2015, Canada's three major research funding agencies – the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) – announced a new harmonized "Open Access Policy on Publications" that requires research publications supported by public funds to be made openly available for the benefit of the community at large.

Classified as: Research funding news & compliance policies
Published on: 12 Mar 2015

Research led by Prof François Barthelat in the Department of Mechanical Engineering earned a spot on Quebec's list of top 10 scientific discoveries in 2014. Inspired by natural structures like seashells, Barthelat and his team developed a technique to strengthen glass. They were able to make glass 200 times more resistant to breakage by engraving micro-cracks in wavy configurations on its surface. The pattern of micro-cracks guided larger cracks and absorbed impact energy.

Classified as: engineering research
Published on: 8 Jan 2015

The McGill Research Centre for Physical Activity and Health (PATH) presented their first annual symposium on Friday, October 3rd at the McGill Faculty Club. Entitled Making Connections, the Centre’s inaugural seminar event gathered prominent researchers from McGill and elsewhere who have an interest in studying the relationship between physical activity and health across a broad spectrum of healthy and diseased states.

Published on: 17 Oct 2014


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