Faculty Research Projects

On this page: Adult Education & Lifelong Learning | Art Education | Leadership & Transdisciplinary Collaboration | Literacy & Language Education | Mathematics & Science Education | Social Theory & Policy | Teacher Education

Adult Education & Lifelong Learning

Agricultural Training Through Stronger Vocational Education (ATTSVE)

Contact: Claudia Mitchell

Art Education


Monologues d'Enseignants: Étudier les expériences d’enseignants en formation initiale du Québec envers des problématiques vécues par les autochtones

Contact: Mindy Carter

Leadership & Transdisciplinary Collaboration

Understanding the Purpose and Meaning of Education in the 21st Century: Duoethnographies From Multiple Perspectives of Educational Learners and Leaders

Contact: Lisa Starr

Contact: Lisa Starr

Transdisciplinary Collaboration

Contact: Blane Harvey


Network-Building in Sustainability Research: A study of McGill Sustainability System Initiative (MSSI) Practices and Outcomes

Contact: Blane Harvey

Literacy and Language Education

Hip Hop Language and Youth Culture in Quebec: Multilingual Identity Practices In and Out of Classrooms

Contact: Bronwen Low, Mela Sarkar, Lise Winer

L'approche intégrée en univers social: Partenariat entre McGill et la Commission scolaire Eastern Townships

Contact: Roy Lyster

Not Leaving Data in the Dark: Participatory Archiving and Visual Data to Address HIV and AIDS

Contact: Claudia Mitchell

A Pilot Study on Investigating Youth Public Voices Online: Building Up Emergent Methods

Contact: Claudia Mitchell

Belonging, Identity, Language, Diversity Research Group (BILD)

Contact: Mela Sarkar

Engaging Teachers with Canadian Literature for Social Justice

Contact: Teresa Strong-Wilson

Mathematics and Science Education

Science Education Project -Chantier 7: Training Cycle 1 Quebec Science and Technology Teachers to Diagnose and Develop Students’ Conceptual Understanding, Problem-Solving, and Technology Skills

Contact: Anila Asghar

Enactments of Ambitious Science Teaching in Informal Contexts as a Means to Support Pre-Service Teacher and Minority Students’ Identity Trajectories into Science Teaching and Learning

Contact: Allison Gonsalves

Identifying Discourses that Impact Pre-Service Elementary Teachers' Enactments of Ambitious Science Pedagogies

Contact: Allison Gonsalves


Talking About Gender and Physics: Supporting Female Students’ Identity Trajectories into Physics

Contact: Allison Gonsalves

Science and Mathematics Education Research Group (SMERG) 

Contact: Limin Jao

Investigating a unique opportunity: How the role of a teaching assistant supports secondary mathematics pre-service teachers’ development

Contact: Limin Jao

The General Public’s Views of Gender and Mathematics: A Non-Binary Study

Contact: Limin Jao

Student-directed, STEAM inquiry: A purposeful learning community for change in practice

Contacts: Limin Jao

Understanding the Nature of Change of Secondary Mathematics Pre-Service Teachers’ Beliefs: Implications of a Multi-Faceted Teacher Education Program

Contact: Limin Jao

Collaborating for Success: Practice-based Learning Communities for Improvement in Secondary Mathematics Teaching

Contact: Marta Kobiela

Examining Facilitation Practices and Professional Vision of Coaches of Prospective Teachers

Contact: Marta Kobiela

Supporting Prospective Teachers to Engage Students in Constructing and Reasoning about Mathematical Definitions

Soutenir les enseignants en formation à guider des élèves dans la construction et le raisonnement sur les définitions mathématiques

Contact: Marta Kobiela

Supporting Teachers in Developing Conceptual Understanding on Multiplicative Structures in Elementary Schools

Supporter les enseignants dans le développement de la compréhension conceptuelle des structures multiplicatives dans la résolution de problèmes au primaire

Contact: Annie Savard

Social Theory and Policy

Pathways to Radicalization among Multicultural Youth in Canada

Contact: Ratna Ghosh

Educational Trajectories of Radicalized Females in Montreal (Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism

Contact: Ratna Ghosh

Educated Women in India: Caught between Dichotomies of Globalization and a Patriarchal Social Matrix

Contact: Ratna Ghosh


Countering Religious Extremism Through Education in Multicultural Canada

Contact: Ratna Ghosh


Acculturative Stress, Identity, and Self-Esteem Issues Among Immigrant Seniors with Compromised Autonomy in Montreal

Contact: Ratna Ghosh

Documenting and Understanding Black Community Supplementary Educational Initiatives in Montreal from 1900 to the Present

Contact: Philip Howard

Racial Humour in the Postracial: A Critical Race Africology of Canadian Blackface Incidents

Contact: Philip Howard

The Arts Against Postracialism: Strengthening Resistance Against Contemporary Canadian Blackface

Contact: Philip Howard

Networks for Change and Well-Being: Girl-led ‘From the Ground Up’ Policy Making to Address Sexual Violence in Canada and South Africa

Contact: Claudia Mitchell

Youth, the Arts, HIV & AIDS Network (YAHAnet)

Contact: Claudia Mitchell

IMPACTS: Collaborations to Address Sexual Violence and Campus

Contact: Shaheen Shariff

Teacher Education

Ecological Literacy and Learning for Sustainable Development

Contact: Mindy Carter


Digital Voices of Rural Teachers: Participatory Analysis, "Being a Teacher in the Age of AIDS" and Social Action through Cellphilms

Contact: Claudia Mitchell

Preparing Pre-Service Teachers for 21st Century Teaching and Learning: A Learning Communities Model

Contact: Lisa Starr

Material Culture and Pre-Service Teacher Identity Development

Contact: Boyd White

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