Book Display | Hearing Palestinian Literary Voices

9 Jan 2024
29 Aug 2024

This book display is an invitation to discover a variety of Palestinian authors.

Hearing Palestinian Literary Voices will run from January 9th to June 30th, 2024 in the Islamic Studies Library (1st floor of Morrice Hall), and is freely accessible during opening hours.

Exhibit | Ethel Stark, the Montreal Women’s Symphony Orchestra, and the Preservation of Audio Heritage

1 Feb 2024 15:30
31 Jul 2024 18:00

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The Marvin Duchow Music Library’s new exhibit explores the professional achievements of Ethel Stark (1910-2012), a pioneering violinist and conductor who forged new paths for women with the creation of the Montreal Women’s Symphony Orchestra (1940-1965), as well as the role libraries and archives play in preserving audio heritage.

Exhibit | What’s in the Cards? The art of play and games in the McGill Library Collections

1 Mar 2024 10:00
31 Aug 2024 17:00

La version française suit.

Enjoy the art of play in this selection of games from the McGill Collections.

Games can unite players or divide them. They can build common interest, edify, and entertain. Early tabletop and card games often provided ways to play your way to learning. Whether educational, moral, or purely for entertainment, games provide a rich history of design, artwork, and typography.

Exhibit | Reading Abbott

16 May 2024 16:30
30 Aug 2024 17:00

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About Reading Abbott

Exhibition | Textures of Book History

15 Jun 2024
31 Oct 2024

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The exhibit includes irreplaceable witnesses to the story of book history from its origins as clay tablets through the mass-produced nineteenth-century editions.

Writing systems and their scripts develop alongside innovations in materials that support the text, which in turn, influenced the resulting form of the book as object. As writing is a communication process of ideas, various intellectual movements will also impact form.

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