Lost or damaged items

  • You will be billed for the replacement cost of items that are not returned or automatically renewed 40 days after the due date (except for items in high demand that cannot be renewed: 1 day for course reserve material).
  • If the library determines that a damaged item can be repaired, you will be charged the cost of the repair. If the library determines that the item cannot be repaired, you must pay the replacement cost.

Replacement costs

Books and other items except equipment

  • You will be charged the current actual price of the item (or if the price is not available, a default price of $100 for books) together with a $30 processing fee.
  • If you return the item, both the replacement cost and processing fee will be waived; however, you will still be charged an overdue fee.
  • If you paid for a lost item, but find and return the item within 6 months of making the payment, a refund will be issued if the item has not been reordered.

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