1st place Marc Groleau

Healthy mouse cornea showing the distribution of macrophages throughout the eye.
In the centre of the cornea, macrophages are a few and spaced out while the edges of the cornea (Limbus) contain many more macrophages. Stained for cell nuclei by DAPI (Blue) and for macrophages by F4/80 (Green) and CD11b (Magenta). Imaged using a spinning disk confocal, Nikon CSU-X1

Acknowkedgements: Dr. Ajitha Thanabalasuriar and IMBP (Imaging and Molecular Biology Plaform)


2nd place Jessica Pei

Confocal images showing immunofluorescent staining of mouse crypt-derived colonoids (stained for DAPI and EpCAM) and CMT-93 infected colorectal epithelial cells (stained for DAPI, Tir, and EpCAM), depicted as planets.

Acknowledgements: Dr. Samantha Gruenheid, Dr. Alexandra Kazanova, Lindsay Burns, ABIF.

3rd place - Garrie Peng

Intestinal helminth infection is a neglected tropical disease affecting over 2 billion people worldwide. These macroscopic worms migrate and cause inflammation to host tissue during their life cycle. However, most infections are well-tolerated due to activation of host pathways that limit tissue damage and stimulate repair. Our preliminary results suggest that microbes play a role in this tissue healing response, as this image depicts persistent inflammation (jellyfish head) above villi of the small intestine (jellyfish legs) in infected mice that lack a gut microbiota. We are exploring the effect of the gut microbiota, a vast community of microorganisms, during this tissue repair process by imaging different types of cells in the small intestine at localized sites of damage. The goal of this research is to inform clinical approaches to enhance protection from infectious diseases.



Our Department invited you to get creative and submit your finest scientific images for the 2023 Edition of the MIMM Scientific Art Contest!

Now it is your turn to vote for your favorite! Follow the link below, log in using your McGill email, and select which images should be our top winners. There are exciting prizes to be won, including MIMM branded clothing and several gift cards. Voting is open to all Microbiology & Immunology students, staff, faculty and associate members. The voting period will end on Friday, March 17 at 11:59 PM. The winning images will be announced and shared via email on Friday, March 24. Good luck!

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