First and third prizes to Rashaan Allwood and Joel Peters in OSM Manulife Competition

Published: 30 November 2016

The 2016 edition of the OSM Manulife Competition took place last week.  This year's categories were strings and organ, for which the semi-final string rounds took place in Tanna Schulich Hall at...

Compositional Collaboration between the OSM and the Schulich School of Music.

Published: 25 November 2016

When Schulich School of Music composition students write pieces for orchestra it may be that they dream of their works someday being performed by the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal, with all the...

Mezzo-soprano Simone McIntosh wins Wirth Vocal Prize

Published: 21 November 2016

Following an evening of exceptionally high-level vocal artistry from all three finalists, Jean-Philippe Mc Clish, Simone McIntosh and Igor Mostovoi, last night the members of the Jury declared...

Jordan de Souza, le monsieur 100 000 volts du classique

Published: 14 November 2016

Jordan de Souza est arrivé à Montréal il y a dix ans pour se former à la musique, avouant lui-même qu'il ne connaissait rien à l'opéra, discipline avec laquelle il s'est familiarisé à McGill. ...

Peter Schubert receives McGill's Lifetime Achievement Award for Leadership in Learning

Published: 10 November 2016

On  November 2nd,  Schulich School of Music Theory Professor Peter Schubert was named the recipient of McGill University’s Lifetime Achievement Award for Leadership in Learning. The award, which...

Finalists announced for the Wirth Vocal Prize

Published: 9 November 2016

The three finalists chosen to compete for the Wirth Vocal Prize this year are mezzo-soprano Simone McIntosh, bass-baritone Igor Mostovoi and bass Jean-Philippe Mc Clish.  These singers, selected in...

Saledepresse review of Alcina

Published: 9 November 2016

Blog post by Patricia Morales (in Spanish)...

Robert Hasegawa receives a Society for Music Theory award

Published: 9 November 2016

Robert Hasegawa, Assistant Professor of Music Theory and Area Chair for Music Theory at the Schulich School of Music, has received the 'Emerging Scholar Award' at the 2016 Society for Music Theory...

Mezzo-soprano Simone McIntosh winner of COC Centre Stage Competition

Published: 4 November 2016

Vancouver-born mezzo-soprano Simone McIntosh, a Master's student  of Professor Dominique Labelle at the Schulich School of Music of McGill University was named the winner of the COC Centre Stage...


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