Meet your Peer Mentors

To sign up to speak with a peer mentor, complete this form

Whether you’re an incoming student or you’ve been at McGill for a while, peer mentors can help you navigate life at Schulich.

Mentors can provide a fellow student’s opinion on courses, clubs, and important resources that you might not already know. They receive training in active listening and referral, which means they can help you connect with the support you need when you need it. They’re also there to talk about things like gigging, working, studying, practicing, making friends, exploring Montreal…

  • To sign up, see the application information above. We’ll match you with one of our student mentors at the end of the Fall term. Once you’ve been paired, you’ll meet with your mentor at least once a month in the winter. There will also be opportunities to meet and socialize with other mentors and mentees!

Connect with a peer mentor!

Asian womain smiling

Meet Mattea (she/her)


PROGRAM: Music and Education, Classical Piano, U1 (Second Year)

HOMETOWN: Sarnia, Ontario

More about Mattea

Hi! I'm in my second year at Schulich, where I'm studying to become a high school band teacher. When I'm not doing school work, I spend my time cooking, singing Broadway show tunes, watching reels of cute animals, gaming, and reading. Growing up, my family moved to a new country every few years for my father's work. So far, I've lived in English Guyana, Nigeria, the UAE, Angola, Canada, and China. Loved ones have described me as "book smart but not street smart", "the most unathletic, athletic person" and "the mom friend". Draw from that whatever conclusions you will... I believe that for many, adjusting to a new place is an extremely daunting thing. And as someone who has always been "the stranger" coming into a new place, I know how difficult transitions can be. I wanted to be a friendly face to incoming students, and give incomers the option to talk to someone they can relate to.

Young man smiles looking down and away from camera

Meet Will (he/him)


PROGRAM: MMus Composition


More about Will

Hello friends, I am Will. I play guitar and am currently pursuing a masters degree in music composition. I completed my bachelors degree at McGill as well, so I have become very familiar with the school and city. I look forward to meeting all of you!

I love being able to help out those who are now in the same place I was years ago.


Young woman with long hair and wearing glasses smiles at the camera

Meet Margaux (she/her)

LANGUAGES: English, French, Dutch (Anglais, Français, Néèrlandais)

PROGRAM: BMus Music Composition - U2 (third year)

HOMETOWN: Brussels, Belgium

More about Margaux

I'm French, but was raised in Belgium so I speak Dutch fluently! I love to dance or to draw in my free time. I remember what it was like as an entering U0 student, not knowing who to go to if I needed help with something. Everything felt so new and confusing! Now that I'm a third year, I'm really happy to be able to provide support for other students!

Young black man stands against a wall and smils at the camera

Meet Galilei

LANGUAGES: English, German, Otjiherero, Khoekhoegowab, Afrikaans

PROGRAM: BMus Voice Performance, Minor in Composition- U3 (Final Year)

HOMETOWN: Windhoek, Namibia (Southern Africa)

More about Galilei

I am a semi-professional operatic tenor, composer, arts administrator, and undergraduate student. I have a knack for writing and social engagement, but in my free time, I enjoy going to the gym or swimming. Despite my “gym-bro” habits, I frequently visit history and art museums. I am particularly drawn to artwork since I used to draw and paint observationally and interpretatively.

As a peer mentor, I hope to more directly support students through their academic and artistic journeys. Studying music can be very challenging and closely intertwined with one’s personal life. I would hope to help find the rewards and joys in this process in a pragmatic fashion.


Smiling lady holding violin

Meet Charlotte

LANGUAGES: English/French - J'ai appris le français à l'école en Ontario, et même si je ne parle pas parfaitement couramment, ma compréhension est bonne!

PROGRAM: BMus Violin Performance, BA Psychology (double degree) - U3

HOMETOWN: Ottawa, Ontario, CA

More about Charlotte

I chose to be a peer mentor because I feel that student-led support is vital for a well-run program in terms of providing accurate advice from a lived experience. I want to help students feel as comfortable as possible, academically, and mentally!

I am a crochet grandma and roller-skating fiend, and love going to fiddle jams! I also have a houseplant addiction, and a special love for birds.

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