Expert: Are mosquitoes driving you crazy?
It is a particularly bad mosquito season in Montreal. "More snow in winter, more floods in spring, you'll get more mosquitoes." (Source: CBC)
Ada McVean, Science Communicator, Office for Science and Society
There are more anti-mosquito devices and products on the market than ever before. Sadly, relatively few of them have been proven effective in scientific studies. To keep you and your family safe and itch-free (and to avoid wasting money) it's important to be able to separate the old wives' tales from the evidence-based interventions.
Ada recently finished her Bachelor of Science, with a double major in bio-organic chemistry, and gender, sexuality, feminist and social justice studies. She has been with McGill's Office for Science and Society (OSS) since 2016 and it has proven to be a perfect fit, as the OSS mandate of “separating sense from nonsense” combines both of her passions; social justice and science. She is starting a Masters in Chemistry at McGill in September 2019.
Contact information:
Ada McVean | ada.mcvean [at] (English)