Medical Student Teaching

For visiting elective students, all Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences elective requests must be made directly to the [at] (Visiting Students Office) at the Faculty of Medicine. For McGill students, all elective requests must be made through [at] (Ms. Natasha Lattimore) at the Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences teaching office. At no time should a prospective elective student attempt to arrange an elective directly with a doctor.

Requests for electives of less than 4 weeks duration are not considered.


Transition to Clinical Practice

Access our online platform here, for access to useful resources for the TCP ophthalmology curriculum, a one-week course during the 2nd year of undergraduate medical education. 


Contact for Medical Students

Natasha Lattimore, Residency Program Coordinator [at]

Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
McGill University
514-934-1934 ext 36789

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