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Nattokinase’s Clot-Busting Promises Sway Scientists Who Should Know Better

4 Aug 2023

It has been called a “powerful all-natural supplement,” one that shows “exceptionally potent” clot-busting action. This same enthusiastic source even refers to it as a “miracle food.” No, this was...

Where there is Smoke, there are Air Quality Indices

21 Jul 2023

I woke up from a nap to see a doomsday-esque picture outside the car window. My friends and I were driving back to Montreal during the poorest air quality day of the summer, and the city looked...

A Tale of Two Twins Meets a Tale of Two Cities

20 Jul 2023

Let’s start with the twins. Aimee and Nancy are identical twins who agreed to take part in an experiment organized by Panorama, an excellent British television documentary that often deals with...

Is aspartame a possible carcinogen?

14 Jul 2023

This article was originally posted in the Montreal Gazette....

Is Tightening the Belt Around the Corner for People Struggling with Weight? Here Come Orfoglipron and Retatrutide!

29 Jun 2023

They sound like names of creatures that Harry Potter could have encountered in the Forbidden Forest. But no, these are the names of two new drugs that may force the current golden boy of the weight...

If Male Athletes Can Run Fast, Female Athletes Can Run Far

22 Jun 2023

In schoolyards worldwide, the phrase “you run like a girl” is often used as an insult. We are used to seeing male athletes jump higher, lift heavier weights, and run faster than female athletes due...

The “Elixir of Life.” Really?

14 Jun 2023

Prior to the buoyant accounts of the study with the alluring title “Taurine deficiency as a driver of aging,” it was mostly people who read the list of ingredients on the label of the “energy drink...

This Report Card is For Your Diet

9 Jun 2023

On my last day travelling in the Netherlands, I stepped into a corner store to pick up a smoothie, when I stopped to examine the 5-colour scale on the front of the package.


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