
Managing Rapid Change and Rapid-Growth in Emerging Industries

Authors: Hamid Etemad and Christian Keen

Publication: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2018


Published: 5 Sep 2018

Nathan Yang selected participant in joint Quebec and China seminar

Nathan Yang, Assistant Professor in Marketing, selected participant in joint Quebec and China seminar Big Data and Management.

As part of the collaborative agreement between the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), a delegation of Québec researchers will take part in a seminar on the use of big data in management science in Nanjing, China, from September 18 to 20, 2018.

Published: 23 Jul 2018

Yu Ma, Laurette Dubé and Nathan Yang awarded 2018 SSHRC Insight Grant

Congratulations to Yu Ma, Associate Professor in Marketing, Laurette Dubé, Professor in Marketing and Nathan Yang, Assistant Professor in Marketing, on being awarded the 2018 SSHRC Insight Grant “An Empirical Investigation of Digital Goods Consumption and Its Impact on Word-of-Mouth Marketing”.

Published: 23 Jul 2018

Myung-Soo Jo and Emine Sarigollu awarded 2018 McGill Sustainability Systems Initiative New Opportunities award

Congratulations to Myung-Soo Jo, and Emine Sarigollu, Professors in Marketing, on being awarded the 2018 McGill Sustainability Systems Initiative (MSSI) New Opportunities award “From a Throwaway Society into a Sustainable Society: A Consumer Perspective”.

Published: 23 Jul 2018

Myung-Soo Jo and Emine Sarigollu awarded 2018 SSHRC Insight Grant

Congratulations to Myung-Soo Jo, and Emine Sarigollu, Professors in Marketing, on being awarded the 2018 SSHRC Insight Grant “The Demand and Supply Sides of Corruption”. 

Published: 23 Jul 2018

A Model of Two-Sided Costly Communication for Building New Product Category Demand

Authors: Michelle Y. Lu , Jiwoong Shin

Publication: Marketing Science, Vol. 37, No. 3, May-June 2018


When a firm introduces a radical innovation, consumers are unaware of the product’s uses and benefits. Moreover, consumers are unsure of whether they even need the product. In this situation, we consider the role of marketing communication as generating consumers’ need recognition and thus market demand for a novel product. In particular, we model marketing communication as a two-sided process that involves both firms’ and consumers’ costly efforts to transmit and assimilate a novel product concept. When the marketing communication takes on a two-sided process, we study a firm’s different information disclosure strategies for its radical innovation. We find that sharing innovation, instead of extracting a higher rent by keeping the idea secret, can be optimal. A firm may benefit from the presence of a competitor and its communication effort. The innovator can share its innovation so that competitors can also benefit, which encourages rivals to enter the market. The presence of such competition guarantees a higher surplus for consumers, which can induce greater consumer effort in a two-sided communication process. Moreover, the increased consumer effort, in turn, prompts complementarity in the communication process and lessens the potential free-riding effect in communication between firms. Additionally, it encourages the rival firm to exert more effort, especially when the role of consumers becomes more important. Sharing innovation with a rival serves as a mechanism to induce more efforts in a two-sided communication process.

Published: 23 Jul 2018

A piece of Canada in a coffee cup?

Tim Hortons is not just a corporation, it’s a Canadian cultural icon.

But with international expansion and a wave of recent scandals, Desautels Faculty Lecturer Robert Mackalski comments on the brand’s ubiquity and what it will take for “Timmies” to regain the hearts of Canadians.

Published: 10 Jul 2018

Desautels and FAES interdisciplinary research with McGill food startup and Montreal community organization highlighted at the 2018 Montreal Summit on Innovation (MSI)

Joëlle Rondeau, Research Assistant, McGill Centre for the Convergence of Health and Economics (MCCHE)

As part of C2 Montreal, the 2018 Montreal Summit on Innovation (MSI) showcased the social impacts of 10 collaborative research projects through an interactive circuit on May 23.

Published: 20 Jun 2018

Low birth weight is associated with increased fat intake in school-aged boys

Authors: Adrianne R. Bischoff, André K. Portella, Catherine Paquet, Roberta Dalle Molle, Aida Faber, Narendra Arora, Robert D. Levitan, Patrícia P. Silveira and Laurette Dubé

Publication: British Journal of Nutrition, Vol. 119, No. 11, June 2018


Published: 4 Jun 2018

Inspiration from the 'Biggest Loser': Social Interactions in a Weight Loss Program

Authors: Kosuke Uetake, Nathan Yang 

Publication: Marketing Science, Forthcoming


We investigate the role of heterogeneous peer effects in encouraging healthy lifestyles. Our analysis revolves around one of the largest and most extensive databases about weight loss that track individual participants' meeting attendance and progress in a large national weight loss program. The main finding is that while weight loss among average performing peers has a negative effect on an individual's weight loss, the corresponding effect for the top performer among peers is positive. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our results are robust to potential issues related to selection into meetings, endogenous peer outcomes, individual unobserved heterogeneity, lagged dependent variables, and contextual effects. Ultimately, these results provide guidance about how the weight loss program should identify role models.

Published: 4 May 2018

Taking stock of the good and the bad of living online

In his latest book, The Internet Trap, Desautels Professor Ashesh Mukherjee uses his latest research in consumer psychology to confirm what most of us already suspect: the Internet has changed our lives, and not always for the better.

Published: 1 May 2018

CSR types and the moderating role of corporate competence

Authors: Xiaoye Chen, Rong Huang, Zhiyong Yang, Laurette Dube

Publication: European Journal of Marketing, Forthcoming



Published: 26 Apr 2018

Takeaways from the 2018 Manulife Prize winner

Distinguishing between healthy living and fitness fads

At this year’s Manulife Prize ceremony, hosted at Maison Manuvie in collaboration with the McGill Centre for the Convergence of Health and Economics (MCCHE), Manulife Prize winner Professor Jean-Pierre Després presented an overview of his research, emphasizing the prevailing gap between science and so-called healthy living practices. According to him, the difference between what we know and what we do is staggering.

Published: 26 Apr 2018

Thinking critically about the age of social media

Professor Ashesh Mukherjee appeared on Context with Lorna Dueck to talk about the pros and cons of social media.

Drawing from the findings in his new book, The Internet Trap: Five Costs of Living Online, he outlines some of the biggest drawbacks to social media use, which include the proliferation of fake news and feelings of inadequacy.

Published: 25 Apr 2018

Ashesh Mukherjee discusses “The Internet Trap” with Bertrand Cesvet, CEO of Sid Lee

April 4, 2018 marked the launch of Professor Ashesh Mukherjee’s latest book, The Internet Trap: Five Costs of Living Online, in which he uses the latest research in consumer psychology to highlight the five hidden costs of living online: too many temptations, too much information, too much customization, too many comparisons, and too little privacy.

Published: 19 Apr 2018


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