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Visual Communication in Sciences

This workshop will take you on a journey of effective visual communication in science. You will learn why visuals are powerful tools to support your message, including the neuroscience behind visual learning and visual communication. You will revise basic principles of graphic design to improve slides, academic posters and other visual communication tools, and learn tips and tricks to improve the visual quality of your material.

You will also have the opportunity to practice what you will learn using examples and your own work, and to receive feedback on it.

After this workshop, you will be empowered to design scientific presentations that are tailored, aesthetically pleasing, and effective, to better engage, motivate, inform and persuade your audience.

To take full advantage of this workshop, please bring one editable file (e.g. PPT) of a presentation, academic poster or similar document on which you would like to work.

Dr. Ana Elisa Sousa graduated from Neurosciences in 2021.  She currently works at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute (McGill University).  Her research explore relational memory and cognitive remediation in psychosis.

This form takes about 2 minutes to complete.  You must click submit on the third page of this form to complete your registration.

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