European Quality of Life 5 Dimensions (EQ-5D)

Full name of scale

European Quality of Life 5 Dimensions


French, English, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese

Other languages available for different versions.

French version reference

Andrade, L. F., Ludwig, K., Goni, J. M. R., Oppe, M., & de Pouvourville, G. (2020). A French value set for the EQ-5D-5L. Pharmacoeconomics, 38(4), 413-425.




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EQ-5D can be used in clinical trials, in observational studies, in population health surveys, in routine outcome measurement and many other types of studies where a generic measure of health status is useful.


4 versions: EQ-5D-3L; EQ-5D-5L; EQ-5D-Y; EQ-HWB.

For more information on different versions, available languages for each version, and mode of administration; see:

Time to complete

No information found


No license fee will be charged if the EQ-5D is used for a non-commercial purpose

A license fee will be charged for commercial use of the EQ-5D

More information on the license policy can be found here:

Other information

Available in paper or pen

Proxy versions are available for populations in which self-completion is not possible

Group, T. E. (1990). EuroQol-a new facility for the measurement of health-related quality of life. Health Policy, 16(3), 199–208. Follow this link for the article.

Brooks, R., Rabin, R., & de Charro, F. (n.d.). The measurement and valuation of health status using EQ-5D: A European perspective. 2003. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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