Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS)

Full name of scale

CIUS - Compulsive Internet Use Scale


English, French, Arabic, German, Japanese, Chinese

French version reference

Khazaal, Y., Chatton, A., Horn, A., Achab, S., Thorens, G., Zullino, D., & Billieux, J. (2012). French validation of the compulsive internet use scale (CIUS). Psychiatric Quarterly, 83(4), 397-405.




It is a 14-item measure used to evaluate the severity of online problematic behaviors. The severity is measured based on the number of hours spent on the internet.

It characterizes compulsive internet use as the inability to restrain from internet use. It is brief, suitable for online administration and combination with other measures.

Time to complete

Online questionnaires should not take more than 20 minutes


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Wartberg, L., Petersen, K.-U., Kammerl, R., Rosenkranz, M., & Thomasius, R. (2014). Psychometric validation of a German version of the compulsive internet use scale. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 17(2), 99–103. Follow this link for the article.

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