Ontario Perception of Care Tool for Mental Health and Addictions (OPOC-MHA )

Full name of scale

Ontario Perception of Care Tool for Mental Health and Addictions


All versions of the OPOC, with the exception of the Crisis version are available in English, French, Cambodian, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Vietnamese. The crisis version is available in English and French.

French version reference

Rush, B., Hansson, E., Cvetanova, Y., Rotondi, N., Furlong, A., & Behrooz, R. (2014). Development of a Client Perception of Care Tool for Mental Health and Addictions: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Psychometric Analysis: Final Report for the Ministry of Health and Long‐Term Care. Toronto, Ontario: Health Systems and Health Equity Research, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.


Family-rated and Patient-rated


Training required


Clinical and research settings


The measure can be integrated into daily practices.


OPOC collects perception of care feedback for clients receiving publicly funded mental health, addictions and/or concurrent disorder services in Ontario to inform quality improvement initiatives at the organization. This includes both community and hospital based services. Perception of care asks about the care experience in relation to standards of practice. There are 2 standard and 3 customized versions of the OPOC:


  1. OPOC-MHA for Registered Clients is for people registered in a program for treatment or support. This includes family members (or other supporters) who are registered to receive services, such as in a family support group.
  2. OPOC-MHA for Non-Registered Clients is for people who are receiving service but not registered in a program (such as a drop-in peer support program). This includes family members or supporters who are receiving service but not registered.
  3. OPOC-MHA for Caregivers is for people who (a) have a family member receiving service at your organization, but (b) are not receiving services themselves at your organization.
  4. OPOC-MHA for Supportive Housing is for residents or tenants of organizations providing permanent supportive housing or long-term transitional housing.
  5. OPOC-MHA for Crisis is for clients of organization providing crisis services or brief interventions


All the versions are designed for people age 12 and older with a literacy level of grade six or higher.


Time to complete

Between 10 and 20 minutes to complete


OPOC is copyrighted. Questions about the instrument, or interest in using the instrument can be directed to OPOC.MHA [at] camh.ca. While the tool, the database and reporting portal are free, in order to access the tools and platforms organizations will first need to connect with CAMH for access.

Rush, B., Hansson, E., Cvetanova, Y., Rotondi, N., Furlong, A., & Behrooz, R. (2014). Development of a Client Perception of Care Tool for Mental Health and Addictions: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Psychometric Analysis: Final Report for the Ministry of Health and Long‐Term Care. Toronto, Ontario: Health Systems and Health Equity Research, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

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