Primary Care Check List (PCCL)

Full name of scale

Primary Care Check List


English, Italian




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Clinical settings

This measure should not be seen as a diagnostic instrument; rather it aims to bridge the gap between primary care and specialist services and build on primary care practitioners' skills and knowledge.

This measure is designed to help primary care practitioners identify young people in the early stages of psychosis.

This measure assesses general, psychological and social functioning (e.g. ‘arguing with friends and family’, ‘spending more time alone’, ‘sleep difficulties’ and ‘depressive mood’), as well as psychotic-like symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions (e.g. paranoia and ideas of reference) and disorganised speech and thinking.

Time to complete

5 minutes


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French, P., Owens, J., Parker, S., & Dunn, G. (2012). Identification of young people in the early stages of psychosis: Validation of a checklist for use in primary care. Psychiatry Research, 200(2–3), 911–916. Follow this link for the article.

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