McGill Alert / Alerte de McGill

Updated: Mon, 07/15/2024 - 16:07

Gradual reopening continues on downtown campus. See Campus Public Safety website for details.

La réouverture graduelle du campus du centre-ville se poursuit. Complément d'information : Direction de la protection et de la prévention.

Structured Clinical Interview for DSMs (SCID)

Full name of scale

SCID – Structured Clinical Interview for DSM


English and French available; other language including Danish, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Zulu.

French version reference

SCID-5-CV : entretien clinique structuré pour les troubles du DSM-5®. Stéphanie Habersaat, Delfine D'Huart, Jörg M. Fegert. 2022. Paris [France] : Hogrefe





Are designed to be administered by a mental health professional, e.g., a psychologist or psychiatrist or researchers who have been clinically trained. The amount of clinical experience is the crucial requirement rather than focusing on minimum degree requirement


Relevant professional training is a must as well as with experience performing unstructured, open-ended question, diagnostic evaluation

However, for the purposes of some research studies, non-clinician research assistants, who have extensive experience with the study population in question, and who have demonstrated competence, have been trained to use the SCID.


Training depends on the clinical experience and specific education of the potential interviewer.


Research, clinicians, clinical trials.

The SCID-5-CT is used in a research context to confirm whether subjects meet the diagnostic inclusion or exclusion criteria of a protocol. Most often the SCID-5-CT is used by pharmaceutical companies in clinical trials.


May be administered to adolescents under slight modification to the wording of the questions. Plans are initiating to develop a SCID-5 tailored for children and adolescents, with both self and parent/guardian reporting features

Time to complete

Significantly varies based on a number of factors including the version being used (e.g., core vs. enhanced SCID-5-RV (Research version); SCID-5-RV vs. SCID-5-CV (Clinician version) vs. SCID-5-CT (Clinical trials), the number of disorders being assessed, the diagnostic complexity of the subject, the subject’s ability or lack thereof to succinctly describe his or her history and symptoms, and the user’s level of familiarity and experience with DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and the SCID-5 instrument selected.


Subjects with complex psychopathology, diagnostic comorbidity, and who are difficult to interview may take longer than the maximum administration times listed below.


SCID-5-Research version (Core Version): 45-120 minutes

SCID-5-Research version (Enhanced Version): 45-180 minutes

SCID-5-Clinician version: 30-120 minutes

SCID-5-Clinical trials: 30-75 minutes

SCID-5-Personality disorders or SCID-5-Alternative model for personality disorders: 30-120 minutes


Available for purchase/available by permission only; access are different for each version of the SCID-5 upon request.

First, M, Spitzer, R., Gibbon, M., & Williams, J. (1995). Structured clinical interview for DSM-IV axis 1 disorders. New York: Biometrics Research.

First, MB, Williams, J., Karg, R., & Spitzer, R. (2016). Structured clinical interview for DSM-5 disorders: Clinician version. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association.

Wittchen, H. U., Zaudig, M., & Fydrich, T. (1997). Structural Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SKID-I and SKID-II). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

So, E., Kam, I., Leung, C. M., Chung, D., Liu, Z., & Fong, S. (2003). The Chinese-bilingual SCID-I/P Project: Stage 1—Reliability for mood disorders and schizophrenia. Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry13(1), 7–19.

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