Conference Program

Association of Ancient Historians 2014 Annual Meeting
McGill University, Montreal, 8-11 May
Program of Speakers and Events (Final Online Version)

Thursday, May 8 

Conference Check-in

Those conference participants who registered for the AAH group rate at the Montreal Delta can check-in and pick up their registration packet (nametag, etc.) at the hotel on Thursday May 8, between 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm in the Upper Lobby, after which time registration packets can be picked up at the check-in table in the lobby of the Arts Building on the McGill campus, between about 5:15 and 6:00 pm. All other participants can pick up their registration packets in the lobby of the Arts Building any time on Thursday until 6:00 pm, when Prof. Jehne's lecture begins. Please check-in by 6:00 pm on May 8 if you plan to attend the lecture and reception.

6:00 pm Keynote Lecture by Martin Jehne (Technische Universität Dresden), "Did Caesar Destroy the Republic? Once again, the Great Man in History," followed by Opening Reception

The lecture will be held in Moyse Hall in the Arts Building of McGill University. The reception will follow immediately in the lobby of the Arts Building, just outside the lecture hall. The lecture and reception are co-hosted by the Classical Association of Canada. 

Friday, May 9--Historiography, Religion and Archaeology

All panels will be held in the Arts Building West 120. Conference check-in until 5:00 pm in the lobby of the Arts Building. 

7:30-8:00 am Coffee and pastries in the lobby of the Arts Building

8:00-10:20 am Panel 1:The Intersection of Poetry and History in Roman Historiography 
Chair: Bill Gladhill (McGill University)

  • Dr. Jennifer Gerrish (Temple University), “An Epic Duel in Caesar's Bellum Gallicum”
  • Matthew Keil (Fordham University), “Concordia as an Historiographical Principal in Sallust and Augustine”
  • Jessica Stephens (University of Michigan), “Memory and Lucan’s Cato”
  • Dr. Rose MacClean (University of California-Santa Barbara), “Think Like a Libertus”: Phaedrus and Imperial Culture” 

10:20-10:40 am Coffee break in the hallway outside of Arts West 120

10:40 am-1:00 pm Panel 2:Perception and Emotion in Greek Historiography 
Chair: Lynn Kozak (McGill University)

  • Dr. Rosie Harman (University College London), “Viewing in Xenophon’s Hellenica"
  • Dr. Sara Forsdyke (University of Michigan), “Minor Episodes in Thucydides’ Narrative: Narrative Design and Historical Function”
  • Lucia Carbone (Columbia University), “More than a feeling: the value of pity in Herodotus, Thucydides and Xenophon”
  • Dr. Paul Johstono (The Citadel), “Rumor, Rage, and Reversals: Polybius’ Flirtation with Tragic History in relating the Fall of Agathocles of Alexandria”

1:00-2:30 pm Lunch

2:30-4:10 pm Panel 3:Religious Experts and Critics in the Greek Near East 
Chair: Pierre Bonnechère (University of Montreal)

  • Nancy Duval (University of Montreal), “Probability, Statistics and Oracular Divination in Roman Anatolia”
  • Inger Neeltje Irene Kuin (New York University), “Playful Piety: Ritual, Humor, and Myth in Lucian of Samosata”
  • Dina Boero (University of Southern California/University of Waterloo), “‘He remained with the Saint all the days of his life’: Religious Personnel and Ritual Specialists at Symeon the Stylite’s Cult Site”

4:10-4:20 pm Short Coffee break  in the hallway outside of Arts West 120

4:20-6:00 pm Panel 4:Technology and New Approaches in Roman Archaeology
Chair: Jane Francis (Concordia University)

  • Dr. Kaius Tuori, Laura Nissin, Juhana Heikonen and Samuli Simelius (University of Helsinki), “Public and Private in the Roman House”
  • Dr. Tim Howe and Rebecca Frank (St. Olaf College), “Plain Tales from the Hills: Archaeology, Digital Publishing and Reflectance Transformation Imaging in Rough Cilicia”
  • Dr. Gaius Stern (University of California-Berkeley), “What you do not See on the Ara Pacis Augustae

Saturday, May 10--Ancient History

All panels will be held in the Arts Building West 120. Conference check-in until 5:00 pm in the hallway outside of Arts West 120. 

7:30-8:00 am Coffee and pastries in the lobby of the Arts Building

8:00-10:20 am Panel 5:Local History beyond Athens and Sparta 
Chair: Hans Beck (McGill University)

  • Ruben Post (University of Pennsylvania), “Theban Agriculture, Pastoralism, and Foodways in the 4th century BCE"
  • Kyle Mahoney (University of Pennsylvania), “Mt. Lykaion and Arkadian Federal Politics”
  • Dr. Daniel Tober (Hofstra University), “Samos into Sand: Cycles and Samian Local History”
  • Dr. Eric D. Nelson (Pacific Lutheran University), “Contesting Cos: Leveraging Local Histories in the 3rd century BC”

10:20-10:40 am Coffee break  in the hallway outside of Arts West 120

10:40 am-1:00 pm Panel 6:Reconsidering Early Rome 
Chair: John Serrati (McGill University)

  • Dr. Elizabeth Klaassen (Carleton University), “Livy and the Greek Poets in Early Rome”
  • Dr. Duane Roller (Ohio State University), “The Central Greek Origins of Romulus and Remus Tale”
  • Dr. Jeremy Armstrong (University of Auckland), “The Kings, the Curiae, and the Community: Some Suggestions on the Nature of Early Imperium”
  • Dr. Christopher Smith (University of St. Andrews/British School at Rome), “Revisiting the Late Sixth Century in Central Italy”

1:00-2:30 pm Lunch 

2:30-4:30 pm Panel 7:Borderlands in Late Antiquity 
Chair: Greg Fisher (Carleton University)

  • Dr. Eric Fournier (West Chester University), “The Importance of Donatists to Vandal Africa”
  • Dr. Walter Ward (University of Alabama-Birmingham), “Liminality and Identity in the Late Antique Sinai”
  • Dr. Conor Whately (University of Winnipeg), “Procopius on Justinian's Strategy on the Persian Frontier”

4:30-5:30 pm Business Meeting

6:30-7:00 pm Cocktails  (Cash bar) at the Montreal Delta Hotel, room Opus 2

7:00-10:00 pm Banquet at the Montreal Delta Hotel, room Opus 2 and Closing Address by Dr. Kurt Raaflaub (Brown University), "Horror vacui: Livy and the troubles of a serious historian"

Sunday, 11 May--Performance, Power and Identity

Panel held in the Arts Building West 120. 

8:00-8:30 am Coffee and pastries in the hallway outside of Arts West 120.

8:30-11:30 am Panel 8:Performance, Social Rituals, Power and Identity  
Chair: Michael Fronda (McGill University)

  • Philip Katz (New York University), “Songs in Stone: Theoric Choruses and the Epigraphic Habit at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi"
  • Dr. Graeme Ward (McMaster University), “Punishment, Spectators, and Power in the Legions of the Roman Republic”
  • Bryan Brinkman (Brown University), “Popular Acclamation and the Communication of Roman Imperial Ideology”
  • David Thomas (Brown University), “Networking Status and the Political Religion of Roman Eleusis”
  • Chris Dawson (York University), “honore contentus pecuniam remisit: The Role of Public Honours in the Cities of Africa Proconsularis”

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