Evidence-based Teaching Strategies: Evolution and Natural 

QEP POLs for Secondary Cycle 1 relevant to the evolution:

i. Describes the stages in the evolution of living organisms
ii. Explains the natural selection process

Assessment Item(s) to explore/uncover preconceptions around this concepts (select from the diagnostic items table)

Question 1. Present day giraffes have long necks because:
A. They stretch them to reach the trees for food.
B. Their ancestors adapted to have long necks over time.
C. Giraffes with the longest necks are the strongest and most perfect.
D. Their neck length increases their body temperature.
E. Their neck length increases their speed.

Retrieved from MOSART (Life Science Survey Test, Item form # 921, Q21)

Question 2. During the course of evolution, it is often the case that a structure, such as a functional eye, is lost in an animal’s body. This is because ...
A. It is no longer actively used.
B. Mutations accumulate that disrupt its function.
C. It interferes with other traits and functions.
D. The cost to maintain it is not justified by the benefits it brings.

Adapted/Modified from Biological Concepts Instrument (Q12)


Question 3. How can a catastrophic global event influence the course of evolution?
A. Unwanted versions of genes are removed.
B. New genes are generated.
C. Only some species may survive the event.
D. There are short term effects that disappear over time.

Modified from Biological Concepts Instrument (Q4)


Activities to promote conceptual change about genetic variation and selection

Article title

Natural selection and evolution: Using multimedia slide shows to emphasize the role of genetic variation

Study focuses on the following scientific concepts

Genetic variation and selection


Secondaire 1 et 2

Activities/interventions used in the study to foster learning or conceptual change


Malone (2012) of this article uses a free multimedia slide show from to teach natural selection. http://learn.genetics.utah.edu from the variation, selection,


Focus of the slide show is on genetic variation and not on natural adaptation. The focus then shifts to species and advantageous traits being favored and passed to offspring because the trait increases the likelihood of reproduction and longevity. The slide show explains how variation, selection and time drive the process of evolution.  The presentation includes 19 slides with audio. At the bottom of the presentation, there is a statement of common misconceptions, with the reality posted below. The quality of the images and the slides is high. The language is straightforward.



Malone, M. (2012). Natural selection and evolution: Using multimedia slide shows to emphasize the role of genetic variation. Science Scope, 36(2), 26–30.



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