Projects 2023

Mechanical Engineering 2023

MECH 001: McISCE: Grounding the metal fuels industrial system in local contexts; (Bergthorson)

Professor Jeffrey Bergthorson

jeffrey.bergthorson [at]

Research Area

Sustainable energy


The transition requires technical change away from sources of energy that emit greenhouse gases. Energy infrastructure is intricately weaved with the structure of our economies and our communities. The Alternative Fuels Lab (AFL) has proposed metal fuels as closed-loop, net zero-carbon energy carriers that could likely beat batteries and hydrogen in energy density. Using these energy carriers requires infrastructure: production, transport, storage, use, collection, and recycling. The goal is to ground these steps of the metal fuels cycle in Canada (production) and at a potential use-point, studying the economic, environmental, social, and political aspects of implementation. How much will the whole system emit over its life? How much will it cost? Who pays? Who has authority over it? How much land, and of what type, do we need? Who will work the jobs this entails? We will seek answers to these questions through a blend of lifecycle, techno-economic and policy analysis, building on the work done at the AFL on the techno-economics of iron and aluminum fuels, and on work in the literature on lifecycle analysis of energy systems. This will be pursued in collaboration with Prof. Sarah Jordaan in Civil Engineering. Please contact Julien Otis-Laperriere (julien.otis-laperriere [at] to apply for this position.

Tasks per student

This is an interdisciplinary project, so the task split depends on what students want and bring to the project. What follows is an example of a split according to steps of the cycle. Tasks can also be split according to technique. Students will work closely together. Student 1: (Production side) Survey lifecycle analysis literature for the metal fuels cycle and develop estimates to fill gaps (with AFL members); identify desirable Canadian site(s); analyse industrial system costs in the Canadian context; summarize relevant news and policy documents in the locale; estimate jobs impact using econometric input-output tables Student 2: (Consumption side) identify an end-use location for metal-fuels based on industrial affinity, energy costs, or other factors; research news and policy for that context; evaluate different realizations of the process (e.g. local recycling or return-to-source); develop cost targets based on alternatives (e.g. hydrogen), and cost estimates if possible.


Deliverables per student

For each student: annotated bibliography, short presentation to the AFL team of the process and lessons learned through the project, joint report on the full metal cycle case study.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


MECH 002: Reaction of Aluminum with Water for Sustainable Hydrogen Production; (Bergthorson)

Professor Jeffrey Bergthorson

jeffrey.bergthorson [at]

Research Area

Sustainable Energy


Aluminum can react with water, releasing energy and producing hot hydrogen gas. The hydrogen gas can then be used in a fuel cell or burned with air to release additional energy and either generate electrical or mechanical power. The other products of the reaction are solid aluminum oxides that can be collected and converted back to metal. This closed utilization loop makes aluminum a sustainable zero-carbon energy carrier that could enable the storage and transportation of renewable energy. This project involves characterizing the aluminum-water reaction rate using electrochemical noise analysis. This diagnostics method enables in-situ measurement of the aluminum oxidation activity over a range of temperatures in the supercritical regime. Please contact Pascal Boudreau (pascal.boudreau [at] to interview for the position

Tasks per student

Help designing and building the electrode assembly and the data acquisition system for an electrochemical noise analysis test bench. Carry out preliminary experiments, trouble shoot problems and iterate on designs. Applicants must be autonomous, have good critical thinking skills, and be willing to work in a lab environment and use tools. Background in electrochemistry is a plus.


Deliverables per student

Prepare a comprehensive report outlining progress and results. Present main outcomes orally to the Alternative Fuels Laboratory group.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

Location of project


MECH 003: Metal combustion for clean energy and propulsion; (Bergthorson)

Professor Jeffrey Bergthorson

jeffrey.bergthorson [at]

Research Area

Sustainable energy


Metal fuels can be burned with air or oxygen to produce heat without any carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gas emissions. This heat can be used directly, can provide thrust for novel space propulsion systems, or can be used to drive heat engines to produce carbon-free electricity. The Alternative Fuels Laboratory is working on various metal fuel technologies for both Earth and Space applications. Three SURE students will be recruited to work on various specific projects within the group. Interested students should contact Joel Jean-Philyppe (joel.jean-philyppe [at] and Cloud Heng (cloud.heng [at] to apply.

Tasks per student

Students will perform hands-on experimental research of metal combustion systems, assist with data collection, and will also perform theoretical and computational analysis to help interpret and guide the experimental research.


Deliverables per student

Each student is expected to produce a written report on their work as well as a presentation to the AFL.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

Location of project


MECH 004: Refine non-invasive pressure and tissue elasticity device for healthy tissue evaluation of spine stabilizers.; (Driscoll)

Professor Mark Driscoll

mark.driscoll [at]

Research Area

Spine Biomechanics, deformable solids


The objective of this project is to refine a novel suction device that is reliable, easy to use and provides accurate readings as a spine health monitoring tool. A novel suction device has been developed in our group, comprised of a piston, pressure sensors, and distance sensors, and relied on the application of the extended Henky solution and hoop stress for thick wall cylinders. Preliminary tests indicated consistent measurements for internal pressure and calculated a modulus of elasticity, with 91% and 87% accuracy respectively. Future work must focus on improving the accuracy and design of the device for both static and dynamic setting. The capacity to study viscoelastic effects and how much the modulus of elasticity of biological tissues changes with time, could contribute to spine health monitoring practices. Planned further validation test included applying suction pulses at a fixed suction rates to a custom produced sealed testing benchtop model, representative of a human abdominal compartment, for different internal pressures to mimic the abdominal mechanical properties. Adjustments to the current device include refining the underlying code to offer insight into tissue viscoelastic and updating sensitivity of pressure and distance sensors to detect small changes associated to tissue strain rate. The results of the tissue tested in the custom benchtop for elasticity and pressure will be compared to measures acquired from a tensile test machine (Instron in lab) at the same strain rates and to the controlled pressure provided benchtop having its own sensor.

Tasks per student

Student will be charged with refining the current version of the device though prototyping and executing experimental tests with device and tissue testing on a mechanical tester.


Deliverables per student

New prototype assembly and report of testing results.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


MECH 005: Develop a custom subject-specific support garment to guide optimal spinal alignment.; (Driscoll)

Professor Mark Driscoll

mark.driscoll [at]

Research Area

Spine biomechanics


The plan is to leverage the knowledge gained from our group and to design a custom or subject specific novel back support device inspired by muscle, ligament, and fascial material properties and geometry as well as the underlying subject’s spinal profile. The purpose of the device is to enhance spinal stability when undertaking commonly performed tasks, such as flexion and extension. It is envisioned that the device would be made up of a top portion which attaches to the front through straps that wrap around the shoulders, a lumbar portion which is connected to the top portion and a bottom portion through elastic (or viscoelastic) elements, and a bottom portion. It is planned to develop the device with the objective targets to assist in maintaining spine health based on the influence of spinal profiles, material properties, and geometry on movement and stress distribution learned in our group. The efficacy of the device would be explore on a robotic spine or human subjects.

Tasks per student

Work on prototype development and fabrications Work on the testing apparatus


Deliverables per student

Prototype and report of testing results

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


MECH 006: Robot Navigation in Unknown Environments; (Forbes)

Professor James Forbes

james.richard.forbes [at]

Research Area

Robotics, Navigation, Control


Vehicles that are able to autonomously move in the air, on the ground, or underwater must fuse various forms of sensor data together in order to ascertain the vehicles precise location relative to objects. This process is called navigation. Typical sensor data includes inertial measurement unit (IMU) data, and some sort of range data from an optical camera or time of flight sensor (e.g., ultra wide band radio, LIDAR). The SURE student(s) will focus on sensor fusion for the purposes of robot navigation. Specifically, the student(s) will likely work on one of the following sub-projects: UWB-based navigation solutions for a team of robots, marine robot navigation. Students best fit for this position are those interested in using kinematics/dynamics, linear algebra, probability theory, and numerical methods, to solve real-world problems found in robotics. Comfort with python/matlab/C++ programming is desired. Depending on the student's interest and/or experience, the students may work more with data and hardware, or more with theory. Year 2 and 3 students will be considered (that is, students who have taken MECH 309 or equivalent.)

Tasks per student

- Formulate and solve the research problem (with assistance from Prof. Forbes and DECAR systems group members). - Write code to test the algorithm in a simulation. - Test using simulation and/or experimental data (if available).


Deliverables per student

- A tested/validated navigation algorithm. - A final report and/or conference paper draft written in LaTeX.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

Location of project


MECH 007: Applications of directed energy to deep-space propulsion; (Higgins)

Professor Andrew Higgins

andrew.higgins [at]

Research Area

Aerospace propulsion


In the last decade, new developments in fiber-optic lasers will permit laser energy to be focused into deep space, enabling novel forms of space propulsion using the directed energy of the laser. This project will examine two applications of laser energy: laser thermal rockets and laser-driven light sails. For laser thermal rockets, the delivered laser energy heats hydrogen propellant which is expanded through a nozzle for thrust. This approach is ideally suited for missions within the solar system, such as rapid transit missions to Mars. For the laser-driven lightsail, the photon pressure of reflecting the laser from a thin sail can be used to accelerate the sail to a significant fraction of the speed of light, enabling true interstellar missions to other solar systems hosting exoplanets. Of particular concern is how the sail deforms under the dynamic loading of the applied pressure. This project will examine both of these concepts, experimentally in the laboratory.

Tasks per student

Student 1 will assist in building and operating a rocket engine thrust stand that uses a pulsed laser to heat gas before it expands through a nozzle. The chamber pressure and thrust will be measured and the propellant heating chamber will be visualized. Results will be compared to models of laser thermal rocket performance. Student 2 will assist in operating a facility that uses gasdynamic techniques to simulate the loading of intense laser flux onto thin foils of candidate lightsail material. The dynamics of the foil will be recorded using high-speed videography and photonic doppler velocimetry.


Deliverables per student

Student 1 will prepare an operation manual for the thrust stand apparatus. Scripts will be written for processing of the data collected. Data analysis and comparisons to models will be submitted as a report at the end of the project. Student 2 will report the results of a systematic matrix of tests (sail material, thickness, wavelength of perturbation, intensity of loading), with analysis of all results and comparison to theoretical and numerical predictions of lightsail stability. The report will consist of tables and figures summarizing the results and provide interpretation in light of stability theory.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


MECH 008: Extraction of energy from space as a means of interstellar propulsion and deceleration; (Higgins)

Professor Andrew Higgins

andrew.higgins [at]

Research Area

Aerospace propulsion


The extreme energy requirements associated with interstellar flight makes extraction from energy sources in space desirable. The flow of ionized particles and a stream of charged pellets both provide a means of extracting energy, since they can be interacted with electromagnetically. This project will examine how electromagnetic fields interact with charged masses using computer simulations. A suite of software tools of varying hierarchies will be developed. The ability to guide a charged particle in a track with alternating quadrupoles (strong focusing) will be examined. Charge particle interactions with electrostatic parabolic nozzles will also be examined as well. A flow of charged particles passing over a point charge at velocities where Debye shielding may no longer occur will be examined from both a particle and plasma kinetic theory approach. This problem holds particular promise as a means to decelerate an interstellar spacecraft upon arrival at its destination.

Tasks per student

Student 1 will write a general software solver for single charged particles interacting with magnetostatic and electrostatic fields. The collimation of particles and the reaction forces acting on the structures generating the field will be computed. Student 2 will investigate the feasibility of performing multiparticle simulations as a means of treating plasmas. Particle-in-cell (PIC) and Vlasov equation solvers will be investigated as a means to simulate plasma flows with the number of particles exceeding what can be directly simulated via atomistic dynamics.


Deliverables per student

Student 1 will prepare and thoroughly document the software developed, serving as a user’s guide. A systematic series of simulations will be performed. Student 2 will prepare a report assessing options for simulation of plasma flows at superthermal velocities over a point charge (atomistic vs. Vlasov vs. PIC methods). The report will include preliminary implementations of these different methods and critical evaluations for this test case.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


MECH 009: High-altitude balloon as a test-bed for spacecraft testing; (Higgins)

Professor Andrew Higgins

andrew.higgins [at]

Research Area

Aerospace propulsion


High-altitude balloons are convenient and low-cost test-bed for spacecraft testing. This project will conduct high-altitude balloons for the purpose of testing technical implementations of concepts that could fly on future cubesat missions. In particular, the thermal and vacuum environment of the high stratosphere is of interest to test how spacecraft technologies respond to this demanding environment. This project will develop a prototype payload that will fly to the stratosphere (target altitude of greater than 25 km) and record the thermal environment experienced, including barometric and thermocouple data, along with video. The balloon flight will be modelled for both the atmospheric dynamics and the heat transfer.

Tasks per student

Student 1: The student will design and built the high-altitude balloon payload. Experience working with Arduino and other PCB-based microelectronic controllers and data loggers is highly desirable for this project. Student 2: A model of balloon ascent and descent dynamics and the onboard thermal environment will be developed.


Deliverables per student

Student 1: A complete payload will be delivered for flight testing in the summer of 2023. The payload design and operation will be thoroughly documented and a operation manual prepared. Student 2: A report summarizing results from the test flight will be analyzed and compared to model predictions for atmospheric trajectory and thermal history.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


MECH 010: Effects of extrusion parameters and fibre reinforcement on the polymer deposition behavior and characteristics during Fused Filament Fabrication; (Hubert)

Professor Pascal Hubert

pascal.hubert [at]

Research Area

Composite materials


Fused filament fabrication (FFF) is the most common additive manufacturing technique that enables simple deign and efficient fabrication of complex geometries. The influence of the temperature, flow, and material properties on the quality of the final product is of significant interest. Based on our recent results, it was observed that addition of short glass fibres to the thermoplastic polymer improved the interlayer adhesion of the 3D-printed tensile coupons and consequently, their mechanical performance. In this project, we aim to understand how the extrusion parameters and fibre content can influence the deposited filament geometry and flow characteristics and gain a better insight into the underlying mechanism. To study the geometry of molten polymer material, an experiment should be developed by which we can observe the behavior of lines of extrudate that are deposited onto the build surface using a range of extrusion parameters. The flow characteristics of the material inside the nozzle should be investigated using the nozzle geometry and rheological properties of the polymeric material which can be obtained using parallel plate rheometer. Optical microscopy should be used to evaluate the extrudate geometry. Also, the coefficient of thermal expansion of the material at different compositions should be measured to help explaining the geometry variations of the extrudate with temperature. The temperature profile of the extrudate can be monitored using a thermal imaging camera during the printing process.

Tasks per student

• Brief review of available literature on FFF 3D printing and polymer rheology • Learn how to use AON 3D-printer • Learn how to perform parallel plate rheometry • Prepare a test plan for testing the below extrudate properties at different printing temperatures and extrusion multiplier values: o Extrudate composition (Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)) o Geometry of deposited extrudate (Optical microscopy) o Temperature profile of the deposited extrudate during 3D printing (Thermal imaging camera) • Prepare a test plan to measure Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) of the material at different fibre contents • Perform rheological analysis on the filaments and relating it to the polymer flow behavior inside the nozzle and extrudate deposition behavior


Deliverables per student

• A detailed testing procedure for each property of interest mentioned above • Plots and interpretation of all test results including the calculations • A complete report of the findings of the project establishing how the extrusion parameters and fibre reinforcement can affect the extrudate deposition behavior using the optical microscopy images, thermal images, and the test results.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


MECH 011: Numerical Process Modelling and Validation for Advanced Sheet Moulding Compound Components; (Hubert)

Professor Pascal Hubert

pascal.hubert [at]

Research Area

Composite materials


Compression moulding of Carbon Fibre Sheet Moulding Compounds (CF-SMC) is a highly efficient way to produce high performance composite parts in quick succession. Here, randomly oriented bundles of reinforcing carbon fibres, preimpregnated with a polymer resin are conformed to the final part shape by applying mechanical pressure in a 2-part mould. The flow of the material during compression reorients the carbon fibre bundles in the material, which impacts the local mechanical properties of the finished product. Through emerging numerical processing simulation techniques, this vital orientation distribution can be predicted to better understand the influence that the material processing has on mechanical performance. Still, the outcome of these relatively new simulation techniques cannot be assumed to be perfect for all scenarios. Join us in implementing a proven numerical compression moulding process simulation technique from literature, experimentally validating the orientation results using Micro X-Ray Computed Tomography (μCT) and fine-tuning the simulation to fit our specific material.

Tasks per student

• Brief review of the relevant literature on explicit numerical simulation techniques used for CF-SMC • Get familiar with and use the CF-SMC process simulation tool chosen for this project • Acquire and analyse μCT scans of SMC samples moulded with different flow paths using an established orientation distribution analysis tool • Develop own ideas to improve the accuracy of the simulation


Deliverables per student

• Detailed reporting on the performed simulations • Implementation of an efficient way to compare simulation data with measured data using a programming language of your choice • Intuitive visualization of the validation results

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


MECH 012: Investigations of High Loadings of Graphene in Multiscale Composite; (Hubert)

Professor Pascal Hubert

pascal.hubert [at]

Research Area

Composite materials


Graphene is a single-atom-thick sheet of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb structure with excellent mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. Since its discovery in 2004, graphene became an attractive nanofiller in polymers to improve their conductivity and mechanical properties [1, 2]. With the recent surge in mass-produced graphene powders, the topic of multiscale composites has become more popular and industries are looking into incorporating graphene in manufacturing of their composite parts. Multiscale composites are achieved by incorporating reinforcements with different length scales (macro, micro, nano) in the matrix [3]. In this project, a commercially available graphene powder is incorporated in a polymer matrix composite structure. Higher loadings of graphene can lead to dry spots in the fibres and filtration of the particles. Thus, fabricating defect-free multiscale composite parts becomes more challenging but may be crucial to achieve the desired properties. The aim is to characterize these defects, resolve them, and measure the properties of these multiscale composites at high loadings of graphene. Reference: [1] M. J. Allen, V. C. Tung, and R. B. Kaner, “Honeycomb carbon: A review of graphene,” Chem. Rev., vol. 110, no. 1, pp. 132–145, 2010. [2] S. Han, Q. Meng, S. Araby, T. Liu, and M. Demiral, “Mechanical and electrical properties of graphene and carbon nanotube reinforced epoxy adhesives: Experimental and numerical analysis,” Compos. Part A Appl. Sci. Manuf., vol. 120, no. December 2018, pp. 116–126, 2019. [3] S. Rana, S. Parveen, and R. Fangueiro, “Multiscale composites for aerospace engineering,” in Advanced Composite Materials for Aerospace Engineering, Elsevier, 2016, pp. 265–293.

Tasks per student

The tasks in this project may include: - Fabricating multiscale composite plates via different routes - Identify and characterize the defects in the plates - Optimize the manufacturing process - Measure the electrical conductivity and mechanical properties of the sample The tasks can change to suit the interest and skills of the student.


Deliverables per student

The deliverable of the project is a written report summarizing the methods and results.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


MECH 013: Recycling of thermoplastic composites for sustainable development; (Hubert)

Professor Pascal Hubert

pascal.hubert [at]

Research Area

Composite materials


Increasing demand of composite materials in different field leads to higher production of waste. To solve this problem recycling of these materials have become quintessential. Several methods including chemical, mechanical, thermal, have been employed to achieve low waste production for a sustainable development. In the context of thermoplastic composites, highly attractive because of their high thermomechanical properties, lighter wight and longer-life span. However, the heterogenous aspect of their composition is one of the main limiting factors for their recyclability. The aim of this work to study and understand the recycling process used for thermoplastic materials. Design an experimental protocol to do the testing of recycled parts. Learn how different components of the composites can affect the recyclability and mechanical properties of the developed parts.

Tasks per student

Brief review of literature on the topic and make an experimental plan for the work using DOE. Learn methods used for the recycling of thermoplastic composites. Get familiar with the necessary equipment needed for the experiments. Test the mechanical and thermal properties of the pristine composites and compare with the recycled one.


Deliverables per student

Understand the process of recycling of thermoplastic composites. The results will be helpful to evaluate the feasibility of the process. Accumulate the data, write a short report, and make a presentation of the work that need to be presented among the group.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


MECH 014: Will it Stick? A Low-Cost, Quantitative Method to Assess Tool-Part Adhesion in Composite Processing; (Hubert)

Professor Pascal Hubert

pascal.hubert [at]

Research Area

Composite materials


In the production of composites, tooling must withstand repeated use without comprise to their performance, as properties of the tool will directly influence the properties of final part [1,2]. As such, tool durability is paramount, however, quantitatively assessing this durability is difficult and/or requires significant time, material, and labour costs [2,3]. Furthermore, these conventional characterization methods do not directly translate to the ability of a technician to demould composite parts from a tool, and as such do not give practical insight into the useful life of the composite processing tool in-service. This is especially important with the recent emergence of hybrid (additive + subtractive) tools, which offers the potential to rapidly prototype various combinations of tool materials and geometries [3]. There is a clear need to develop a low-cost, qualitative method in which to assess tool durability to provide a practical estimation of its useful life prior to refurbishment or disposal. The proposed project pertains to the design and development of a quantitative test method in which to assess tool durability. This method will involve the creation of a mechanical test fixture in which to assess composite part adhesion to the tool surface. Metrics derived from this test will be validated and linked to tool performance, the results used as a baseline for estimating useful tool life. References [1] Y. Li, Y. Xiao, L. Yu, K. Ji, and D. Li, “A review on the tooling technologies for composites manufacturing of aerospace structures: Materials, structures and processes", Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, vol. 154, p. 106-762, 2022, [Online]. [2] CompositesWorld, "Materials & Processes: Tooling for composites", CompositesWorld, 2016, [Online]. [3] N. Northrup, “Durability of hybrid large area additive tooling for vacuum infusion of composites", MSc Thesis, Brigham Young University, 2019.

Tasks per student

Review testing methods Design new testing method Validate method


Deliverables per student

The deliverable of the project is a written report summarizing the methods and results.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


MECH 015: Repair of thermoplastic composites; (Hubert)

Professor Pascal Hubert

pascal.hubert [at]

Research Area

Composite materials


While thermoset polymer matrix carbon fibre composites are widespread in the aerospace industry, thermoplastic composites (TPC’s) are rapidly becoming increasingly popular due to their increased usage as observed in latest trends. Thermoplastic polymers can be melted, remelted, and reformed. In addition, TPC’s have short processing times, and they have the potential to be recycled and repaired, making them an excellent candidate to be sustainable materials. In addition, TPC’s have higher fracture toughness, better strength-to-weight ratios, and superior impact resistance and fatigue performance when compared to their metallic and thermoset composite counterparts. Currently, there is no viable method to repair aircraft structures made with TPC´s as the current repair techniques used on thermoset polymer composite structures are not applicable. Thermoplastic welding or fusion bonding, particularly induction, resistance, and ultrasonic welding, have been identified as potential repair techniques. To fully take advantage of TPC’s on aircraft structures and to be able to certify them, it is key to develop a methodology for repair. To establish a methodology for repair, carbon fibre (CF) poly-ether-ether-ketone (PEEK) laminates will be manufactured to evaluate various parameters using induction and resistance welding. The CF/PEEK laminates intended to act as a patch will have a layer co-consolidated of amorphous poly-ether-imide (PEI); while the laminates intended to act as the damaged structure will need to have their surfaces prepared. Research is required to determine a recipe and a method to prepare these materials' surface.

Tasks per student

The research tasks may include: Assisting with the manufacturing of composite substrates (to act as a patch) with co-consolidated PEI using compression moulding Assisting with the manufacturing of composite substrates (to act as the surface to be repaired) to have their surfaces prepared using a given method/recipe Working with different surface preparation methods with CF/PEEK laminates to evaluate their effectiveness via different methods, which may include, and it is not limited to microscopy, and mechanical testing Application of chosen surface preparation method on specimens to be welded via induction or resistance welding


Deliverables per student

Composite laminates to be welded using induction/resistance welding Method to prepare the surface of the specimens to act as the damaged structure Test data results supporting the method selected to prepare the surface

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


MECH 016: Robotic Guidewire Manufacturing; (Kovecses)

Professor Jozsef Kovecses

jozsef.kovecses [at]

Research Area

laser micro-machining, kinematics, control


This project is in collaboration with Prof. Anne Kietzig’s research group in Chemical Engineering. Pressure guidewires are miniature medical devices that are inserted into the bloodstream to measure vital signs and place arterial stents, relieving clogged arteries. However, these devices are hampered by attached air bubbles that reduce measurement accuracy and overall functionality. The goal of this project is to innovate the robotic guidewire manufacturing and surface preparation to prevent bubble formation entirely. This will be accomplished by employing femtosecond laser micromachining to change the chemical and topographical properties of the guidewire surface, which would impart super-aerophobic properties and inhibit the formation of air bubbles on the surface of submerged equipment. The project will require the student to apply coding and advanced geometry, kinematics and mechanics skills to align laser trajectories onto miniature, 3D medical devices.

Tasks per student

The student should have experience in Python or MATLAB coding and strong spatial reasoning skills. Tasks include development of Python/MATLAB code to control a 5D sample positioning system, development of code to transfer 2D patterns onto a curved 3D surface, femtosecond laser micromachining, and confocal microscope analysis of engraved microstructures.


Deliverables per student

Relevant laser safety trainings, experimental plans to carry out research tasks, weekly research reports, presentation of research results at group meeting.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


MECH 017: Comparison of Python and Julia programming languages for numerical simulations; (Legrand)

Professor Mathias Legrand


Research Area

Vibration analysis and nonsmooth dynamics of structural systems


Python is a very popular high-level and general-purpose programming language which emphasizes code readability and is known to be of easy use to anyone with basic programming skills. However, it is known to be fairly slow when it comes to scientific computational tasks. Julia is a more recent language also well adapted to scientific computing. Julia is a compiled programming language, whereas Python is an interpreted language, and thus recognized to be faster than the Python programming language. However, it is less user-friendly in general even though its syntax is well adapted to numerical computing and can advantageously compete with Python in this regard. The aim of the SURE project is to compare the runtime performances of two languages on a benchmark case involving nonlinear and nonsmooth vibration analysis of large scale mechanical systems.

Tasks per student

Given Python scripts solving a problem related to nonsmooth vibrations of mechanical systems, the student will be asked to: 1 - Write Julia scripts solving the same problem. 2 - Systematically compare the performance of the two languages. 3 - Identify area of improvement for the two languages (GPU usage, parallelization...).


Deliverables per student

* Developed Julia (and possibly Python) scripts * Project report

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


MECH 018: An experimental investigation of DEP propeller slipstreams on the aerodynamics and wingtip vortices under ground proximity; (Lee)

Professor Tim Lee

tim.lee [at]

Research Area

Experimental aerodynamics and fluid mechanics


Electric-powered aircraft are becoming increasingly popular in the aviation community due to modern sustainability awareness. Compared to traditional combustion engines, electric motors allow more flexibility to position the propulsors and have better integration of propulsion system to the airframe. It also enables the development of new aircraft concepts such as eS/VTOL which utilizes the distributed electric propulsion (DEP) configuration. In this project, impact of the DEP propellers, mounted along the leading edge of a rectangular semi-wing model, on the aerodynamics and tip vortex flow at different ground distances will be investigated in the J.A. Bombardier wind tunnel in the Aerodynamics Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Special emphasis will be placed on the propeller slipstream on the change in the aerodynamics, lift-induced drag, and the characteristics of the tip vortex. A smaller DEP wing model will also be constructed and tested in a small water tunnel facility by using particle image velocimetry and conventional flow visualization. The water tunnel measurements provide an insightful understanding of the overall behavior of the DEP propeller-wing interaction and the vortical flowfield at selected angles of attack, propeller rotations, and ground distances.

Tasks per student

model construction and preliminary measurements


Deliverables per student


Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


MECH 019: Response of human fibroblast vocal fold cells to ultrasonic stimulation; (Mongeau)

Professor Luc Mongeau

luc.mongeau [at]

Research Area

Mechanical Engineering


The project consists in exposing immortalized human vocal fold fibroblast cells encapsulated in porous scaffold materials to various regimen of ultrasonic excitation and evaluate the effects of high frequency stresses and strains on their viability, motility, and biological response.

Tasks per student

Student 1 will work on the transduction aspects and design a generator and actuator to isonify the cells.


Deliverables per student

Student will deliver a poster presentation, and at least one informal Powerpoint presentation over the course of the summer. They will be expected to contribute to the journal club meetings and summarize a few papers to the group related to their project.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


MECH 020: New phantom material for needle-free drug injection modeling; (Mongeau)

Professor Luc Mongeau

luc.mongeau [at]

Research Area



A new material with elastic properties and fracture toughness similar to soft oral mucosa will be investigated, called PHEMA. The new material is porous, with mechanical fracture, permeability and diffusion properties that better mimic human soft tissues that gelatin.

Tasks per student

The student will prepare material carrots, perform torsional rheometry and traction tests, and perform tests on an existing test bench.


Deliverables per student

Final oral presentation and poster. Data will be incorporated in a paper draft.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


MECH 021: Corrosion Study on 316L Stainless Steel substrates after Exposure to High Temperatures during Chemical Vapor Deposition for Carbon Nanotubes Production; (Mongrain)

Professor Rosaire Mongrain

rosaire.mongrain [at]

Research Area

Medical device design, Implant Materials, Corrosion Study, Carbon Nanotubes


Ever since their discovery, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) have found numerous applications in different fields due to their extraordinary property pool. In recent investigations, a MWCNT-based drug-eluting coating for metallic cardiovascular implants has been developed to improve the hemocompatibility of implant surfaces. Since 316L stainless steel (SS) is a common base material for cardiovascular implants, the MWCNT-based drug-eluting coating is currently exclusively applied onto this alloy in our research trials. MWCNTs can be grown on 316L SS mesh substrates by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) at temperatures of 700 oC. Since preliminary results have confirmed the high susceptibility for corrosion of the metallic substrates after CVD, the substrate that the MWCNTs were initially grown on cannot be used for permanent implant applications. As such, the MWCNTs have to be removed from the substrate and redeposited onto a pristine 316L SS substrate. To better understand the extent of the degradation of the corrosion resistance that takes place during CVD, the goal is to assess the corrosion resistance of 316L SS after exposure to high temperatures by static and galvanic corrosion tests as per ASTM G31-12a and G71-81, respectively. Preference will be given to materials engineering undergraduate students with an interest in metallurgy and corrosion studies.

Tasks per student

The student will contribute to the implementation of testing standards. The candidate will prepare the samples and perform the corrosion studies. Finally, the candidate will conduct sample characterization and interpret the results. After a thorough literature review, the efforts of the student will mainly take place in laboratory spaces under the supervision of a PhD student.


Deliverables per student

The student will report the project progress on a biweekly basis. By the end of the program, the student will submit a report and give a presentation summarizing the methods and findings to the research group.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


MECH 022: Friction and abrasion characterization of a liquid biopsy device with endometrial tissue; (Mongrain)

Professor Rosaire Mongrain

rosaire.mongrain [at]

Research Area

Medical devices, liquid biopsy device, cancer detection, endometrial tissue, tribology, friction, abrasion.


Diagnostic devices including biopsy devices are frequently used to collect tissue for subsequent characterization. In particular, in endometrial cancer diagnostic, a liquid biopsy is used to collect and analyze mucus DNA for early cancer detection. The device has to maximise the amount of collected tissue and be as minimally invasive as possible. However, the DNA content is sensitive to mechanical stresses (shear stress, pressure) and to certain synthetic materials. A novel liquid biopsy system was developed combining laser micro-machining of the end effector and a flocking technique. The adherence properties of the flocking needs to be assessed to determine that amount that could be shed during the mucus collection procedure. The adherence will be characterized using tribology tests (friction, scratch). The friction is modeled with a Stribeck friction relationship. The model characterizes the relationship between the global friction coefficient μ and the Hersey number (ηU/P) with η the fluid viscosity, U the sliding speed and P the load. However, the model needs to be generalized to take into account the non-Newtonian behaviour mucus.

Tasks per student

The candidate will help develop the testing setup to test cylindrical specimens using linear motion system for force measurement. The candidate will also contribute for the preparation of the testing specimens using flocked biopsy devices. The person will also be involved in the data analysis and curve fitting.


Deliverables per student

The student will report the project progress on a biweekly basis. By the end of the program, the student will submit a report and give a presentation summarizing the methods and findings to the research group.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

Location of project


MECH 023: Development of Design of a Testing Setup for Diffusion Coefficient Measurement; (Mongrain)

Professor Rosaire Mongrain

rosaire.mongrain [at]

Research Area

Cardiovascular implants, drug eluting stents, diffusion coefficient, Franz cell


Drug Eluting Stents (DES) are stents coated a polymer embedded with a medical compound for certain specific treatments (antiproliferation, reendhothelialization, anti-thrombogenic). In this project, a new technology is being developed combining nanoparticles and degradable polymers. In order to better understand the dispersion properties of this new technology, the diffusion coefficients of the nanoparticles/coating is required. The project objective is to develop an experimental setup to measure the release kinetics of the stent coating technology. Specifically, the experimental setup must allow the user to measure the diffusion coefficients using synthetic membrane (Strat-M, PAMPA with a Franz Cell) to simulate various biological tissue as well as with native biological tissue. The proportion of compound being released in the fluid domain (blood) versus the solid domain (vascular tissue) also needs to be assessed.

Tasks per student

The candidate will participate in the design, development and measurements of the diffusion coefficient setup.


Deliverables per student

The student will report their progress on a biweekly basis. By the end of the program, the student will give a presentation summarizing the methods and findings and prepare a report.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

Location of project


MECH 024: Survey of the engineering design processes for medical implants; (Mongrain)

Professor Rosaire Mongrain

rosaire.mongrain [at]

Research Area

Design process, medical implant, failure modes


In this project, the objective is to survey and summarize the design methodologies for medical implants in the literature. The design process applied to medical implants needs to be expanded to include specific criteria related to the bio-integration (interaction of the implant with the surrounding biological tissue) and well as the incorporation of specific testing standards and regulatory constraints. Some of these technical design criteria constitute paradigm shifts. In particular, the failure modes are shifted from the implant to the biological tissue and organs. The biomaterials used in these medical technologies are directly interfacing with the surrounding tissues and organs and bring specific problems linked with bio-compatibility and bio-performance. A goal of the project is to synthesize certain design practices from the literature in the form of flow charts and flash cards.

Tasks per student

The student will be carry a literature research about the methodologies for medical implants, prepare summaries, flow charts and flash cards. The candidate will meet on regular basis with the supervisor and team.


Deliverables per student

he student will report the project progress on a biweekly basis. By the end of the program, the student will give a presentation and provide a report.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 1

Location of project


MECH 025: Testing of a custom-made hot-wire anemometer and design of a cold-wire thermometer; (Mydlarski)

Professor Laurent Mydlarski

laurent.mydlarski [at]

Research Area

Experimental fluid mechanics and heat transfer (with an emphasis on turbulent flows)


Hot-wire anemometers and cold-wire thermometers are devices employed to (most commonly) measure the velocity and temperature fields of turbulent flows. Their strength lies in their i) high temporal resolution, ii) high spatial resolution, and iii) good signal-to-noise ratio. However, commercial hot-wire anemometry systems are produced by only 3 companies and can be excessively expensive (>$30K). Moreover, modern designs suffer from a certain failing, which leads to increased drift (see: Hewes et al., 2020. Drift compensation in thermal anemometry, Measurement Science and Technology 31 (4), 045302). The proposed project involves the testing and benchmarking (in the McGill Aerodynamics Laboratory) of a custom-built hot-wire anemometer, and the design of a complementary cold-wire thermometry system. If successful, commercialization is possible, given that there exists a need for high-performance / low-cost anemometry and thermometry systems.

Tasks per student

1) Become familiar with the design and operation of the existing hot-wire anemometer. 2) Become familiar with the theory underlying cold-wire anemometry, including the necessary electronics. 3) Learn how to make cold-wire thermometry measurements. 4) Undertake a literature review of cold-wire thermometry circuits in the literature. 5) Build a prototype(s). 6) Benchmark the existing hot-wire anemometer and the cold-wire thermometer prototype against commercially available systems. 7) If successful, perform a market analysis with the possible aim of commercialization. 8) Prepare a report summarizing the student's activities.


Deliverables per student

1) A report documenting the student's work, 2) A spec sheet for the hot-wire anemometer, and 3) A prototype cold-wire thermometer.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

Location of project


MECH 026: Evaluation of novel strategies for microelectronics cooling; (Mydlarski)

Professor Laurent Mydlarski

laurent.mydlarski [at]

Research Area

Experimental fluid mechanics and heat transfer


Computer systems require cooling systems to remove the heat generated by the processor that would otherwise overheat and destroy the system. As computing power increases, the removal of the generated heat has become increasingly important, necessitating more effective cooling solutions. An apparatus to rigorously test microelectronics cooling strategies has been developed to investigate novel microelectronics cooling techniques. It includes an instrumented CPU emulator, which simulates a CPU (from a thermal perspective), but also provides the relevant physical measurements to quantify the heat transfer and overall performance of the cooling system. The research project being proposed would investigate novel cooling approaches and quantify their performance using this apparatus.

Tasks per student

1) Learn about the fundamentals relating to cooling of microelectronics. 2) Become familiar with the existing microelectronics cooling apparatus (e.g. instrumented CPU emulator, cooling loops, data acquisition system, etc.). 3) Perform tests of different novel microelectronics cooling strategies, quantifying their performance relative to existing (commercially available) cooling systems. 4) Propose and test new cooling strategies, if appropriate. 5) Prepare a report summarizing the student's activities.


Deliverables per student

1) A report documenting the student's work.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

Location of project


MECH 027: Direct numerical simulations of turbulent scalar mixing within internal flows; (Mydlarski)

Professor Laurent Mydlarski

laurent.mydlarski [at]

Research Area

Computational fluid mechanics and heat transfer (with an emphasis on turbulent flows)


The ability of turbulence to mix one or more scalars (e.g. temperature, chemical species concentration, etc.) within a fluid is of particular relevance to a variety of engineering applications (e.g. heat transfer, combustion, environmental pollution dispersion). In general, the turbulent mixing process stretches and stirs the scalar field, which serves to increase the scalar gradients. The scalar fluctuations are then smoothed out by the molecular mixing that principally occurs at the smallest scales of the turbulence. However, our comprehension and ability to predict turbulent mixing are limited because the fluid mechanics that govern turbulent mixing involve multi-scale phenomena for which the details are not yet fully understood, due the complex, nonlinear and chaotic nature of turbulent flows. The objective of the proposed work is to improve our understanding of the turbulent scalar mixing process in internal flows (e.g. pipes, ducts and channels). To this end, direct numerical simulations will be undertaken to simulate the full range of scales in turbulent flows without resorting to any turbulent models. They will be undertaken using a code entitled 3DFLUX (Germaine et al., 2013. 3DFLUX: A high-order fully three-dimensional flux integral solver for the scalar transport equation, Journal of Computational Physics 240, pp. 121-144). The simulations will focus in the effect of i) scalar-field initial conditions, and ii) oscillation of the flow field on the subsequent mixing of the scalar in the channel.

Tasks per student

1) Become familiar with the fundamentals of turbulent flow and scalar mixing therein. 2) Learn about the code being used, the platform on which the simulations will be undertaken, and post-processing tools. 3) Undertake some fundamental, smaller (low-Reynolds-number) simulations to benchmark the code and data analysis / post-processing techniques. 4) Once validated, undertake simulations in which the scalar is injected in different manners, to investigate the dependence of the scalar mixing on its initial conditions. Student 1 will investigate the initial period of mixing of scalars with different initial conditions within fully developed turbulent channel flow. Student 2 will investigate scalar mixing within oscillating channel flows. 5) Prepare a report summarizing the student's activities.


Deliverables per student

1) A report documenting the student's work.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

Location of project


MECH 028: Aerodynamic Design of Aircraft Wings under Uncertainty; (Nadarajah)

Professor Sivakumaran Nadarajah

siva.nadarajah [at]

Research Area

Computational Aerodynamics, Numerical Methods


Design of aerodynamic surfaces using high-fidelity approaches have typically been demonstrated through gradient-based optimization techniques for their lower computational cost, but these approaches can only guarantee local optimum solutions. Traditional artificial intelligence using genetic algorithms and/or surrogate modeling based neural-network techniques have not been able to compete not only in terms of the lower computational cost of gradient-based techniques, but these approaches have not been able to realize global optimum solutions that are superior to gradient-based approaches. In addition, these methods have only been employed for specific flow conditions. However, uncertainties of both the Mach number and other flow conditions would affect the performance of the aerodynamic surface. The objective of this summer research project is to revisit this research problem, and implement a Monte Carlo approach to investigate the performance of aerodynamic coefficients under uncertainty.

Tasks per student

The summer student will implement a Monte Carlo algorithm and couple the code to our in-house computational aerodynamics analysis and design code. The student will then compare the approaches for a standard series of benchmark problems and identify their strengths and weaknesses.


Deliverables per student

Student 1. The student will develop a low-order nonlinear model based on model-reduction approaches to provide functional values. 1. A numerical code that couples a Monte Carlo method to our in-house computational aerodynamics code. 2. Monthly and Final Technical reports. 3. Presentation at Research Group Meetings and Industrial Partners.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

Location of project


MECH 029: Investigate Complex Turbulent Flow Over Three-Dimensional Aerodynamic Surfaces; (Nadarajah)

Professor Siva Nadarajah

siva.nadarajah [at]

Research Area

Computational Aerodynamics, Numerical Methods


Over the past several decades complex turbulent flows over three-dimensional aerodynamic surfaces such as aircraft wings and automotive vehicles have been accomplished through the solution of the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes Equations (RANS) through computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The approach is used industry-wide and forms the backbone of all commercial software. However, the level of accuracy is subject to the capability of the RANS-turbulence model and for complex flows over aerospace and automotive vehicles, the approach has not proven to be reliable. The direct numerical simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations and/or the large eddy simulation (LES) offers a superior approach to modeling turbulent flow; however, current numerical schemes are not stable for extremely non-linear flows. The McGill Computational Aerodynamics research group has developed in the past two years new novel algorithms that will allow LES to be stable and accurate. Traditional CFD programs rely on what are known as low-order methods. The numerical software (PHiLiP) developed in the group employs a high-order approach. These methods allow for much higher spatial orders of accuracy, thus allowing the ability to obtain numerical solutions with low errors on coarser meshes. The objective of the summer project is to implement LES-turbulence models and investigate the impact on benchmark test cases within such a high-order numerical scheme.

Tasks per student

The student will implement new LES-turbulence models and investigate the impact on benchmark turbulent flows.


Deliverables per student

1. Develop a numerical code for selected LES-turbulence models and couple it to our in-house computational aerodynamics code. 2. Monthly and Final Technical reports. 3. Presentation at Research Group Meetings and Industrial Partners.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

Location of project


MECH 030: Design, Flight Testing, Hardware Interfacing for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; (Nahon)

Professor Meyer Nahon

Meyer.Nahon [at]

Research Area

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Design, dynamics and control


The Aerospace Mechatronics Laboratory houses a wide range of unmanned aerial vehicles, including airships, quadrotors, gliders, fixed-wing and hybrid aircraft. The overall objective of our research is to develop platforms for a range of tasks. Example applications include gliders for wildfire monitoring and fixed-wing aircraft for autonomous acrobatic flight through obstacle fields. A SURE student is sought with strong interest and aptitude for research in the areas of robotics, mechatronics and aerial systems. The position will focus on the modeling and control of fixed-wing UAVs. Some experimental testing of components and associated flight tests will be involved. Some programming experience would be useful for the development of a real-time hardware-in-the-loop simulation. The student will also be expected to work with computational fluid dynamics software to compute flow fields around various objects. Experience with offline programming in Matlab/Simulink and/or other physics-based modeling tools such as Gazebo and ROS would be desirable.

Tasks per student

The tasks will be varied and could accommodate a mechanical, electrical or software engineering student. The student is expected to assist with hardware interfacing, programming, conducting experiments, and processing the data. This will include interfacing new sensors into the platforms, for the purposes of acquiring data and for closed loop control. The student will be involved in simulation-based testing in the lab as well as experimental testing in the lab and in the field.


Deliverables per student

Assist in the improvement of the design and autonomous closed-loop flight performance of our aircraft.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


MECH 031: Fluid dynamics of nuclear fusion machines; (Nedic)

Professor Jovan Nedic

jovan.nedic [at]

Research Area

Fluid dynamics; Energy


Nuclear Fusion has the potential to deliver clean, safe and abundant electrical power on an industrial scale. Industrial fusion however remains elusive, due to the extreme conditions required involving temperatures of hundreds of degrees Celsius. In a concept called Magnetized Target Fusion (MTF), plasma is compressed to fusion conditions using a collapsing cavity of liquid metal. The liquid is spun by a rotor to form a cylindrical cavity which is collapsed by injecting fluid through channels in the rotor walls. This project will investigate key aspects about the stability and roughness of a collapsing liquid liner.

Tasks per student

1) Conduct measurements on the stability of the collapsing liquid liner in a custom rotating vessel. 2) Measure the roughness of a linearly imploding liquid liner surface. 3) Analyze the pressure wave behaviour.


Deliverables per student

Detailed reports and custom codes for post-processing of data.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


MECH 032: Aerodynamics of multirotors; (Nedic)

Professor Jovan Nedic

jovan.nedic [at]

Research Area

Aerodynamics, fluid mechanics


The increasing growth and popularity of multirotor vehicles has similarly seen an increase in the breadth and scope of their applications. In particular, the need to fly these vehicles near surfaces, or in the wake of other vehicles, has led to new challenges in predicting the performance of the vehicle/propeller. The project will explore some of these challenges.

Tasks per student

Project is broad in scope, so the applicant will have the opportunity to develop their own research plan. In general, tasks include: 1) Develop analytical model to account for change in propeller performance for given condition 2) Verify model against experimental data collected in the lab


Deliverables per student

Deliver model (Matlab, Python, or similar) and a detailed report on findings. Regular presentation to group members.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

Location of project


MECH 033: Reconfigurable metamaterials; (Pasini)

Professor Damiano Pasini

damiano.pasini [at]

Research Area

Aerospace, Soft robotics, Sustainable materials


The student will help graduate students in fabricating and testing proof-of-concept paper-based materials with reconfigurable and loadbearing characteristics. The deliverables include fabrication of samples along with mechanical testing

Tasks per student

The research tasks include the experimental testing of foldable metamaterials responding to a mechanical input, and the fabrication of cm-scale prototypes . The student will learn how to use laser cutting and other 3D printing technologies. He will be exposed to mechanical of samples tested in a controlled environment. Training of digital image correlation will be given to assess deformation


Deliverables per student

A set of paper-based biodegradable specimens with folding capacity. A collection of experiment data obtained by testing selected specimens. A discussion of the results.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

Location of project

hybrid remote/in-person - a) students must have a Canadian bank account and b) all students must participate in in-person poster session.

MECH 034: Biodegradable Robots; (Sedal)

Professor Audrey Sedal

audrey.sedal [at]

Research Area



Robots in consumer settings need to balance environmental impact, cost, and performance. ``Soft'' robotic devices are made from novel active and compliant materials. They offer a variety of possibilities for safe and intelligent in-home assistance, manufacturing tasks, and medical uses. Yet, environmental impact needs to be considered as these devices are developed and deployed. This project will develop and evaluate composites of biodegradable, active materials to create disposable, eco-friendly home robots. You will synthesize novel materials, perform mechanical tests, and characterize degradation of gel-based active materials. Together in a team, you will integrate these materials into soft robots.

Tasks per student

1. Synthesize composites incorporating active (e.g., magnetic) materials with biodegradable ones. 2. Perform mechanical tests to measure and characterize properties. 3. Integrate materials into demonstrative robot prototype. 4. Analyze and interpret experimental data. Communicate results through presentations and writing.


Deliverables per student

A project write-up is needed at the end of the SURE. If novel results are found, work might be submitted to journal or a peer-reviewed conference.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


MECH 035: Reconfigurable Robots from Meso to Macro; (Sedal)

Professor Audrey Sedal

audrey.sedal [at]

Research Area



“Soft” or compliant robots can be made of any number of structure and actuation components. A soft robot with a reconfigurable structure could change its shape to adapt to a variety of needed tasks. This project will examine various designs for soft robotic manipulators which can switch their structural configuration. The goal is to come up with design rules that allow the robot to be scaled so that eventually larger (1-meter scale) soft robots can be created. Larger scale reconfigurable robots can be used for (1) disaster relief by leveraging a soft state for navigation and a rigid state for clearing debris, (2) as deployable shelters that adapt based on need, or (3) in industrial manufacturing as safer alternatives to rigid robots that do not significantly compromise on strength while affording unique advantages (simpler control planning, complex trajectories, etc.).

Tasks per student

Tasks: 1. Design a reconfigurable soft robotic manipulator. 2. Construct and evaluate the workspace, dexterity and capabilities of the manipulator in task-like test environments. 3. Analyze and interpret experimental data. Communicate results through presentations and writing.


Deliverables per student

Deliverables: A project write-up is needed at the end of the SURE. If novel results are found, work might be submitted to journal or a peer-reviewed conference.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


MECH 036: Jointly Optimizing Soft Robot Design and Control; (Sedal)

Professor Audrey Sedal

audrey.sedal [at]

Research Area



“Soft” robots are made from soft, and elastic materials. Their inherent compliance allows them to conform to the outside environment, making them naturally adept at grasping fragile objects or navigating through cluttered environments. However, their inherent compliance also makes them more difficult to design and control. This project will explore design and control of soft robots together in a joint space, trying to find out whether searching over this space in an automated fashion can create more intelligent and better robots than experts can.

Tasks per student

1. Simulate soft robots using finite-element analysis and reduced-order models 2. Develop and implement optimization algorithms based on reinforcement learning 3. Evaluate the performance of these algorithms in designing and controlling soft robots 4. Analyze data and interpret results; communicate through presentations and writing.


Deliverables per student

A project write-up is needed at the end of the SURE. If novel results are found, work might be submitted to journal or a peer-reviewed conference.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


MECH 037: Towards Autonomy of Articulated Machines for Timber-harvesting; (Sharf)

Professor Inna Sharf

inna.sharf [at]

Research Area

Robotics: planning for autonomy, dynamics and control, machine learning


Professor Sharf is carrying out research on increasing robotics and automation in tree harvesting machinery. This work is part of Sharf's collaboration with FPInnovations (FPI), where she is currently working part-time. The forestry machines are mobile robots: they include a large crane-like manipulator and a mobile base. Several projects are researched by Sharf's graduate students. In particular, one project (of PhD student Ehsan Yousefi) deals with developing shared-control strategies for forestry machines. In this context, Reinforcement Learning is employed to help allocate the control of the machine between human and the autonomous agent. The idea is to develop a framework that can be deployed on the machine which will gradually allow the autonomous agent to improve by learning from the actions of the human expert, or vice versa, the novice operator to improve their skills for controlling the machine by getting guidance from the autonomous agent. A second project (of MASc student Iman Jebellat) addresses the problem of motion planning for the crane so as to minimize the swing of its end-effector. Many forestry machines are equipped with end-effectors that are attached to the boom of the crane via passive revolute joints and thus, the end-effector is subject to swinging motion which is undesirable. The third project (of MASc student Elie Ayoub) has to do with grasp planning for a log-loading machine. In this work, we are using the crane test-bed available at FPI to test out the vision-based log perception and grasp planning strategies for autonomous log loading operations. All projects involve analysis, programming (in C/C++/Python), numerical simulation and experimental evaluation either on Jaco 2 robotic arm in the Aerospace Mechatronics Laboratory or on the Crane test-bed at FPI offices in Pointe-Claire.

Tasks per student

Student 1: The student will work with two graduate students (Yousefi and Jebellat) to implement shared-control and motion planning strategies on Jaco 2 robot arm available in Aerospace Mechatronics Laboratory. This will involve programming, setting up the arm for experiments, carrying out experiments and analysis of the results. Student 2: The student will work with graduate student Ayoub on different aspect related to improving the autonomy of log-loading operations. Depending on the state of the project by the beginning of summer, the student may be involved in: a) integrating additional sensors on crane test-bed at FPI b) improving planning and control of the crane: strategies will be first implemented in simulator of the test-bed and then tested on the actual test-bed c) building up the digital twin of test-bed d) developing operator assistive and tele-operation tools for the test-bed.


Deliverables per student

Student 1: Implementation of shared-control and motion planning strategies on Jaco 2 robot arm; evaluation of strategies through experiments; post-processed experimental results and analysis. Depending on the outcome of the work, student will participate in writing a publication with graduate students. Student 2: Depending on the exact tasks the student will work, deliverables may include: a) additional sensors fully integrated and tested on crane test-bed at FPI b) improvements to planning and control of the crane which have been tested in simulator and on actual crane test-bed c) improvements to the digital twin of test-bed d) tested and evaluated operator assistive and tele-operation tools for the test-bed.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


MECH 038: Auxetic metamaterial varian design and simulation; (Zhao)

Professor Yaoyao Fiona Zhao

yaoyao.zhao [at]

Research Area

Metamaterial, design and manufacturing, machine learning


Mechanical metamaterials are materials with unique architectures leading to mechanical properties unattainable by their constituent materials. Auxetic metamaterials stand for metamaterials with a negative Poisson’s ratio. Compared with conventional materials, auxetic materials have many unique advantages in fracture resistance, indentation resistance, synclastic behavior, variable permeability, and energy absorption. Classic designs are derived either from existing topology (i.e. re-entrant hexagonal designs are based on hexagonal honeycombs) or chosen directly based on the unit cell behavior such as chiral and rotating rigid topologies. Consequently, these classic designs could have serious deficiencies, like stress concentration and low stiffness. A previous study was done to generate design variants of the re-entrant hexagonal designs and conduct the finite element analysis in Abaqus to calculate their mechanical performance. This project aims at expanding the existing work into three auxetic families (re-entrant, chiral, and rotating rigid structures) and creating an auxetic metamaterial database for data-driven design and material properties prediction.

Tasks per student

1 The student needs to develop code for generating design variants for three auxetic families (re-entrant, chiral, and rotating rigid structures). 2 The student needs to create python scripts to apply corresponding periodic boundary conditions to different auxetic unit cells and save the result in the graph format. (task 1&2 have well-developed code for re-entrant hexagonal designs as examples) 3 The student needs to develop the man-machine interface to transfer the graph data into image and tubular formats to support machine learning works.


Deliverables per student

An auxetic metamaterial database includes the design and the mechanical performance and is stored in the form of graphs

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


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